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14 votes

send ethers from one contract to another

Send Ether to your contract (ethertransfer) from the external account (a term for user controlled accounts). To be able to make it, you need to have a payable function in your contract (which might be ...
Lukasz Zuchowski's user avatar
14 votes

About Abi Encoder V2

Solidity v0.4-v0.7 The standard ABI coder does not allow arrays of dynamic types, structs or nested variables between the Solidity contract and the dApp. The ABI v2 coder; which allows structs, ...
Mahesh Rajput's user avatar
11 votes

Does ETH and ETC uses the same network ID?

ETC has the same network_id = 1 as ETH (see this question for the list of known network ids). As ETH and ETC nodes use the same wire protocol they can connect to each other and send blocks and ...
max taldykin's user avatar
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9 votes

send ethers from one contract to another

Simplest approach is a payable function, then send it funds from a regular account. contract ethertransfer{ function payMe() payable returns(bool success) { return true; } ...
Rob Hitchens's user avatar
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9 votes

About Abi Encoder V2

From the Solidity v0.8.0 Breaking Changes documentation: ABI coder v2 is activated by default. So it is not experimental anymore, but a standard feature since Solidity v0.8.0.
Paul Verest's user avatar
8 votes

What's the formula to calculate the mining profitability for ETC?

Here is rough formula: <probability to mine next block> = <your hash rate> / <total hash rate> <blocks in month> = <seconds in month> / <avg block time> <blocks ...
max taldykin's user avatar
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7 votes

How to configure parity to work with the ETC chain?

it is indicated in the doc that Parity supports ETC through the CLI argument --chain classic.
Badr Bellaj's user avatar
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7 votes

How to prevent a replay attack between two competing chains?

A general solution is EIP 155 Simple replay attack protection. Starting with Geth 1.5.3 and Parity 1.4.4, they implement EIP 155 so that your ETH transactions should be safe from a replay attack on ...
eth's user avatar
  • 86.5k
7 votes

I get error couldn't find module 'ethereumjs-wallet/hdkey'

Update: npm uninstall ethereumjs-wallet npm uninstall truffle-hdwallet-provider npm install --save [email protected] npm install --save [email protected] Credit goes to 2 ...
Nissi's user avatar
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5 votes

What's the formula to calculate the mining profitability for ETC?

Look at a calculator source code, there are some on github and you'll find the exact formula : $scope.ethPrice = ethereumStats.priceUsd; $scope.netHashGH = (ethereumStats.difficulty / ...
Nicolas Massart's user avatar
5 votes

Sent ETC from hardware wallet to ETH address on poloniex

It actually appears that you may have emailed the Ethereum Foundation instead of Poloniex; Hudson Jameson is part of the Ethereum Foundation and not Poloniex. Log into Poloniex's customer support ...
CBobRobison's user avatar
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5 votes

How many blocks were reversed with the DAO hard fork?

But what is the actual number of blocks that were invalidated by this hard fork? And how many transactions approximately? No blocks were invalidated and nothing was rolled back. Instead, EIP-779: ...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
5 votes


According to EVM opcode description: Note: the below is written in kind of python array slicing convention: array starts at index 0 and array[0:2] means the array[0] and array[1] elements (not ...
minhhn2910's user avatar
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5 votes

How much ETC was stolen in the multiple 51% attacks on Ethereum-Classic?

In January 2019, an attack on Ethereum Classic resulted in the theft of about 219,500 ETC, worth approximately $1.1 million at the time. In August 2020, an attack led to the theft of about 807,260 ETC,...
Talha Sajid Chaudhary's user avatar
5 votes

What does the tilde symbol mean in Solidity integer type casting in the example below?

The tilde (~) is the symbol for bitwise negation, i.e. it flips every bit of the value it operates on. In this case, yes, it's being used to essentially get type(uint256).max You can find this ...
natewelch_'s user avatar
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4 votes

Unable to understand how smart contracts work

On a public blockchain, all the transactions between accounts (externally controlled and smart contract) are public. You can browse each transaction of each block using tools such as EtherScan. For ...
Greg Jeanmart's user avatar
4 votes

How does Ethash work?

The general route that the algorithm takes is as follows: There exists a seed which can be computed for each block by scanning through the block headers up until that point. From the seed, ...
Roman Frolov's user avatar
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4 votes

Where’s the equivalent of Yellow paper for Ethereum classic?

The Yellow Paper for Ethereum Classic is... the Ethereum Yellow Paper. The first version of the Yellow Paper was released in 2014. Ethereum Classic split from the original chain at block 1,920,000 (...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
3 votes

How do I pass enode URI's to --reserved-peers?

From the documentation, you pass a file containing the list as the argument to the --reserved-peers flag: --reserved-peers FILE Provide a file containing enodes, one per line. ...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
3 votes

How can I find ETC nodes (to pass their enode URI to --reserved-peers) because the classic chain no longer syncs through tor?

...and I can't find new ones because peer discovery is done through UDP and tor only runs through TCP. Is this an accurate understanding? Yes. As per the issue thread you linked to, you could ...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
3 votes

Is there any GPU that has 100+ Mh/s?

These are all user-submitted values and also non-Ethash-based algorithms. For the most part, the users submitting 100 MH/s+ hash rates have indicated these are for multi-GPU systems. For example, ...
lungj's user avatar
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3 votes

Eth address can't be used for mining

Add 0x in front of your address.
Victor Sergienko's user avatar
3 votes

Is there a list of Ethereum Classic block explorers?

Currently online (as of 26th April 2017): Currently unreachable: (as of 26th April 2017) (as of 21st Jan 2018) ...
3 votes

send ethers from one contract to another

As mentioned before, define a payable function to receive the funds, e.g.: function fund() payable returns(bool success) { } Then call this function and provide the ethers in the value field. After ...
Sig Touri's user avatar
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3 votes

I sent My ETC to my ETH address

You can definitely use the same keys. You cannot actually send ETH to ETC or vice versa (if I hand you a US dollar, even if you were expecting a Euro, it's still a US dollar). It looks like you sent ...
lungj's user avatar
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3 votes

How many nodes are supporting Ethereum Classic?

I think you should think about hashrate, not about number of running nodes. As for now Ethereum Сlassic network hashrate is about 8.9TH/s, and Ethereum hashrate is 107.5TH/s. So Ehtereum Classic ...
Alexey Barsuk's user avatar
3 votes

I transferred coins to an address that belongs to ETH wallet instead of ETC

Since ETH and ETC have the same underlying protocols for address generation, the addresses will work on either chain. As long as you control the private key for the ETH address you sent the ETC to, ...
Nanolucas's user avatar
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3 votes

How to use timer in escrow

You can, for instance, have the function that creates the escrow to save the date of expiration function createEscrow(...){ expirationDate = now + 30 days; // more code for your escrow } The ...
Jaime's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the best (cheapest) method to store RGB/RGBA pixel data in a smart contract (on ethereum-classic blockchain) with python?

Each pixel is represented with 1 byte. You will need 8847360 bytes. Each word is 32bytes, you need 276480 words. Storing each word will cost 20000 which adds to 5529600000 gas. Assuming you save this ...
Jaime's user avatar
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3 votes

How is the Ethereum Classic gas limit enforced?

Ethereum Classic block gas limit works the same as Ethereum. When a miner creates a block, they can choose any gas limit for it that is between parentGasLimit - floor(parentGasLimit/1024) and ...
natewelch_'s user avatar
  • 12.2k

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