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5 votes
2 answers

Why does a mining reward exist?

I understand that there needs to be an incentive for the nodes to be keeping the blockchain up and running by validating blocks, and mining rewards is that incentive. I fail to understand why does ...
Madhavan Malolan's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Problem In Getting Rinkeby Test Ethers

I tried to get rinkeby ethers from by creating a tweet but the website shows "insufficient funds for gas * price + value” error. I also tried the website faucets....
Aman Gupta's user avatar
4 votes
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Generate Ethereum address from a private key

My question was first asked on stackoverflow but due lack of privileges I couldn't move it here directly. I am trying to generate an Ethereum address based on a given private key following this "How ...
H Aßdøµ's user avatar
4 votes
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Will not a PoS implementation converge in a much less wealth equally distributed system?

With the current trends of prices in crypto and the long term vision supported by the community (HODL!), the implementation of Proof of Stake could eventually derive in big ETH stakeholders getting ...
Monty's user avatar
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Events not being detected in Nethereum

I have a function in one contract that looks like this: //Events event RequestReceived(bytes s); event WorldCreated(bytes32 indexed worldName, address indexed sender, address result ); ...
Baaleos's user avatar
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4 answers

Ethereum Wallet on Testnet to mine

I have installed the ethereum wallet on widows. But my account ether balance is 0.00 ether. Then I started mining from developer network(Test only). But it shows nothing, I could not get any ether ...
Thomson Ignesious's user avatar
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How to encode data payload in ETH transaction

I'm using python to sign and send ETH transactions, and would like to do the same for ERC-20 token transactions as well. I'm having trouble correctly encoding the data payload to invoke the transfer ...
Achia's user avatar
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web3 api in eth

Since, I am not able to use the go client in the multi node mode due to a bug (Multi node private local ethereum and send transaction), I tried to use the c++ client eth. Tried using the go client ...
S.Bhaskar's user avatar
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Is there a way to "clean up" the ethminer installation (ethminer after crashes)?

I'm NOT running Geth or any other wallet on the miners. I have dedicated systems for mining running Ubuntu 15.04, 64 bit desktop with ethminer compiled from cpp-ethereum. Motherboards/Processors range ...
whiterockmining's user avatar
3 votes
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No contract deployed with the name

This section is my scripts section.. I am running in this error since 1 day I have searched a lot but couldn't find satisfactory answer.. well I am running in total two errors. But for now only this ...
Yana Gupta's user avatar
3 votes
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Query Transactions between date ranges with Infura

I need to query ERC20 and ETH transactions by a date range and not simply get a paginated batch at a time. How can I do this?
Brendon Rofe's user avatar
3 votes
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Testing VrfCoordinatorV2Mock fulfillRandomWords gets stuck

I am testing a smart contract that uses Chainlink's VRF Oracle. Locally, I am using a mock to test with. In the unit test it never executes the fulfillRandomWords function that on my smart contract, ...
Anas Latique's user avatar
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Incompatible EIP155-based V 1 and chain id 1

It's my first question here so please don't be so strict. I have such a scenario: I start learning how blockchain works, downloaded truffle, ganache cli, created an account on infura and all that ...
AGJoYy's user avatar
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Getting Ethereum amount from Ethers.js Contract Transfer Event

I am working on building a simple Twitter bot to tweet out sales that occur on an NFT's Smart Contract ( by listening to the ...
Tyler Pashigian's user avatar
3 votes
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Eth 2.0. block rewards

I have found a few models presenting the issuance rate of ether and it becoming potentially deflationary. Yet, I can't seem to find any written explanations about how these are calculated. I am ...
ncsx's user avatar
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What reason? "Unhandled Rejection (Error): replacement fee too low "

I am going to swap two BSC tokens using etherjs. I sent approval for a transaction and then I sent a swap transaction. I am using a Pancakeswap v2 router. I had this error. Unhandled Rejection (Error):...
Alex Weber's user avatar
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How to concatenate an address to a string in solidity

I am trying to find the correct way to concatenate an Ethereum address to a string in Solidity v0.6.7 I tried the following but it did not seem to work : function append(string a, address b) ...
user avatar
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Is it possible to stake ETH and automatically send the rewards to another wallet?

