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12 votes

What does griefing mean?

This question is about the verb "to grief" rather than the noun "grief". The latter is presumably what lots of people are currently feeling due to the drop in cryptocurrency prices....
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
9 votes

Is there an implementation of the minimal viable plasma concept as proposed by Vitalik Buterin

There are three implementations Especially the following root chain Solidity ...
ivicaa's user avatar
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7 votes

Difference between Sharding and Plasma

The first phase implementation of sharding and Plasma are both essentially sidechains that tie into the main chain via smart contracts. However, the responsibilities of these smart contracts and ...
Ed Posnak's user avatar
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6 votes

Plasma Whitepaper - what is the "free option problem"?

Suppose you and I agree I'm going to buy an ERC20 token from you for X ether. You sign a transaction committing to the exchange, and then I look at the price and realize ether's value has gone up, so ...
user19510's user avatar
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5 votes

Does Hyperledger Besu support Plasma?

Plasma is not directly a client feature. It's an architecture to facilitate certain scenarios. How a Plasma implementation is actually done is a separate issue and I don't think any Ethereum client ...
Lauri Peltonen's user avatar
5 votes

Who runs Plasma's side chains?

Anyone can create a custom Plasma chain with a custom consensus mechanism. The creator decides on the details, so it could be created with one node or many. In practice this means there will be ...
Doug King's user avatar
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4 votes

Difference between Sharding and Plasma

The above answer is outdated on sharding, notaries are used instead of validators. See
James Ray's user avatar
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4 votes

Data/Information Availability

Data availability problem is basically, that if someone withholds some data in a block, we cannot verify 100% the state, even if the block is valid as a whole. So its like a valid block but with some ...
shonjs's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a way to be notified when ERC721 is deposited?

If it is a genuine ERC-721 transfer transaction, then the msg.sender of the transaction will be the address of the ERC-721 contract. This transaction also contains data about which tokenId was just ...
AnAllergyToAnalogy's user avatar
3 votes

Nonce in Layer 2 State Channels

A nonce is a sequence number that is contained in a state update, which is a piece of information that is signed by both parties in the state channel. Since it's signed by both parties, the on-chain ...
rhlsthrm's user avatar
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3 votes

Why are Plasma child chains forced to be of UTXO type, and why not a regular ethereum chain running PoA or similar?

As far as I know, plasma is trying to minimise storage and logic. With a UTXO-based sidechain, the bitmap can directly represent txs bit by bit. They do mention in the white paper that it is possible ...
ranchalp's user avatar
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3 votes
Accepted What if someone is offline during a mass withdrawal?

I actually asked Vitalik about this during a talk, he said the process for a mass withdrawal should last a long time, for example 2 weeks, so you just need to be online within that time. He didn't say ...
luca590's user avatar
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2 votes

TestNet as Plasma SubChain

As far as I understand, tokens can be moved between two blockchains that do not have any special relation, as long as they have smart contracts and thus can somehow verify state transitions in the ...
chriseth's user avatar
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2 votes

Staking tokens on Ethereum

You should watch this if you haven't. In the video, Chris is explaining how can you create plasma compliant SC on Ethereum Blockchain. & for the other part of the question of validators/miners,...
Vixon's user avatar
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2 votes

Why are Plasma child chains forced to be of UTXO type, and why not a regular ethereum chain running PoA or similar?

The UTXO model is for starting on the Minimal Viable Plasma. This is so that it is much easier to implement, than an account based model like in an ethereum chain, in terms of security mechanism of ...
shonjs's user avatar
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2 votes

Will the introduction of sharding have an effect on the functionality of currently deployed smart contracts or the EVM?

Phase 1 sharding won't have any execution or EVM, so it won't integrate with the main net. Phase 2 will have an EVM, and will introduce backwards incompatible changes at a smart contract level, like ...
James Ray's user avatar
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2 votes

Who pays Plasma contract gas?

It depends. Periodic updates: indeed, validators are the ones paying the fees (gas) to update the state on the root chain. However, as they are staking funds in the Plasma chain, they collect the ...
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
1 vote

Does Hyperledger Besu support Plasma?

The Besu client supports The Besu client supports common smart contract and Dapp development, deployment, and operational use cases, using tools such as Truffle, Remix, and web3j. The client supports ...
Ashutosh Thute's user avatar
1 vote

Clarification about some scalability terminology

Just to quote this very good article about Ethereum scalability: At the moment we have in general two ways which might solve this problem: We build a blockchain where every node doesn’t ...
M. Riggi's user avatar
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1 vote

Avoiding double spending in Plasma Cash

Alice buys a car from Bob for 10 ETH. Let's imagine: Alice moves 10 ETH to Bob. New tx in Plasma chain is created Plasma Operator packs all new TXs into the Merkle tree Plasma Operator calculates the ...
YodaDefi's user avatar
1 vote

Reverting invalid blocks in Plasma chains?

The smart contract on the parent chain can have a function dispute that gives a merkle proof of the false data in the block. For example, if the Plasma operator changed ownership of a utxo from A to B,...
natewelch_'s user avatar
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1 vote

Raiden network and publicity

I would say plasma. Plasma is a more elegant solution.
Nathan Aw's user avatar
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Two Questions Regarding the Plasma Side-Chain and Contract stuff

Broadly assets on a side-chain (or Plasma chain) are secured via the use of a challenge period. So if I want to exit a side chain, I propose an exit transaction, and everyone has a fixed period (say 7 ...
Adam Dossa's user avatar
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1 vote

How is txindex different from oindex

Integer math, so the division gives the floor. Oindex appears to be the number of utxos since the last 10000. I think it would have been the same result if they would have simply divided by 10000 to ...
Thomas Jay Rush's user avatar
1 vote

Who pays for the gas in Plasma contracts

Whoever is submitting the transaction call (nothing changes, a transaction is still a transaction). There is no way around this, other than keep the total number of exiters that could ever be around ...
hextet's user avatar
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1 vote

Scaling ethereum

As you said, bigger blocks would centralize the network. There is long debates about what size should a block have. This is even one of the most debated question regarding the blockchain bitcoin, ...
Asone's user avatar
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1 vote

Making millions of transactions reliably

I have a very strong feeling that you will eventually find that putting millions of transactions on Ethereum will be wildly too expensive for whatever you're doing, especially if you think you're ...
Thomas Jay Rush's user avatar
1 vote

Plasma chain with ERC721 tokens as miner reward?

This is definitely an interesting concept, but it seems outside the realm of sound economic incentives. Using non-fungible tokens (NFT) as rewards for running a Plasma chain brings a few security ...
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar

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