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2 answers

What gives ether it's intrinsic value? [duplicate]

Trying to understand how ethereum and blockchain work. I keep hearing that miners are needed to do the computations to unlock a block (don't know if that's the correct term). My question is this: ...
Matt Cashatt's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Add user details to smart Contract

What is the best way to store users data on smart contract? Suppose we have n number of users and we want to store each username and his other details, should we have to create a smart contract ...
Anubhav Gupta's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Which accounts contributed to The DAO's extraBalance account?

Anyone who bought DAOs in the last two weeks of The DAO crowdfunding phase paid more than 1 ether (ETH) per 100 The DAO tokens (DAO). The ETH amount in excess of 1 ETH per 100 DAOs was stored in The ...
BokkyPooBah's user avatar
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I sent My ETC to my ETH address

I've sent a mistake ETC from ETH address from poloniex. How do i do now. This is my transaction (this is a fresh address)
Luan Nguyen's user avatar
0 votes
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Trying to withdraw from contract - Fail with error 'WARNING: not enough ETH for profitable frontrunning. Need at least 1 ETH at present market ...' [duplicate]

Tried to use a standard front running bot but the thing is my eth is still on the contract so I don't think I've been scammed (yet) makes no sense since my eth is still sitting there. this is the code ...
Jason's user avatar
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42 votes
3 answers

Why is ether divisible to 18 decimal places?

1 ether is 10^18 wei, the smallest denomination. Why does ether have such a high degree of divisibility?
J-B's user avatar
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23 votes
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Gas price in ETH unit

I am wondering if there's a website that provides the price of the standard gas limit (21000 Gas, transaction cost for sending ETH) in ETH unit. I checked Ether.Fund site, but it provides the gas ...
suburhok's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

What prevents the market from assigning value to testnet ETH?

If enough people mine testnet ETH for testing purposes, difficulty will rise along with the cost of generating testnet coins. In some a circumstance why would the value of testnet coins not rise based ...
cowboy4life's user avatar
18 votes
5 answers

Is there any Ether mixer / tumbler available?

Quick checking around there are exactly two references to an Ether Mixer - this non functioning and here (r/ethereum) 24 days ago. Unless I am missing something how can I hide the source of an ETH ...
steganographic's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to send transactions to multiple recipients?

In other blockchain based platforms, it's possible to send transactions to multiple recipients. For instance, if I want to send 13 ETH to Alice and 7 ETH to Bob, Bitcoin has sendmany. Is it possible ...
q9f's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Where can I buy Ether?

Where are the best places to buy ether with the least resistance and lowest fees? Is there something like local bitcoin, but for ether?
high110's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

How to create a temporary account for testnet with funds?

I'm a newbie in using the ethereum wallet. After I completely installed and downloaded data for the testnet I create a new account but my new account has nothing (0.00 Eth). It lead to I can't do ...
phuong's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

API to gather list of top token holders

I working on a Ethereum project and I would like to gather a list of top X (20 for example) Ethereum accounts. This would behave similar to ( Is there an ...
Rstack's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Which Ethereum accounts have the most Ether?

Where can someone get a list of all the ethereum accounts and sort it by the # of ether they have?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

ICO crypto-currencies accepted during the sale: ETH, BTC, or even fiat?

ICO contracts are meant to accept Ether as payin for the tokens sold, for example or But there are a lot of ICOs running on Ethereum that accept ...
Juan Ignacio Pérez Sacristán's user avatar
9 votes
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How are Ether balances stored on the Ethereum blockchain

My understanding of Bitcoin is that balances are not stored but are instead calculated by summing all in and out transactions. Are Ether balances calculated in the same way or are they stored ...
matthew's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to use static-nodes.json / trusted-nodes.json to prevent connection loss on private network?

I have 2 nodes running on private network under the same network id connecting through sudo geth --identity "testpython runserver" --networkid 1100 --mine --nodiscover --rpc -...
Priyanka D L's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

What are digital tokens? How are various tokens generated on Ethereum?