I'm wondering if there is an established way for me to stake ETH from one address and have a different address earn the staking rewards?
newnew's user avatar
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Which Wallets Support Login With MetaMask Concept?

I'm building an exchange service where I have all users deposit ETH and ECR20 tokens to a single Ethereum address (In order to avoid complications of having to consolidate funds & paying extra gas ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Why ethers.js sign function not working?

I am using the ethers.js library, and am trying to code a transaction. Here is a snippet where I connect a wallet to a provider, connect to a contract I want to call a function in, and try to call the ...
Louis's user avatar
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2 answers

Error: "Transaction ran out of gas. Please provide more gas:

I'm facing a little issue here, that's the mintTo function from contract for NFT. Which I require the sender to send a value with >= 0.1 Ether: pragma solidity ^0.5.0; import "./TradeableERC721Token....
penguin's user avatar
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Generate addresses using xpub

I have a cold storage where I installed BTC-Electrum and LTC-Electrum wallets. So I have took extended master public keys and have generating addresses in my online service. Now I want to generate ...
Yur Gasparyan's user avatar
3 votes
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Retrieved hash chain is invalid

I get this error 4 times. about currentBlock: 4350000, highestBlock: 5656749 This real network, not test. The memory on my machine is not full, restart does not solve the problem logs May 22 09:...
User34's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Invalid address error

I keep getting Error: Invalid address when trying to run the application. My current setup of web3 using infura node is if (typeof web3 !== 'undefined') { web3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider); } ...
madsmosu's user avatar
3 votes
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Web3 - how to send transaction with some data and include Ether at the same time?

Using web3 0.20.3 I want to call function and send some Etherium at the same time. JavaScript Contract = web3.eth.contract(ABI); Instance ='0x162b74ea16da6ae9d7f7b349eaeab2fcadf4e835')...
Mars Robertson's user avatar
3 votes
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Truffle - Stub contract functions in Mocha

How do I stub out contract functions while testing in truffle in javascript. Normally in mocha I would import sinon and do a sinon.stub command. It doesnt seem that I can import npm modules into the ...
MichaelTaylor3D's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to generate ethereum address derived from xpub in PHP?

How to generate ethereum address derived from xpub in PHP? I am trying to generate ethereum address similar like below link does for bitcoin. I ...
Laxman's user avatar
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SSL Support for Communication Between Geth Nodes

We are using private Ethereum network for a multi entity use-case. The problem is that all these entities geth nodes sits behind a firewall which only allows TLS traffic. The node that's broadcasting ...
Narayan Prusty's user avatar
3 votes
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Issue won't allow this transaction (Smart contract)

•Windows 8 •Mist 0.8.9 •Tesnet When I publish my crowdsale smart contract and try to send ethers,i have this warning
user6776's user avatar
3 votes
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How can i confirm transaction in geth from other peer of blockchain?

I have a query , I have create a private blockchain in which one geth node1 is use for transaction taking and other one(node2) is for mining .They are peered with each other and perfectly ...
Himanshu sharma's user avatar
3 votes
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c++ ethereum could not open wallet

Created 3 accounts as follows: $ eth account new Couldn't open wallet. Does it exist? Enter a passphrase with which to secure this account: Please confirm the passphrase by entering it again: ...
S.Bhaskar's user avatar
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Issues Retrieving REP tokens

So I'm trying to retrieve my REP tokens, yet the JSON key backup that I pull out of my library/ethereum/keystore folder throws an error in the Javascript console saying "your key is not the proper ...
Sean's user avatar
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Mix Missing on OS X Mavericks

I'm trying to install Mix-IDE on OS X 10.9.5 (Mavericks), but failing. I tried using the binaries for Yosemite from the webthree-umbrella release page, but they crash on startup (pretty predictable). ...
pimple's user avatar
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Help with Withdrawal of ETH from TheDAO Withdrawal Contract

