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Questions tagged [transactions]

The term "transaction" is used in Ethereum to refer to the signed data package that stores a message to be sent from an externally owned account.

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What is the difference between a block producer and a validator node? and how is this linked with 'validators' needing to pay for sandwich attacks

Are these they same or are these distinct entities. I'm often confused when I find in articles that validators need to pay (increased) transactions fees for a trade to be frontrun or be sandwiched. If ...
Pete's user avatar
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Transfer Ether through a smart contract

I'm pretty new to web3. I'm writing a simple smart contract to receive ETH and transfer it to a fix address, really a simple smart contract. Its work well with standard token but not with Ether. Can ...
Xar Tran's user avatar
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What does a 0-value transaction mean?

I‘ve received a transaction of (as I was told) a frozen account. I shows an amount of 16ETH, but somehow the value of the transaction is Zero. What does that mean?
Alain's user avatar
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Mine tokens stay on out

Hello there i have a coupleof hunderd euro,s in WSM tokens i bought those with Metamask. And i transferd them to Etherium but the some of mine tokens are out how do i get them in I have contact ...
xallias's user avatar
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Issue with Smart Contract Interaction using Web3.js 4.2.0: TransactionRevertedWithoutReasonError on MetaMask and Sepolia Testnet

Problem Overview I am facing an issue while interacting with a smart contract using Web3.js version 4.2.0. The specific method causing trouble is broadcastMessage(string), designed to store a string ...
Dawid's user avatar
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EIP 1559 - Set both priority fee and max fee to the same value

:) Can someone explain to me how this is possible? I mean from EIP1559 documentation is it said that if the max_priority_fee + base_fee > max_fee then the max_priority_fee is reduced. (https://www....
Daddy's user avatar
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Still shows as pending in etherscan but Transaction dropped and replaced

I Replaced a transaction by sending transaction customizing the nonce in Metamask. Now the Replaced transaction shows as "dropped & replaced" in etherscan, but it's still pending: ...
Ignat Zhe's user avatar
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Number of transactions in a block

Could someone kindly explain the reason behind the existence of 1189 transactions within block #17873752 in the Ethereum network?
Houssam B's user avatar
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How to parse the input data from the 'More Details' section of a transaction into an Excel Spreadsheet

I wonder if anyone can assist please? I have searched the forum but I cannot find anything that answers my specific question. I'm trying to parse the input data from transactions on the following ...
cryptomal's user avatar
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Transaction on BSC gets reverted due to Fail with error 'TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED'

I'm not able to make a swap using the contract for some reason (I'm sure that I'm missing something fundamental). Here is the code.
somaito's user avatar
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err="execution timeout" timeout when calling debug_trace transaction

I have one question. We have organized the ethereum en node as an archive. Since then, we have called large amounts of debug_traceTransaction to that node but err="execution timeout" ...
spark's user avatar
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Why does transactions order look random instead of being fees based?

I know validators choose the trx order mainly based on the fees. They will be rewarded with them, in fact. Thus it's in their interest to prioritize the transaction with higher fees. However, in all ...
Francesco Stucci's user avatar
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Creating an app only for signing transactions that I create through a website

I want to create an app that signs transactions that I initiate through a web app. An example for this is open sea that lets you connect to any wallet on your mobile device and sign transactions on ...
Divyya's user avatar
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Owners who have rejected or who haven't reacted to a safe tx

I am building a notification system which will allow the owners who have not yet reacted(approved/rejected) the tx notify them to take action against a tx. There is a way to get who have approved the ...
Venkatesh's user avatar
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Have Gnosis Safe Pay Transaction Gas Fee

I am currently using gnosis safe. When the execution of any transaction is made, the signer has to pay the gas fee. I want all gas fees to be paid by the safe, not the signers, how can I make this ...
Shariq Ali's user avatar
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Why I can't speed up a speed up transaction in MetaMask?

I was working MetaMask: Send (do) a transaction two buttons for controlling the transaction appear Cancel & Speed up Speed up transaction Only cancel button is there and I can't speed up the ...
Reza Aslejeddian's user avatar
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I think i have a sweeper bot on my account

I'm having an issue where eth deposited is being swept straight from my wallet. I haven't used the wallet in quite a while I recently signed upto to a private sale of tokens. Sent 0.0205 ETH TO MY ...
Garry Robson's user avatar
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Can you schedule an eth transfer in the future?