I've heard in various talks, Ethereum can generate any token (besides ether), representing anything from bitcoin (through btc-relay), litecoin, dogecoin, digital assets, shares, ownership ...
high110's user avatar
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4 answers

How can a transaction fail?

Given that a transaction has A high enough gas limit for the transaction to succeed A high enough gas price for it to be mined No contract calls that throws Is there any way that transaction can ...
karianneberg's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Sent ether from wallet to bittrex, 12 hours later no balance on bittrex [closed]

So I made an account on bittrex and I created a hex address so I could transfer over my ether, I went into my wallet and sent 0.1 ether to bittrex, 12 hours later my bittrex account still shows a 0 ...
Toastslave's user avatar
7 votes
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How do you send Ether as a function to a contract using Remix?

New to Solidity... When deploying a contract on a private blockchain using Remix, I am unable to execute payable functions. When executing these functions, the following error message displays: gas ...
29A's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How to import a account from testnet?

I recently traded BTC for 1 Ether using The transaction was successful, but there is no record of Ether in my local account. Here is the tx reference. I fear that I have made a ...
masterofnone's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

What is the expected Ether issuance schedule after transition to PoS? [duplicate]

Is there anywhere I can read the latest Ether issuance schedule plan? I understand what it is now (5 eth / block plus uncle rewards), but what will it be after proof of stake? I've read conflicting ...
Matthew Light's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to install eth on debian? (symbol lookup error)

I installed from the ubuntu ppa and got this error. ➜ ~ eth eth: symbol lookup error: eth: undefined symbol: _ZN3dev3eth14EthashGPUMiner14s_numInstancesE What can I do / check? I'm on debian ...
euri10's user avatar
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5 votes
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How can I verify ownership to allow resale of NFTs?

I have discovered NFTs and ETH recently and would like to build a marketplace like opensea but allows resale of NFTs that are already minted on various block chains(ETH, FLOW). Starting with just ETH, ...
Eswar Rajesh Pinapala's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why Are Balances Not Displaying On An Imported Wallet in Mist? (It Does Appear on Etherscan) [duplicate]

I just got a new computer, installed Mist 0.8.8, synced the entire blockchain, then copy-pasted a UTC wallet file from my old computer into my new computer's %appdata%>keystore directory. The wallet ...
CBobRobison's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What’s the block reward for smart contract miners?

Maybe this is a basic question, but I can’t figure out what are the block rewards and/or transaction fees for miners of smart contracts . When talking about a cryptocurrency, the block rewards are new ...
moumous87's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Problem In Getting Rinkeby Test Ethers

I tried to get rinkeby ethers from by creating a tweet but the website shows "insufficient funds for gas * price + value” error. I also tried the website faucets....
Aman Gupta's user avatar
5 votes
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The ERC-20 Token Transfer might have Failed (ErrCode: unable to locate corresponding Transfer event log), check with sender is showing error: The ERC-20 Token Transfer might have Failed (ErrCode: unable to locate corresponding Transfer event log), check with sender. Transactions are successful but users are ...
Dar Dev's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How can a smart contract run when receiving ether directly, not through a function?

I have a smart contract with a payable bet() function. When someone sends 1 ether to the bet function, the contract is executed. I'd like the contract to run the same code when someone sends ether to ...
Anto's user avatar
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1 answer

Ethereum wallet address creation limit and ether storage limit/capacity per address

I am new to Ethereum. I would like to know How many addresses can you create in an Ethereum wallet (limit)? Meaning is it 1K, 10K or 100K addressees you can create in a Ethereum wallet What is the ...
jamesT's user avatar
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2 answers

What are the risks of using tokens that appear to have ERC20 standard?

Say someone sends some ERC20 (supposedly) tokens to my ETH address. I then use transfer() function to send these tokens to some other address. The question is - by using a "transfer" function do I ...
Mikhail's user avatar
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3 answers

accepting ether in a smart contract

I want to create a simple smart contract for registration of users to a competition where when users can pay to contract and 2 ethers will deduct from his account. But when I'm trying to do so on my ...
Hrishabh's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How do I sell ETH received as mining rewards?