I obviously screwed up when attempting to convert TheDAO to ETH using the DAO withdrawal contract. I sent my DAO tokens to the withdrawal contract address
TrustN01's user avatar
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How can I install Ethereum on the Windows 10 Ubuntu Bash

Windows 10 new preview release includes the Ubuntu Bash. I would like to know if anybody has had some luck installing ethereum using the bash, and can provide details instructions. apt-get install ...
Juan Blanco's user avatar
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2 votes
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C code to sign a message compatible (such that can be verified) with Metamask, mycrypto, etc

I am on macOS and trying to put together the code to sign (and once I succeed to verify) a message with an Ethereum private key. So, the private key (just used to test, no funds there lol) is: ...
capodieci's user avatar
2 votes
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Impossible to get my bundle include even with 20 eth as priority fees

Bundle was not included in target block. Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I'm currently attempting to execute a SwapExactETHForTokens transaction on Uniswap V2 using EIP-1559. When I try ...
PandaKungFuu's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I solve TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getBalance')?

TL;DR I'm using ethers v6.7.0 const startingFundMeBalance = await fundMe.provider.getBalance( lines using provider.getBalance are creating the problem. const { deployments, ethers, ...
ch9xy's user avatar
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geth full node is too slwo.Only about 50 blocks can be synchronized per minute

geth full node is too slwo.Only about 50 blocks can be synchronized per minute However I use snap mode to sync very quickly. Unfortunately what I need receipts for all transactions. this is my server: ...
Mashaji's user avatar
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Safely and simply withdraw all the balance of ETH from a wallet

I'll have a large of wallets, potentially, from which I'll be needing to withdraw ETH, and tokens, from time to time to the central, admin wallet. By a script, once a week. Instead of having to ...
Kyell's user avatar
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How to send a 'write as proxy' transaction using the ABI for the implementation contract?

i am trying to call the function requestL2Transaction of the contract 0x32400084C286CF3E17e7B677ea9583e60a000324 The ABI is located at 0xc796a402e1b26ecd2cd38f23e05a2f904504ec89 But I am getting this ...
Jonghi's user avatar
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question about signature request

How can I create this signature? along with nonce,value,contract?
on13414's user avatar
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How metamask popup opens whenever something has to do with metamask provider?

I'm trying to build the similar wallet like metamask, I couldn't figure out how metamask popup opens whenever the code has to do something with metamask provider. Are they using any logic behind that?
Mohanraj G's user avatar
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invalid signer or provider (argument="signerOrProvider") from @web3-react/core

hello everyone I'm able to connect walletConnect with @web3-react/core but I don't know how to get the provider here's my code. import { InjectedConnector } from "@web3-react/injected-connector&...
Nabeel 's user avatar
2 votes
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what is the input for this get latest price function call

after deploying this contract on rinkeby it uses a bit of gas to get onto the network, when i use the call function the gas denomination leaves and there is another input that is not clear to me it is ...
user106416's user avatar
2 votes
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Measure gas left in block in solidity

There is a gasleft() to check how much gas left for my smart contract execution in solidity. But how is it possible to check how much gas left in block? I am having quite a big solidity function, and ...
Andy D's user avatar
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How are Meta Transactions executed with OpenSea Implementation?

I am developing a simple ERC721 contract for Polygon with this implementation of NativeMetaTransaction (used in OpenSea code examples)
Flavio Brassesco's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I get the Ethereum Object into my NextJS App?

this is my first post here. I have spent the requisite day+ on my own trying all I know with my limited abilities at present, but all to no avail. I come here seeking aid with the following issue then:...
BodiAugustus's user avatar
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Transfer an NFT token from Polygon to Ethereum - Solidity smart contract

I am new to blockchain development, NFT and Solidity and i need your help. I have fount this twit and this Polygon documentation Most of the assets are pre-existing on Ethereum chain. But new assets ...
Igor Tikhonov's user avatar
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How to Buy/Sell tokens using Uniswap V3 Multicall function?

I used to create programs to buy and sell tokens by interacting directly with Uniswap V2 router functions (SwapExactEthForTokens, and others). It was fairly simple because all I needed to do was to ...
Austin's user avatar
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