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16 votes

What is an 'EOA' account?

Ethereum accounts are generally of two types- Externally Owned Accounts Managed by Human Account creation incurs no cost Can transfer Ether (ETH) to other accounts, but cannot create smart contracts ...
Srajan Gupta's user avatar
7 votes

How to prevent a replay attack between two competing chains?

A general solution is EIP 155 Simple replay attack protection. Starting with Geth 1.5.3 and Parity 1.4.4, they implement EIP 155 so that your ETH transactions should be safe from a replay attack on ...
eth's user avatar
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7 votes

What is an 'EOA' account?

I just published both technical and non-technical introductions to Ethereum accounts this week. An Ethereum account is a private-public keypair that can be mapped to an address on the blockchain. If ...
q9f's user avatar
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5 votes

Can I reuse a signed transaction generated offline by MyEtherWallet?

Each transaction requires a nonce (or sequence counter) value from your account. For each transaction you submit, the nonce is incremented. This is intentional to prevent replaying transactions. ...
dbryson's user avatar
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5 votes

What is a replay attack?

To avoid replay attack use EIP155 transaction types which are available since block 2675000. They incorporate chainID to the transaction signature. Make sure your wallet software is EIP155 enabled and ...
Nulik's user avatar
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4 votes

What replay attack protections does Ropsten provide?

Ropsten clients such as Geth and Parity use EIP 155 Simple replay attack protection to protect against Ropsten transactions being replayed on mainnet. Excerpt (EIP 155 has an actual example): v = ...
eth's user avatar
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4 votes

avoid replay attacks on signing on smart contracts

The signature only signs a specific message, so attackers can't use the same signature for a different message. There is a class of attacks called replay attacks which apply to resending the same ...
Edmund Edgar's user avatar
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3 votes

Deployment Failed : "Migrations" -- only replay-protected (EIP-155) transactions allowed over RPC

Here is what I did to solve my problem: Change dependency of hdwallet-provider from 1.0.17 to 1.4.0. Relace the following line in package.json: "truffle-hdwallet-provider": "1.0.17&...
us_david's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible and sensible to deploy a contract to the same address on Mainnet and Ropsten?

A rather weak argument against your suggestion is the following: The deployer would have to use the same private key in both test and main net. This could be considered a security risk, as private ...
ComandanteCheth's user avatar
3 votes

What is an 'EOA' account?

EOAs and Contract accounts are indistinguishable by looking at their addresses. Contract accounts are the only type of account with associated bytecode. Private keys are generated only for EOAs while ...
Etienne's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there any risk in receiving ETH in a pre-hard fork account having equal amounts of ETH and ETC?

There is no risk in receiving ETH to an account. The account will end up with a higher ETH balance than ETC balance. Spending from the account is where one needs to be very careful of replay attacks....
eth's user avatar
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2 votes

How to conditionally send ethers to another account post-hard-fork to protect yourself from replay attacks

If you use a new client, such as Geth 1.5.3, it implements EIP 155 Simple replay attack protection so that your ETH transactions should be safe from a replay attack on ETC. Using Geth 1.5.3 (or later)...
eth's user avatar
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2 votes

Please Help! ReplaySafeSplit contract not working after sending too much ETH

Transactions are given a number, called the nonce. The rule is that an account may only have transactions happen in order of the nonce. On the ETC chain, what's likely happened is that the too-high ...
Matthew Schmidt's user avatar
2 votes

Deployment Failed : "Migrations" -- only replay-protected (EIP-155) transactions allowed over RPC

I had this issue with truffle version 5.0.5, updating truffle to version 5.3.0 fixed the issue! npm install -g [email protected] --save
Jacob-Jan Mosselman's user avatar
2 votes

EIP 155 - Replay Attack and Backwards Compatibility on ETC chain

The replay attack allows any transaction signed in a way that is valid on both chains to be executed. So, for example, if you have an account with 10 eth in the Classic chain and 1 eth in the Ethereum ...
lungj's user avatar
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1 vote

How could a replay-protected transaction gotten replayed in Ropsten (pre/post London hard fork)

M H Swende (holiman) said: It's cross-chain replay protection, not cross-block or cross-fork-threshold or whatever. Reference:
Daniel Vogel's user avatar
1 vote

Why does nonce have to increment by one? Wouldn't it be sufficient to require unique nonces?

I believe that both of your reasons are correct. I'm not aware of other reasons, although I know some people find managing nonces frustrating. In the future it appears as if the use of nonces may ...
Steve Ellis's user avatar
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Are contracts deployed to the same address on different chains susceptible to replay or other attacks?

There is a mechanism to protect against replay attacks on different chains, it's the chainId param in EIP 155. Since you have to specify the chainId in your transaction params, the signed transaction ...
Foxxxey's user avatar
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How does NONCE prevent a replay attack in case of knowing NONCE value?

The transaction gets RLP encoded and gets signed. Transaction includes "r,s,v" keys. If the attacker changes the nonce in order, "r,s,v" values will be invalid, so attacker has to ...
Yilmaz's user avatar
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How does NONCE prevent a replay attack in case of knowing NONCE value?

The nonce is included in the transaction signature that is signed with the account owner private key. You need to know both the private key and the next nonce to make a new valid transaction.
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
1 vote

Possible replay attack when paying to smart contract

You might be underestimating the difficulty here: If an action runs out of gas, it may be re-added to the blockchain and run without running out of gas Transactions from the same account are ...
Rob Hitchens's user avatar
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1 vote

Constantinople fork replay protection

As far as I know there has been no major talk about anyone sustaining the pre-Constantinople fork after the fork block. Also there has been no replay protection AFAIK from pre to post Constantinople
natewelch_'s user avatar
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Is it still possible to replay a single transaction on ETC and ETH from a pre DAO-fork address?

If you use an older wallet that doesn't support EIP155, your transaction may be replayed across the two blockchains. Are you interested in this out of curiosity or do you actually want to send ETH and ...
lungj's user avatar
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1 vote

How to replay a transaction on classic?

Lets say we have this tx: Take same input raw data and resubmit it without changing chaindId: Lets take Raw ...
rstormsf's user avatar
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ETC/ETH split still safe after October 18 2016 hardfork?

I don't see how the code of that contract could have been affected by the hard fork. It should work in the same way as it did 1 week ago. About the tutorial, I would suggest you to use a more updated ...
AdrianClv's user avatar
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Is there any risk in receiving ETH in a pre-hard fork account having equal amounts of ETH and ETC?

TL;DR always use different address for ETH than you use for ETC. If you have an address that contains both ETH and ETC funds, generally that's bad, and you should avoid it. What happens is you ...
Ross Perkins's user avatar
1 vote

What happens when a transaction nonce is too high?

if you're using hardhat + metamask, and seeing this after restarting the node, try resetting your account on metamask: Settings > Advanced > Reset Account.
tomyhomie's user avatar
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What happens when a transaction nonce is too high?

What happens when a transaction nonce is too high? "too high" nonce transaction could be added into tx_pool and pass first stage validation, but it will be failed in second stage validation during ...
Shawn Guo's user avatar
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