This seems like a simple question but how would one go about selling one's mined Ether? I originally thought that I could just send my Ether on my local machine to a Coinbase Ethereum wallet and ...
robjob27's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Reinstalled MetaMask, account lost?

I had 3 accounts under my MetaMask Chrome extension. One of them had some small deposit. I have reinstalled the extension and used seed phrase to get access again. However, I can see only one account (...
Andy Victors's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is ether (ETH) stock in a particular company?

If I purchase an Ether for $257, have I purchased stock in a company or just some type of currency? I am all new to this and have no background in stocks or markets so dumb it down for me, please.
Jessica Maines's user avatar
3 votes
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Will homestead increase Ether's issuance rate?

This question is really simple, I was wondering if when homestead arrives Ether's issuance rate will increase as it was originally planed, because quoting Ethereum's blog post "Ethereum Launch Process"...
wacax's user avatar
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1 answer

cpp-ethereum build error

I have cloned the cpp-ethereum in Linux (centOS) from git as follows as suggested in cpp-ethereum-develop cmake error git clone cd cpp-ethereum git ...
userven's user avatar
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Recover ETH in a smart contract

I watched YouTube tutorial and deployed smart contract using solidity and remix. But while I deploying the contract in Binance ...
Noobie's user avatar
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I mistyped an address... Funds lost ?

So I recently mistyped an ether payment address 0x6bEE6FCB3213146Aa38928B91eebEC6527B716E2 as 0x6cEE6FCB3213146Aa38928B91eebEC6527B716E2 so I by mistake typed c instead of b. My eyesight is bad and ...
Mark's user avatar
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Is having 1 smart contract for an ICO good practice?

I wrote a smart contract which will be used in an ICO. The contract is an erc20 token but it also provides functionality to mint tokens so basically users can call the payable function. This in turn ...
seedg's user avatar
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How to sell ETH for USD or EUR?

What is the process to get Dollar or Euro from Ether to my bank account? The easiest is to sell ETH into BTC on Poloniex, then I transfer my BTC to Kraken and on Kraken I sell BTC into Euro and the ...
rethsid's user avatar
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What happens if i deploy a contract to an address that already has eth?

I know it is possible to calculate the contract address in solidity by using the create2 opcode. Let's say I transfer 1 ether to a random address. Then I deploy a contract with a payable transfer ...
miketsui3a's user avatar
2 votes
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Why immutable contracts [closed]

I'm a seasoned engineer, but quite new to blockchain technologies. I'm trying to grasp the "why" and the real "value" of immutable contracts. Never seen or heard of pieces of software being ...
ehanoc's user avatar
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2 votes
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Recovering private key from keystore file

Recently I came across my old keystore file from the original Ethereum Wallet that I used back in 2017. Unfortunately I cannot find the private key or password for that wallet anymore, big problem of ...
Swinks95's user avatar
1 vote
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How to make batch transaction in ethereum using

I want to make batch transaction in ethereum using the I found web3.createBatch() in Web3.js, but i can not find it on
Muhassin Babu's user avatar
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Automatic transfer of ETH

I have an Ethereum wallet address (the public key is known by other people). I periodically receive payment on this address (and cannot change it/receive to other address). I need: When I receive a ...
Amik 's user avatar
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cpp-ethereum-develop cmake error [duplicate]

I have downloaded "cpp-ethereum-develop" zip file from github and unzipped it. While executing "cmake eth" It gives the following error. Unknown CMake command "eth_simple_add_executable". CMake ...
userven's user avatar
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Ethereum sent to mistyped address

I sent etherium to a one letter wrong address I typed 6 instead of a b amongst those letters from my mining account. I would like to know what can I do to recover those etheriums?
G Bottle's user avatar
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Add value to ERC20 token

I have created an ERC20 token, but how does it get value? Right now, 100,000,000 BST tokens are worth 0 Ether. Can someone help me learn how to get the tokens to gain value?
Bitshopper's user avatar