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How Should I Fully Remove The LP

My project is fail few months ago, and i removed the LP today, and i found there is some earned LP is not withdrawable. Can somebody guide me how to fully withdraw it?
Asking For Help's user avatar
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The definition and Implementation of the Keccak256() function

So I don't know if this is a silly/obvious question or not but after many hours I turn to the community for help. So for the past few days I've been writing my own C++ code to take an input public key ...
Daemin's user avatar
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How can I add Rinkeby in Metamask?

I have a problem: I can't add Rinkeby Test Network in Metamask. First, I tried to add it from settings -> show test networks(on) and it doesn't work. Then I tried to add it manually and I created ...
Craig Reid's user avatar
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Transactions not being mined on Quorum QBFT Chain

I am deploying the smart contract on Quorum QBFT Chain using Nethereum with running 5 Nodes,but transaction being not mined yet stucking in mining. Please check and help me on it ... I am adding my ...
Abhijit Birajdar's user avatar
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ETH wallet issues

I use Coinomi wallet and everything was ok untill I tried to add my wallet to another system like MEW and Metamask I use same recovery phrase but I end up with different account with no money there. ...
Kirik's user avatar
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Mining pool rewards erc-20 smarts contract [duplicate]

I was contacted from a girl of Singapore,she told me to join the website,with 1k of buying USDT erc-20,every day I withdraw 30 dollar,but today I accept this partecipation for the claim the ...
Rey's user avatar
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-32000 Execution Reverted - Simple AAVE Price Oracle request

I'm currently in the early stages of learning solidity and diving into the blockchain world; I do have prior programming experience. I'm currently stumped on something that seems rather trivial, but ...
user114847's user avatar
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Ethereum wallet recovery

I was trying to sign into my old wallet inherited using Keystore JSON and password and I am getting the error "private key do not satisfy curve" Please help me out
drey 's user avatar
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Invalid Opcode Error SHR [duplicate]

call to UniswapV2Factory.INIT_CODE_HASH call to UniswapV2Factory.INIT_CODE_HASH errored: Internal JSON-RPC error. "code": -32000, "message": "invalid opcode: SHR" I'...
Gask's user avatar
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2 answers

I have a problem in my Smart Contract in Withdraw Function

function withdraw () public OnlyOwner { for (uint i = 0 ; i<= funders.length ; i++) { address funder = funders[i]; addresstoFund[funder] = 0 ; } funders =...
YASH BONDE's user avatar
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Hey! My USDT was withdrawn from my Trust Wallet without my authorizing it. I did a test on Wallet, same thing my USDT was withdrawn [closed]

Looks like another contract has appeared. Transaction Hash:
Danilo Lima's user avatar
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Did I get scammed? Created solidity smart contract and can't withdraw [duplicate]

Hoping this isn't the case but I created a smart contract based on a youtube video, I know feel like a moron, and glanced at the code and it seemed legit. I own the smart contract, but I can't ...
ddub512's user avatar
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how tornado cash commitment is safe?

When you deposit funds to tornado cash, you get a secret which is called "commitment". When you withdraw funds, you pass this secret, zk-Stark algorithm can detect which deposit belongs to ...
Yilmaz's user avatar
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How do I clear out all the saved entries in mapping?

How do I clear out all the saved entries in mapping after the data is no longer useful
OPP's user avatar
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How can I send signed transaction that calls a contract method and also sends some eth with it?

Looking for a way I can send a signed transaction using web3 which will transfer some tokens tha the user grants along with some eth that he decides to donate. I have a tx object like this: var baller ...
user avatar
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Somebody wan to to send me eth tokens and asked me to send him fee first .. is this the normal way to do it?

Somebody wants to send me eth tokens and asked me to send him fees first .. is this the normal way to do it?
1 vote
3 answers

Bundle of Transactions

I have been studying some articles about MEVs on the Ethereum network and met FlashBots which provides security for MEV Bots That is a bundle propagation service which receives bundles from searchers ...
Kraune Texas's user avatar
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Do you need Ethereum specific-software to mine ether?

