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7 votes

How to install Parity on Ubuntu?

The Parity page has a one-line install command provided: bash <(curl -Lk) -r stable
Vignesh Karthikeyan's user avatar
6 votes

Homebrew parity install fails with 'no available formula'

Ethcore recently moved everything from ethcore to paritytech. To fix this, untap ethcore: brew untap ethcore/ethcore and switch to paritytech: brew tap paritytech/paritytech and continue as usual: ...
q9f's user avatar
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6 votes

How to install and test Viper programming language?

You need to install the latest pyethereum; I just uploaded it as pyethereum 1.3.7, or from the state_revamp branch. That should also automatically install the latest pyrlp, which has one compatibility ...
Vitalik Buterin's user avatar
6 votes

Is it safe to delete .ethash folder and its contents from system?

This file is part of the Ethereum mining computation and can be safely deleted from your machine. It is not part of the blockchain, but just a by-product of the blockchain. If you do ever want to run ...
BokkyPooBah's user avatar
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5 votes

Is it safe to delete .ethash folder and its contents from system?

Yes, you can delete that file. 1. What is .ethash Ethash is Ethereum‘s Proof of Work hashing algorithm. The algorithm is GPU memory intensive to discourage CPU mining and future development of ...
niksmac's user avatar
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5 votes

Disabling and removing parity?

Here is the uninstall script for Parity on Macs from #!/bin/bash if [[ "$SUDO_USER" == "" ]] ; then echo "This script ...
BokkyPooBah's user avatar
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5 votes

Can not install Ganache GUI on Ubuntu?

You'll need to mark the AppImage file as executable program before you can run it. Right click on the file and go to Properties option; Under the "Permissions" tab, check the "Allow ...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
4 votes

How to change Parity's TCP and UDP port to run an Ethereum node?

Have you tried the following parity cli options? --port PORT Override the port on which the node should listen --jsonrpc-port PORT Specify the port portion of the JSONRPC API server
lalanv's user avatar
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4 votes

'brownie' is not recognized as an internal or external command on Windows 10

I faced this problem today installing brownie on friend's machine. Problem: Was with Pipx paths used for installing/accessing brownie & python. For some reason, even uninstalling and re-installing ...
TS_101's user avatar
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3 votes

Geth Account Creation

Either you don't have geth installed or you are not in the folder where geth is installed. Follow these steps to install geth in windows : Installation instruction for Windows. Or follow simple ...
Prashant Prabhakar Singh's user avatar
3 votes

How to install geth on RPi 3B?

I was in the exact same situation and solved this by installing the geth binary directly. Find the latest arm7 geth binary here The link address is harder to track down, but it's https://gethstore....
Lucas Moore's user avatar
3 votes

Install Solc Compiler on Windows 8

One relatively easy solution is to install node.js and use the solc npm package. I used it myself when I initially started playing with ethereum contracts and it was a snap to set up. Here are the ...
nergall's user avatar
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3 votes

Can't install solc on Mac OS X

I wasn't familiar with NPM, so had some similar issues. Simply running npm install solc will attempt to install locally, which can present some permission and linking issues- this is likely the cause ...
emunsing's user avatar
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3 votes

Can not install Ganache GUI on Ubuntu?

Open terminal and type below commands, $ git clone $ cd ganache $ npm install $ npm start This get instruction in detail, you can get it from: https://...
Meet Siraja's user avatar
2 votes

How to build or install the haskell client EthereumH?

I see you've created an issue in the appropriate repo, and received no reply, so the project is likely not alive. hserver-eth seems to have a few more repositories on github: kejace with last commit ...
Noel Maersk's user avatar
2 votes

How to set alias for geth?

1 Set Alias Your aliases will not work with scripts. As scripts only have to be set up once, you could just encode the full path name of the executable. Otherwise, you can either: Create a soft ...
BokkyPooBah's user avatar
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2 votes

what is the d4e56740 folder?

you ve excuted an geth removedb which remove Geth's blockchain and state databases. and then you excuted geth --fast which enables fast syncing through state downloads instead downloading the full ...
Badr Bellaj's user avatar
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2 votes

What's this problem with installing parity?

Looks like a bug in one (or more) submodules - I've confirmed it myself on latest beta 1.3.8. You can work around by: Download your desired release from (...
Bogdan Toma's user avatar
2 votes

Installing ethereum node on Raspberry pi errors

Note : i think this issue was resolved in the updated geth version by removing the elliptic.P224 usage so you are using an old release. I think the Tuto you follow is not updated. I suggest you to ...
Badr Bellaj's user avatar
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2 votes

Fatal: Error starting protocol stack

You might have already installed and launched an geth instance before. It might as well be other services listen on the same port, though very unlikely. You can use the following command to kill the ...
Yuanfei Zhu's user avatar
2 votes

Installing geth on Raspberry Pi 3 - cannot allocate memory error

What tips are there for debugging/fixing? These suggestions aren't specific to Ethereum/Geth/etc., but they may be of use to someone seeing the same problem in future. The error was complaining ...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
2 votes

Cannot "npm install -g truffle-expect truffle-config web3"?

A recent beta.6 change to the postinstall script path for lerna fails on Windows. Until it's fixed you can npm install lerna then npm install [email protected].
David Hinson's user avatar
2 votes

Cannot "npm install -g truffle-expect truffle-config web3"?

Why don't you simply run npm install -g truffle to install truffle,, with TestRPC as your Ethereum client, you can install TestRPC using the command npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc It worked for me ...
Jamal N's user avatar
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2 votes

Switch solc compiler versions

You may be interested in the new truffle feature, the ability to specify your solidity compiler,
GrandFleet's user avatar
2 votes

web3.js installation problem

Try this: npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
cqx's user avatar
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1 vote

Do I need a Linux VPS to start interacting with smart contracts?

No, you do not need a VPS to host a web front-end for a dapp. Web3.js is needed as a static JavaScript file, and you can write your own JS code that checks on the client-side that the user has ...
Daniel Hume's user avatar
1 vote

Switched from the Ethereum Wallet's test network to main network and need to remove the previous data

The chain data are stored by default here: ~/Library/Ethereum You can delete the corresponding folder, the one matching the testnet. Concerning your ether, it is on blockchain. You just have to ...
Itération 122442's user avatar
1 vote

geth console returns command not found on Mac

My issue was that I didn't have /usr/local/bin included in my $PATH environment variable. The geth executable is located in this directory. So I edited my profile: (vi .bash_profile) and added it to ...
Jazzmine's user avatar
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1 vote

How to stop cpp-ethereum processes and remove cpp-ethereum and blockchain

How did you install cpp-ethereum? Did you use homebrew or did you compile it yourself? If you used homebrew then you would run brew remove cpp-ethereum Otherwise just remove the program from your ...
AKstat's user avatar
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1 vote

Unable to install geth 1.5.9 ubuntu

Using sudo apt-get install ethereum will pull the latest release from the official repository, which at the time of writing is version 1.6.0. If you want to get your hands on an older version, you ...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar

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