If you knew you would want to set this up in advance, you could use a contract as the initial receiving address and give it a fallback function to automatically forward your ETH. Note that this has the downside that sending to such a contract would require the sender to supply more gas than they normally would while making a transfer, which may cause some payments to fail if they don't realise they should do this.
However, it sounds like your address is already decided and shared, and you've used a normal Externally Owned Account rather than a contract. You can do this with a script polling for changes to the balance of your address, and creating a new transaction to send them on each time a significant amount arrives. See @Zinxer's answer for practical suggestions for how you might implement this.
Unfortunately this will require that a continually-running internet-connected computer somewhere has access to the private key of the receiving address, which is not ideal from a security perpective as if someone were to hack that computer they could steal the private key and take both funds in the address at the time, and any funds sent to it subsequently.