My question relates to the current Ethereum proof-of-work chain. I am just wondering if one needs specialized Ethereum software to mine ether. Or maybe you can just connect to a pool that runs the ...
StatsScared's user avatar
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Is there any way to transfer ETH in a contract function just like transferFrom for ERC20 tokens?

I know that you can request an authorization and the transfer of ERC20 tokens from a contract user to another address with approval() and transferFrom(). But it here any equivalent to do the same for ...
Sebastien VAX's user avatar
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geth error exceeds block gas limit"

im running a local geth node to increase transactions speeds for nfts minting however during a nft mint that had a contract set Gas limit to 250k there was gas wars and eth gwei went up to 500 gwei ...
user104887's user avatar
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New testnet and what to know after Eth merge and existing test nets deprecation

I am just starting to learn solidity in depth and with Eth merge coming, Rinkeby and few other test nets will be depracated. I tried to get some test Eth with Rinkeby and Sepolia but constantly fail ...
SideChain Labs's user avatar
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Measure gas left in block in solidity

There is a gasleft() to check how much gas left for my smart contract execution in solidity. But how is it possible to check how much gas left in block? I am having quite a big solidity function, and ...
Andy D's user avatar
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How to set variable of contract from another contract constructor? Solidity [duplicate]

I have a contract // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^ 0.8.15; contract MomContract { bool public failed =false; constructor(){ new Son(address(this)); } ...
Andy D's user avatar
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im working on getting a connect wallet button functioning but i keep getting an error

import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; import Head from "next/head"; import {providers} from "ethers"; import styles from "../styles/Home.module.css&...
Christopher Onuorah's user avatar
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Putting consolidated events data on Blockchain

Our Dapp emits several events related to user activity on the platform. This activity is very crucial to access some of the premium features of the Dapp i.e your activity score will determine whether ...
GraphicalDot's user avatar
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what does's "hr2" and "rhr" numbers mean?'s JSON stats returns stuff like { "workers": { "Rig1Name": { "lastBeat": 1652915927, "hr": 29087609, &...
hanshenrik's user avatar
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How to use Web3 with C++?

So this is less of a question about how to use web3 for C++ but rather where to start learning how to use and install Libraries for C++! Related: How to interact with contracts in C++ application? In ...
Chunky Panda's user avatar
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Which ways do I have to get ethereum node?

I want to know which ways I could get ethereum node besides setting up one on my own server. I need node in order for my application to work with ethereum blockchain.
Zeus's user avatar
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Truffle - Solidity Mapping unable to access via JS

Good day, I am currently new in Solidity development, hope you can help me with this one. I have this contract that states: contract Shop { struct Item { string name; string description; ...
thegreatduke's user avatar
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Why does ASIC-resistance in PoW decrease miner concentration

I seem to read this argument all the time - for example here or here - that GPUs are more general interest, so consumers are more likely to have them, and so, because there's one less filter ...
shaha's user avatar
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Please tell me about the solid parameter byte []. After abigen compilation, the parameter in golang becomes [] [] byte. How should I construct this?

Please tell me about the solid parameter byte []. After abigen compilation, the parameter in golang becomes [] [] byte. How should I construct this? // Multicall0 is a paid mutator transaction binding ...
k z's user avatar
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buildTransaction for swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens

I'm a beginner with Web3 programming. Trying to understand how all it all works. Managed to get some nodejs code working for buying tokens but when trying to create a script that sells tokens I get an ...
Marcus's user avatar
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invest in ETH using the POS - what am i missing?

I'm wondering if i can invest in ETH using the POS system. I have the following idea: Get a computer (regular one no special GPU) to be up 24\7 Connect to a staking pool like RocketPool or similar ...
Mortalus's user avatar
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Transaction HexBytes('0x5b167dc993642d75287b01d906cdaf287efd3ee726fyg65fyihihiihy687guiyguygtf5uuttytfytfytd') is not in the chain, after 120 seconds

import json from web3 import Web3 In the video, we forget to install_solc from solcx import compile_standard from solcx import compile_standard, install_solc import os from dotenv import load_dotenv ...
Abed ja'fari's user avatar
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Why I can't push items into this array?

it's very tricky, when in the truffle , I call f(),it can't push an item into addressArray.(console.log(addressArray[0]) always unidifined)) but when I use Remix, it worked. pragma solidity ^0.6.6; ...
JESSE Bin's user avatar
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Is the smart contract receiving funds or is it the address?

