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What is exactly the MIX algorithm

Here's a basic Python implementation of what I think you're looking for, from the Ethash wiki. You'll need to grab the various constants from elsewhere on the page. def calc_dataset(full_size, cache):...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
1 vote

How do I connect to Remix in Mist or MetaMask?

You're waiting for the Remix team to add support. Currently they only support local nodes running, but marked the issue as "soon" on October 4th:
DanF's user avatar
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Does anyone use Mix anymore?

Mix is no more maintained as you mentioned, there is many other alternative to help you writing and compiling your contracts, the interesting alternative for beginners is Solidity Browser. other ...
Badr Bellaj's user avatar
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Error installing mix in LinuxMint Rosa 17.03

Mix is no longer supported. It was discontinued several months back and the TurboEthereum guide you refer to is probably a year out of date. Some alternatives are suggested at http://solidity....
Bob Summerwill's user avatar
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Seeing a contract created contract in Mix

The easiest way to accomplish this is to create a way for the creating contract to report what it's doing. I'll refer to the contracts as "factory" and "generated", where there is one "factory" with a ...
Rob Hitchens's user avatar
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web3.js and require.js - unexpected identifiyer issue

The error comes from the given path to web3.js. you are using src="../Desktop/Blockchain..... to resolve that put the script web3.js in the same folder that your page HTML 'page1.html" .
Badr Bellaj's user avatar
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