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Accidentally sent ETC to an ETH address [duplicate]

I incorrectly sent some ETC from my bter account to an ETH address on Poloniex.
ethnoob101's user avatar
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Why is Vitalik Buterin considered the brains of Ethereum even though his Github contributions to the project are negligible? [closed]

As of now Vitalik is the #34 contributor to the main project: Even in the first year, of commits he is still ranked 23rd: https://github....
Darthtrader's user avatar
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Where does ethminer mining reward go ? No option to provide wallet address

I did a count on this forum, and seems like most people there mine with ethminer. I've always been using claymore miner which has the -ewal option to provide my ether address, but there's no ...
Nhu Thai Sanh Nguyen's user avatar
3 votes
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How many Consensus algorithm does ethereum involve?

I know POW is the Consensus algorithm of ethereum now, and it will be changed to POS. But does ethereum has other Consensus algorithm besides POW and POS? I heard from a man there are other Consensus ...
jiebang's user avatar
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Stats API Temporarily Down

I deployed ethereum pool, i can connect and send valid share to pool but always the page show Stats API Temporarily Down my config.json { "threads": 2, "coin": "eth", "name":...
Lusito's user avatar
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Transfering ETH from Coinbase to Parity, but it does not show up on Parity user

I tried to transfer 2 eth from a coinbase account to a Parity user (Not wallet). It does not show up on Parity after 5 hours of waiting. In Coinbase, it says that the transaction is complete, and on ...
Mattis Stene-Johansen's user avatar
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Getting errors when sending ETH to a contract on testnet

I am trying to send ETH to a contract I have just created and I am getting errors pragma solidity ^0.4.6; contract Owned { modifier only_owner { if (msg.sender != owner) return; _; } ...
rissicay's user avatar
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I sent My ETC to my ETH address

I've sent a mistake ETC from ETH address from poloniex. How do i do now. This is my transaction (this is a fresh address)
Luan Nguyen's user avatar
4 votes
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Will miners still make Ether after POS?

So, I am new to the entire crypto currency idea although, I am a software developer and I have been planning for years to create a CRM that is fully autonomous and exceptionally secure. Ether's code ...
Emiliano's user avatar
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Is 1080Ti good for mining ETH? [closed]

Hi guys I am thinking of buying some serious rig for mining. Since AMD GPUs are out of stocks, I am thinking to buy 1080Ti. The problem is that I can't find any comparison of hashrate for this card ...
daniel's user avatar
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I accidentally sent some ETC to an ETH wallet

I accidentally sent some ETC to an ETH wallet. The transaction was completed, Poloniex told me that they can't do anything. The coins never got to my wallet but went to the ETC blockchain, ...
user11991's user avatar
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Lost coins of the Ethereum?

Please help me to understand the situation: I sent coins using an Ethereum transaction 0x0ae4b10100ddd1da0a22e6130903294dad57aa763a0a74580660904edc4512b2 Coins from the balance were written off ...
Yaroslav Cryptoman's user avatar
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Mining on HD6950 - Getting DAG error

since I just upgraded my rig I got my old GPU laying around doing nothing, so I thought I might start to mine with it. Its an XFX HD 6950 with 2GB of RAM. Im running the following config: Biostar ...
Lukazy's user avatar
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Customize minimum payout on ethermine

On the homepage of eterhmine it says that one of their features is "Customizable minimum payment threshold (Standard: 1 Ether, Minimum: 0.05 Ether, Maximum: 10 Ether)" and yet everything else I'm ...
drjrm3's user avatar
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How to get private key in cpp-ethereum?

I can only find instructions for geth, but cannot find anything about doing it using eth which is part of cpp-ethereum.
NewTwoEth's user avatar
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The Solc Compiler on OSX - Hello World

I'm trying to do the hello world app seen here It says I should be able to do eth.getCompilers() The first you can get by using a ...
user3795309's user avatar
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How would you install the Ethminer without sudo access?