Is it possible for person A to schedule an eth transfer to person B 1 week in the future, possibly by offchain signing the transaction? I've seen the concept of offchain signing and am wondering if ...
Nik C's user avatar
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How to swap ETH for another token and send this token to another wallet using only one transaction for both actions?

Please, tell me, is it possible to do it using Uniswap V2 router (via smart-contract or dapps)
misha s's user avatar
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Is this an easter egg in the Etherscan Api?

Ethereum (and so, the API), operate with 160-bit addresses. However, I unintentionally requested the max address (0xFF...FF) and I padded it with leading zeros (to become 0x00..00FF...FF),...
Albert Hendriks's user avatar
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How to keep track of each account's ETH balance when parsing all historical transactions

I have downloaded the contents of each historical Ethereum block (starting with block 0) by calling eth_getBlockByNumber for every single block. I want to write a script that iterates over each ...
galpo's user avatar
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Same block Swap before an Approval is allowed?

I had the understanding that Approval in the same block as a Swap had to have a higher gas price as to be processed before the Swap when the block is being produced; that's until I found blocks on the ...
blockchainmassacre's user avatar
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TopsvilleNFT ,took 2000.00 and suspended my account for asking where was the 50eth they sent to paypal om 11/16/23 [duplicate]

I joined topvillenft and payed a gas fee and withdrawal fee. on 11/16/23 they said they sent 50eth to my paypal account. I called after it was never recieved. The man said at topvillenft that opps, he ...
Edward W Gallagher's user avatar
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Send selected token (the one you deployed) with web3js

How to send a transaction of a token that I have in my wallet other than the default one like ether in Ethereum without a contract method just with web3js?
seojunchian's user avatar
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'value at "/0" is required'

const {Web3} = require("web3"); require("dotenv").config(); const sPrivateKey = process.env.SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY; const sPublicKey = process.env.SENDER_PUBLIC_KEY; const rPublicKey =...
seojunchian's user avatar
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eth_sendTransaction does not exist/is not available

What I am trying to do is I am trying to send transactions with web3js. At first I used sign transaction then send signed transaction get the same error after a little bit of research and tryed them. ...
seojunchian's user avatar
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Which contract should execute the approveAndTransferFrom function under one transaction?

I'm trying to perform approve and transfer under one tx but I don't understand which contract should be calling the approveAndTransferFrom function? Say contract A is trying to transfer tokens to ...
ratib90486's user avatar
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Got "Transaction was not mined within 50 blocks, please make sure you transaction was properly sent." while tx is successful

I just got a weird issue. I submitted a tx to Alfajores (Celo's testnet). 10-15 seconds after I click confirm in Metamask, the tx was executed successful. However, frontend was still waiting for the ...
hungdoansy's user avatar
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Weak RNG vulnerability proving

Hi guys I am auditing a smart contract and I found a WeakRNG in order to prove it I have written 2 smart contracts which simulate the work of this function( a bit ) here is the 1 a have changed block....
NeoRusI's user avatar
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Tracking the spedup transactions from metamask

while building a Dapp using metamask to make transactions, i figured that metamask is not responding correctly when a transaction is spedup, making my code wait forever for a canceled transaction that ...
Kaki Master Of Time's user avatar
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What's difference between filter for hashes and filter for full transactions?

I'am trying to understand the main difference between a filter for hashes and a filter for full transactions. Can anyone explain me this please?
PandaKungFuu's user avatar
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A special private key that can be used to make a TX to a certain wallet ONLY

I want to be able to archive this: a private key or its substitute (P) of a user wallet is stored on a server there're 100s of user wallets there, hence 100s of (P) too server isn't a safe ...
nicholas.fowler's user avatar
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Cannot send transaction to smart contract, 'unknown account' even with account added to wallet

I am trying to send a transaction that updates the state of a smart contract. I have locally deployed a ethereum network using Geth and three VM. Here is my JS code: import { Web3 } from 'web3'; ...
robeng's user avatar
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why batching txs is a good idea?

info dump on me, why batching txs is a good idea? i got this answer from the Infinitism discord server: In general, it can be used to save gas for all the inner txs, that will now split both the ...
Ahmed Rami Berrahal's user avatar
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Examples of using the SDK to deploy Safe and perform transfer from wallet in one go?

