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9 votes

insufficient funds for intrinsic transaction cost

The wallet that you connected to your router contract object does not have enough ETH balance to cover value + gasPrice * gasLimit. In your case value = 0.04 ETH. Assuming gasLimit = 200,000, gasPrice ...
Soham Zemse's user avatar
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6 votes

"Dropped & Replaced" tx - what should I do?

"Dropped & Replaced" means the transaction has been replaced by a new one and the new one has been validated by the network (more info here :
clement's user avatar
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4 votes

insufficient funds for intrinsic transaction cost

For me, the error came up because I was deploying my contract with an eth value greater than what I had in my Metamask wallet. My total wallet balance was 0.9 ETH and I was trying to deploy with 1ETH :...
Ogubuike Alexandra's user avatar
3 votes

Why are gas fees taken for failed smart contract interactions?

Just to add to Rob's answer: Why are gas fees taken for failed smart contract interactions? Because there's no way to tell the difference between transactions that have failed due to user error, and ...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
3 votes

Why are gas fees taken for failed smart contract interactions?

Gas is burned for units of work, like gas in your car is burned by miles. Different fees for different operations. A transaction will burn a certain amount of gas. GasPrice is like the price at the ...
Rob Hitchens's user avatar
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2 votes

Is gas fee paid for this transaction that was dropped?

Actually that is not an error from the blockchain itself, but from the contract you are calling: So your transaction was ...
Lauri Peltonen's user avatar
2 votes

Is gas fee paid for this transaction that was dropped?

For transactions that are reverted by contracts (i.e. rejected because some problem with the inputs), a partial gas fee is charged up to the point contract execution was possible and you hit an ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
2 votes

Ropsten "exceeds block gas limit"

This is because the Ropsten miners have dropped the block gas limit down to ~40k over the last few days. You will need to use a different testnet until the block ...
Shane Fontaine's user avatar
2 votes

How to force push a failing transaction using Web3.js?

Solved this using eth_sendTransaction const iface = new Iface(NFTXMarketplaceZap); const data = iface.encodeFunctionData("methodName", [ params ]) const tx = [{ "from": "0xa&...
Nick's user avatar
  • 361
1 vote

Uniswap Approve Succeeded But No ETH Returned in "Swap"

The transaction that you made is only the approve function. Basically, you are giving the permission to Uniswap to take eMax tokens from your account and do anything they want with it. After that ...
Undead8's user avatar
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insufficient funds for intrinsic transaction cost

I also had parseEther at ("1") and increased the amount of ETH in my wallet to above 1 using the goerli faucet. This fixed the problem for me. my code: const sendValue = ethers.utils....
ETH1Elohim's user avatar
1 vote

I tried to send eth from Metamask (in balancer) but transfer is looking failed but I loss my eth(90$ around) What I should do?

from balancer contract require(poolAmountOut >= minPoolAmountOut, "ERR_LIMIT_OUT"); it seems like the quantity of assets going out is less than the minimum required quantity. you can see ...
hack3r-0m's user avatar
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1 vote

ETH Transaction Stuck in FAILED Status

I was able to clear all stuck transactions by doing a "reset Account" under Advanced Settings in MetaMask
leftarmer's user avatar
1 vote

Failed transaction

Increasing GasLimit may solve your problem.You can try setting it to 800,000.
EthanOK's user avatar
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1 vote

Requiring a bytes32 mapping to be empty, why does my transaction fail?

In the reverted tx above you are calling setItem again which is failing due to probably trying to override a value that's already set. Check the transaction using the tenderly dashboard for more in-...
razgraf's user avatar
  • 800
1 vote

Ether scan failed "too little funds', Contract-reverted, Value Cancelled

If a transaction is reverted (as is the case for your transaction), then all of its actions are reverted. It's like the transaction never took place. Therefore all of the assets moved in the ...
Lauri Peltonen's user avatar
1 vote

Are failed ether transfers tx also written to the block?

The only case where transfer between EOAs could fail is when the sender doesn't have enough balance to cover value + transaction fee. In that particular case the transaction isn't processed it will ...
Ismael's user avatar
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1 vote

Transaction failing without reason

It fails for two reasons. First, like Ismael pointed out accurately, it is an out of gas error. The reason the gas was estimated wrongly, was because the function has two distinct gas costs, depending ...
Johan's user avatar
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1 vote

Why are my internal txns failing in my transaction?

From the transaction trace it fails when the contract 0xFcABC46b.. tries to transfer RGP tokens (0x9f0227A2..) from 0x2289Bc37.. using transferFrom but the owner hasn't approved them. { "type&...
Ismael's user avatar
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1 vote

ERC20 Token transfer keeps failing

You only provided 43,348 gas for the transaction, which is not sufficient. Increase the gas amount (NOT the gas price) in Metamask to 100000 and it will work.
Undead8's user avatar
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ERC20 Token transfer keeps failing

You have the sufficient balance to transfer. Try with high gas limit. Refer here to know the current gas price :
Keerthana Ramalingam's user avatar
1 vote

Have gas fees the same usage on Polygon/Matic as Ethereum?

1- Is there a congestion on Polygon/Matic similar to Ethereum mainnet? Yes. Polygon blocks are full. You can read more information here on Scaling issues for EVM post. 2- Why increasing gas fees ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
1 vote

Why is transaction reverting with custom smart contract?

A few things I noticed that may be causing you trouble: Calldata is only available for external functions. Also, you’ve defined the struct as a storage variable. Why use calldata? Do you mean storage?...
maxgrok's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

ERC20 Contract transfer call failed multiple times, no idea why

I would suspect the token contract itself. There are a bunch of transactions with the same problem and, although this is no definitive indicator, some negative comments. Personally I don't think it is ...
comodoro's user avatar
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1 vote

ETH transactions to presale contract keep failing

The error message Bad instruction and the gas consumption equal to gas limit 1,000,000 indicates the problem was caused by an assert or low level error like array out of bound access. Looking at the ...
Ismael's user avatar
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1 vote

Transaction failed etherscan, coins disappeared?

Your initial transaction to Binance reverted. When a transaction reverts, any state changes (like a transfer of funds) is undone, so your tokens remained on your address. There were however another ...
Morten's user avatar
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1 vote

Where does contract’s call failure behavior is definied in the yellow paper?

The fact that a 0x0 is pushed to the stack on a failed call and 0x1 for a successful call is specified under the description of CALL on page 35 of the yellowpaper. To answer your second question, no, ...
natewelch_'s user avatar
  • 12.2k
1 vote

What should gas prices be for sending out tokens?

The solution to sending out tokens is to look at other transactions that are sending the same token from its contract source. From there you can see how much other people are paying and what you ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
1 vote

Where can one get token fee calculations instead of it keep eating up my ETH for gas for guessing the gas limit?

A transfer for a simple ERC20 token used 51,574 gas. MetaMask set the gas limit at 54,861 gas. Though the required gas will depend on how the ERC20 contract was implemented. You can always have a ...
abcoathup's user avatar
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