I am trying to get Genoil's Ethminer installed on a machine without sudo access. The Github instructions require some packages to be installed. sudo apt-get install git cmake libcryptopp-dev ...
Sam's user avatar
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Install Genoil failed [closed]

Trying to install Genoil on ubuntu16 as following with GPU Since cuda and ethminer have successfully installed before, I just start from: sudo apt-get install ...
jack's user avatar
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Parity Signer: Pending

I am trying to use the send on a certain block feature with parity wallet. I am on windows 7 and installed parity and successfully have it running in the background with the --warp option (I can see ...
patreefer's user avatar
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eth :: -F and --farm always produce Invalid argument: when attempting to pool mine

How can I launch a pool mining session using the most recent cpp-ethereum? According to the ./eth --help, -F or --farm parameters are needed, but they are not recognized when used! I have a recent ...
Oxymoron's user avatar
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How to implement role-based access control to user's private data?

We have this application scenario and try to see if Ethereum, or blockchain in general, is a good solution for this. The basic idea is the user controls a small amount of private sensitive data (e.g....
user10375's user avatar
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Ethereum Solo Mining - Adding additional miners to the rig

I am new to mining and have setup my test mining setup in EC2. I know that this is not profitable but doing to understand how this works. I have 2 EC2 instances where in the first instance, I am ...
Digger87's user avatar
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How to stop cpp-ethereum processes and remove cpp-ethereum and blockchain

Mac OS X, using command line: How do I stop cpp-ethereum? I installed it last night, and it's been running my processor at 100% ever since. I kill the processes ($ kill < PID >) and it just starts ...
earlyhumans's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I retrieve ETH that was sent to my MetaMask wallet from coinbase and my Exodus wallet but were never deposited? [closed]

I sent ETH from my coinbase and exodus wallets to my metamask wallet but the coins were not deposited. How can I trace and retrieve the coins?
Mary Stepney's user avatar
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How does block beneficiary work? What's the point?

From Gavin Wood's yellow paper: In general, Ether used to purchase gas that is not refunded is delivered to the beneficiary address, the address of an account typically under the control of ...
user10375's user avatar
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Brand new miner on Windows 10, with 1060 GTX 6gb

I am a brand new miner, pretty much know nothing about programming (some C++ classes in school). Was using guide to get going, but ethminer.exe keeps crashing at the grabbing DAG ...
christian's user avatar
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Why write an EVM in bytecode, and not in something like Python or Go?

I know that Ethereum runs in virtual byte code and there's a javascript-like wrapper language called Solidity. This question is about why the developers chose this approach? What makes it infeasible ...
nick carraway's user avatar
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Since Ethereum is ASIC resistant, what happens when the GPU mining return is less than electricity bill?

If mining return is less than electricity bill, no miners would like to provide their hash power to support the system, what happens to the system then?
j0e1in's user avatar
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How to modify the gasLimit of the private block chain on the console

as the title,How to modify the "gasLimit" of the private block chain on the console?
mike's user avatar
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Is it possible to tell whether an address is mist, mew or parity?

How can I tell if an address is from Mist, MyEthereumWallet or Parity? Is there anyway to know? Are they encoded differently?
fluter's user avatar
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Ubuntu 14.04 building from source problem with CMake & Cuda K80

So I'm trying to get the K80 to work on Ubuntu 14.04 with Cuda instead of the OpenCL buy using miner. I have followed the instructions for Ubuntu 14.04 and Cuda, ...
Definity's user avatar
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How can one apply and work for the Ethereum Foundation?

I would like to know how one can apply and work for the Ethereum Foundation as a software developer. I tried to look online but could not find the answer.
anon's user avatar
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Possibly corrupted DAG file

I've started mining on Ubuntu 16.04 using AMD-GPU PRO driver and this miner: Video card is a RX480 with 8GB stock. I'm getting a lot of bad shares, like 10%...
ethminer's user avatar
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Can we mine BTC on Ethereum Platform?

