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8 votes

Cannot allocate big buffer - Not enough graphics memory?

to form an answer: @richard's comment in the previous is right, the DAG file's size is the source of your problem, your GPU needs to load it before start mining. Since mid-2016 it is no more possible ...
Badr Bellaj's user avatar
  • 18.8k
5 votes

Cannot allocate big buffer - Not enough graphics memory?

Check you PAGE file size - it should be more than 16000 MBs. Keep minimum 16000 MBs and maximum 20000 MBs. A majority of the miners rely on virtual mem to keep the process quick and it requires a good ...
gordeight's user avatar
1 vote

Errors running claymore on linux

Adding "-mport 0" to the effected miner as an option in the file worked for me.
Isaac Paulsen's user avatar
1 vote

GTX 950 cards seems to not be supported during mining?

cannot allocate big buffer for DAG. Your card is likely not to have enough memory for the DAG see this post. And more explanation about DAG concerns.
jerome de tychey's user avatar
1 vote

Claymore miner 15.0 crashes on Ubuntu 20.04. Used to work on Ubuntu 16.04 and Claymore 14.7

From what i know latest driver won't work with claymore (and other miners). You need to revert to the 18.04 ones. Here how it worked for me on Ubuntu 20.04 with RX580 8GB (same setup as you) make sure ...
Louis Loudog Trottier's user avatar
1 vote

When do you get eth when mining eth?

Basically Claymore's eth miner need to be connected to a mining pool to get rewards base on the work your miner is doing. You will get Eth when you reach the minimal payment threshold of the pool, I ...
M. Riggi's user avatar
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How to overclock 8 * NVIDIA 1080 8 GB GPU with Claymore on ethOS or Windows 10?

Alternatively, I successfully overclocked the Asus Nvidia 1080 8 GB GPUs on a (Windows 10 * msi Afterburner) * (Claymore + nanopool) by achieving a hash-rate >= 191.Mh/s with the below params detailed ...
alexanderjsingleton's user avatar
1 vote

How to overclock 8 * NVIDIA 1080 8 GB GPU with Claymore on ethOS or Windows 10?

Ok, folks- after subjecting my self to almost seven solid-hours of hacking around the BIOs and reinstalling Windows, I finally decided to switch gears into ethOS on another build configured with 8 * ...
alexanderjsingleton's user avatar
1 vote

Where does ethminer mining reward go ? No option to provide wallet address

ethminer has the --farm option which allows you to set where your miner fetches work from. If you're solo mining (the default option works for that), then you configure the address from your Ethereum ...
lungj's user avatar
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1 vote

Strange noise while dual mining - Claymore

You are experiencing Coil whine. Totally normal for a gpu to create the noise depending on the load and power of the gpu
Aaron Slippery's user avatar
1 vote

Will SLI/Crossfire bypass VRAM limitations?

Practically speaking, no. As I understand it, SLI and Crossfire implementations were designed to mirror memory contents (think textures or 3d models) such that each GPU could access the same contents ...
notlesh's user avatar
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1 vote

Issues with Claymore cannot build OpenCL for GPU 0

Make sure you have the AMDPRO driver installed from Test your driver version by executing dpkg -l amdgpu-...
NDB's user avatar
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1 vote

Issues with Claymore cannot build OpenCL for GPU 0

I had same issue, it worked when I deleted these ones : export GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR=0 export GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE=100 export GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS=1 export GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT=100 export ...
mustafa halil yıldız's user avatar
1 vote

How to identify the bad PCI riser

Very easy. Feel the tops of the cards after a few mins of mining. The dead one will be cold. Or go into your system and check the temps of each card. The one grossly cooler is the one
Newfeebullet's user avatar

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