I'm assuming the optional to and data field on SafeAccountConfig object is used for this case? Can someone point me to docs or examples that demonstrate this? Thanks!
cmptrwizard's user avatar
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No commission comes from buying and selling on the Goerli network

Deployed the contract on the Goerli testnet via Remix. Added liquidity with the openTrading function. I buy tokens from another wallet through Uniswap, the purchase is successful, but the commission ...
Eugene's user avatar
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How can I transfer scam ERC1155 NFT's out of my Bifrost wallet?

I am having trouble getting rid of all the spam nft's that keep appearing in my wallet. I used to be able to send them to a trash address but these newer ones are not letting me. It is saying"...
Brad's user avatar
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minAmountOut onchain

When I use, for example, the Uniswap front-end to do a swap and I select my desired slippage, where is Uniswap calculating the minAmountOut variable that goes into the swap and takes into account this ...
dNyrM's user avatar
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Transaction failure when deploying an NFT smart contract

I encountered this error while deploying an NFT smart contract, I am a beginner, please help me.
Raza_a's user avatar
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Creating a sufficiently random number via computation entropy without an oracle

I am creating a token that requires a sufficiently random number for an internal lottery. uint randomX; function semirandomize(uint prevRandom, uint time) private view returns (uint) { ...
Ashraile's user avatar
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How does Gelato's Relay service work? How is it possible for another wallet to send my signed transaction (matching sender address) and pay gas?

How does Gelato's Relay service (used by gnosis safe relayer) work? How is it possible for another wallet to send my signed transaction (matching sender address) and pay gas? Does it require Gnosis to ...
Nic Szerman's user avatar
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my transaction shows as reverted but i didn't recieved my money yet

So I transfered some Binance-Peg Ethereum Token (ETH) over the bnb network (bsc20) (with my ledger wallet/app), but the status of the transaction shows 'reverted' There are some articles saying that '...
Soran Rajabi's user avatar
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How to extract the custom reverted message inside the transaction object when we're using solidity error keyword?

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 pragma solidity ^0.8.4; error Unauthorized(); contract VendingMachine { address payable owner = payable(msg.sender); function withdraw() public { ...
0xbeny's user avatar
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ethers SERVER_ERROR that cannot be catched with try/catch

I am facing strange server error while trying to send eth transaction. It happens not every time and I cannot catch it with try/catch. Is there any known issue? /root/app/node_modules/ethers-new/src....
gabbi's user avatar
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Can i append the ethereum transaction's data input when generating a QR Code? Is there a better way to track transactions?

My application manages sales with local payment methods and Ethereum/Bitcoin. When using crypto payments a QR Code will be displayed for the customer, with the wallet's address and amount. The issue I'...
andrepz's user avatar
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Ethers.js recovers wrong address when signing its transactions with elliptic.js

Can someone show me how to correctly sign an ether's unsigned transaction hash using elliptic npm package. Below is my attempt (with some random private key) and transaction should ideally fail with &...
kuco 23's user avatar
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fetching address label from transaction info

while fetching transaction JSON for the given address, I want to fetch the address label associated with the address, for example, here's an example of how Moralis streams provide it for EVM chains, {...
Rohit Jambhulkar's user avatar
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Is there any way to send a raw signed transaction via ethers?

I want to send a signed transaction with ethers through a provider, but the sendTransaction method does not exist anywhere besides the Wallet object. I basically want to do something like this: ...
kuco 23's user avatar
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How to retrieve addresses affected by block?

I need to scan each block and extract addresses affected in the block. The address is affected when funds (ETH, tokens, etc.) are sent to or from the address or involved in any other transaction. As ...
fsquirrel's user avatar
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For a given block, how to extract only transactions that involve newly minted NFTs, with either Foundry or ethers.js?

Firstly, I’ll say that I prefer to do this with Foundry, but if it turns out to be too much of a pain, I’m open to doing this with ethers.js as well. Take this block, for instance: https://etherscan....
user72364's user avatar
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