//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.6.12; contract ExceptionExample { mapping(address => uint) public balanceReceived; function receiveMoney() public payable { ...
Javeed's user avatar
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How do I have the Eth in one contract pay for the gas costs for operations in another contract?

I've got a semi-newb question about paying for gas to make an operation happen in Solidity. Can someone tell me whether something like this would worK? And if it can be done, if someone could point me ...
chrisb's user avatar
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Function not working on Truffle, but works on Remix

I have a contract that does the following: It maintains a list of items, which stores the name, id, sold status etc. I have a function, createItem, which creates these items and requires the name of ...
cruise_lab's user avatar
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connecting custom FPGA to a pool

I have created an FPGA with a C function wrapper that accepts the Ethereum header and difficulty and returns the calculated hash value. I want to connect this FPGA to one of the Ethereum mining pools, ...
llgg's user avatar
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Web3.js but for C++ [duplicate]

Does anyone know a library for interacting with Ethereum smart contracts through C++? Just like there's web3 for JavaScript. If not, any guidance on how I can interact with Ethereum smart contracts ...
Lalit Tanna's user avatar
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Website that sends eth to a specified adress

I'm trying to make a button on my website which allows people to send Ethereum to a specified address. Once clicked, it should for example pop up a MetaMask window where the user can enter the amount ...
Hellkater's user avatar
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How to use web3 to send ETH from wallet A to wallet B through an intermediary Smart Contract?

I want to send eth from 1 wallet address A to wallet B address but through an intermediary Smart contract, what should I do? I don't know how to solve that problem yet. EX:
Review ICO ANHZAIBRO's user avatar
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cant go make a local host account

i had a local host 8545 account and accidentally deleted it but i have no idea how to get it back. and it just keeps saying Could not fetch chain ID. Is your RPC URL correct? and im just on a pc
big dumb guy's user avatar
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I get an error whenever I try to deploy on BSC testnet. It only works on the ETH mainnet. The source I am using is on BSC

I cant deploy this source code myself on BSC even though the creator can, I can only deploy it onto the ETH testnet, not BSC. Here is the original contract:
LeaningCatTree's user avatar
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Send transaction with Brownie without confirmation wait

Is there is a way in Brownie to send a transaction without waiting for confirmation, like an async way?
Vitaly's user avatar
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How to send BNB (or other networks) with web3 on a dapp?

So, I tried the many examples found around but I never manage to get it working. I have this snippet: async function pay(cost) { code = 0 message = "Please approve the tx" ...
Wyatt Gillette's user avatar
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Create a MAX SUPPLY to Mint ERC20

I want to create an ERC20 on Solidity. I want 1000 TOKENS of MAX SUPPLY (Like the 21m of bitcoin). PERSON A: Mint to his wallet 700 Tokens. (Thats okey) Only 300 Tokens are available. PERSON B: Mint ...
Fr4nc0's user avatar
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How I send tether token on metamask?

I have 1053 USDT and 0.0028 ETH in my metamask wallet. I want to send 1000 USDT to other address but I faced "Insufficient funds." for ETH. So, I think I can swap 53 USDT to ETH. But faced ...
James Huang's user avatar
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Forgot password of eth keystore v3 mist wallet keystore!

I have my ethereum keystore v3 , it is mist keystore file , but it also may login from myetherwallet site,I forgot password to it,I tried lexansoft,but all alphabet so long to try,I will write my hash ...
Artur Bikbov's user avatar
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Why don't we have an EVM integration library written in C++?

We have web3.js for JavaScript, web3j for Java and NEthereum for Unity/.NET. I want to develop with Unreal Engine (C++) a game that runs on Polygon, but there's no integration library in C++. Should I ...
monkjuice's user avatar

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