I am wondering if it is possible to write Solidity code to Mine Bitcoins on Ethereum's distributed computing platform?
vs4vijay's user avatar
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How to set eth (not geth) data directory?

I could find solutions for geth to set the data directory geth --datadir = ./chaindata What is the eth alternative for the same? Does it make a difference in using geth or eth client? and how to ...
Jibin Mathew's user avatar
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Read Write restrictions in private blockchain [duplicate]

How to create admin node in private blockchain? How to give read write permission in private blockchain?
Anurag's user avatar
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What is a sealer and what is the difference between Ethhash, NoProof and BasicAuthority sealers?

Default sealer in cpp-ethereum is NoProof: But I don't understand what is ...
NewTwoEth's user avatar
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C++ library for Ethereum client documentation

I am looking for documentation for C++ Eth client. So it will be really helpful if you could share few useful links to understand how Eth client command works.
Susmit's user avatar
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When I try to mine ethereum I get JSON-RPC error

I am new at ethereum mining and I am trying to solo mine. I already installed geth and now I am trying to mine. When I go to ethereum software folder and type ethminer -G, it gives me the following ...
user avatar
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Can't see GPU when starting with rc.local (Linux)

I'm mining ethereum on my Linux Mint mining rig with the claymore miner. I can manually launch my miner with the command line but if I try to start the miner with /etc/init.d/rc.local then I get the ...
Lew Ashby 85's user avatar
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Convert Eth Key to Geth Key

I have some eth keys that I would like to convert to geth keys. There was a previous post about this, however the solution provided was to use ethkey, but this tool has now been deprecated. Any help ...
user2149890's user avatar
-1 votes
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Stolen ETH on [closed]

I have problem with stolen 205 ETH from Story , in short: My first login and creating account/wallet, was on Jan 7 2017, when i deposited 205 eth. ETHs was transferred from my ...
bojan pavkovic's user avatar
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what arguments does the sendTransaction function take?

I have set up my private blockchain using geth and am using web3 to call different methods. I have successfully created new accounts from the web browser and can view all addresses and the balances. ...
user6152's user avatar
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How can i confirm transaction in geth from other peer of blockchain?

I have a query , I have create a private blockchain in which one geth node1 is use for transaction taking and other one(node2) is for mining .They are peered with each other and perfectly ...
Himanshu sharma's user avatar
-1 votes
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Money and ETH upside and downside against hard assets while in the developing stage [closed]

Ethereum: has or will Ethereum back up its software with a hard asset in the future? only if the unthinkable happens!
Silver Speed's user avatar
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How to unlock account in ethereum where Transaction are too higher? [duplicate]

While working on the ethereum , I come out with the issue of out of memory because of multiple transaction execution concurrently . The main reason was , i was unlocking account of that user every ...
Himanshu sharma's user avatar
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ethminer not picking up Radeon R9 RX 480

I hope someone can help. My system has 3 GPUs, one that sits on the motherboard and two RX 480s that I added for mining purposes. I've installed the latest AMD drivers (Version Crimson-16.7.1) to ...
Varlic's user avatar
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How to change the compiler the mix-ide uses?

I have build the mix-ide from source, is there a way to change the solidity compiler it uses? I have tried to simply replace the solidity folder in the webumbrella directory with a new version but ...
uzeidler's user avatar
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Unable to launch ethconsole with eth (cpp-ethereum) (Ubuntu 14.04)

I successfully launched a node. Everything works fine, even GPU mining. Except I'm unable to connect with ethconsole, as I get an error message : $ethconsole Connecting to node at /home/user/....
FabioB's user avatar
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Is there a way to "clean up" the ethminer installation (ethminer after crashes)?

I'm NOT running Geth or any other wallet on the miners. I have dedicated systems for mining running Ubuntu 15.04, 64 bit desktop with ethminer compiled from cpp-ethereum. Motherboards/Processors range ...
whiterockmining's user avatar

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