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During the presale of Retik I bought 5682 tokens. When it came time to claim Retik only allowed 5% a week for 20 weeks to be claimed. I had purchased Retik and linked my Meta Mask wallet to Retik to ...
Landscaper76's user avatar
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how can we decode transaction data using rust?

As we all know, we can decode transaction data when a known method is called like this. [...] fn main() { let input = "...
Saikat Karmakar's user avatar
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How works auto crypto assets stolen web pages

In my dissertation, I learned about the tactics of Ethereum scammers and I wanted to know how crypto sites automatically detect "cryptopank", "bored monkey", coins, etc., and ...
Eligijus Girdenis's user avatar
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Sending bribes to block validators

I've got a question regarding bribes. Is it possible to send a bribe without using block builders' RPCs like I would like to send a transaction using my own node and land it at ...
Kacper's user avatar
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Fatal: Error starting protocol stack: listen tcp bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port)

I have this error when i try tu run my second node on Geth...I used authrpc.port but still the problem persists: I ran my node1 with these commands: geth --datadir node1 --networkid 2244 --allow-...
AlexCav's user avatar
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Tracking all ERC20 token transfers without using the event logs

I'm currently using the geth implementation. The problem is currently I am tracking erc20 token transfers using purely the erc20 contract event logs and filtering for Transfer event, then saving that ...
bhuynh's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Get full transaction list of an ethereum address using JSON-RPC

I'm currently developing a Java application which communicates with Geth using JSON-RPC. I managed to implement something like @rustyx suggested on this thread using an HTTP connection, but it's too ...
Mattia Monari's user avatar
1 vote
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Get Method ID from all transactions in a block

I ask for your help! How do I get the Method ID for each transaction in a block. I can get the following information block = w3.eth.get_block('latest', True) print(list(block)) ['difficulty', '...
Pypy's user avatar
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How to interact with mainnet smart contracts by GOlang?

Please tell me an example of code in GOlang that connects to the contract and checks the balance of the ERC20 token / transfer tokens / gets the name of the token. I looked for examples and did not ...
hey's user avatar
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Problem with eth.sendRawTransaction in geth console

Im trying to use the following code with nodejs to create a raw transaction: const ethTx = require('ethereumjs-tx').Transaction; const txParams = { nonce: '0x0', gasPrice: '0x3B9ACA00', ...
mgomes's user avatar
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No commission comes from buying and selling on the Goerli network

Deployed the contract on the Goerli testnet via Remix. Added liquidity with the openTrading function. I buy tokens from another wallet through Uniswap, the purchase is successful, but the commission ...
Eugene's user avatar
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8 answers

Insufficient funds for gas * price + value

Sending Address has over 1 Eth in current Balance. Using the Geth console, I can send many transactions of any amount less than .033 eth.sendTransaction({to:'...
John Heeter's user avatar
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Cannot send transaction to smart contract, 'unknown account' even with account added to wallet

I am trying to send a transaction that updates the state of a smart contract. I have locally deployed a ethereum network using Geth and three VM. Here is my JS code: import { Web3 } from 'web3'; ...
robeng's user avatar
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EIP 1559 - Set both priority fee and max fee to the same value

:) Can someone explain to me how this is possible? I mean from EIP1559 documentation is it said that if the max_priority_fee + base_fee > max_fee then the max_priority_fee is reduced. (https://www....
Daddy's user avatar
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message: 'invalid argument 0: json: cannot unmarshal hex string without 0x prefix into Go struct field SendTxArgs.value of type *hexutil.Big'

I am using a JSON RPC request and source code is as follows: var options ={ url: "", method: "POST", headers: {"Content-Type":"...
prodevcn's user avatar
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What's difference between filter for hashes and filter for full transactions?

I'am trying to understand the main difference between a filter for hashes and a filter for full transactions. Can anyone explain me this please?
PandaKungFuu's user avatar
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Await transaction using `go-ethereum/ethclient`

In ethers.js, one can wait for a transaction to be mined with wait(). Is there a way to do this when using ethclient from go-ethereum as a package? I would like to wait for the result before moving on ...
boston's user avatar
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5 answers

How to explore all transactions for a given account?

After beeing able to check account balances, I am looking for a method to list all transactions for a given Ethereum account through json-rpc protocol. I haven't found any method suitable for that on ...
Juan Ignacio Pérez Sacristán's user avatar
3 votes
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About geth's method eth_call and simulating state changing transactions

I am running my own local Geth node and my main objective is to simulate some transactions and see how does the state of the blockchain change from the current one. For instance if I simulate a tx ...
Hiperfly's user avatar
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Transaction Effective Gas Price

I am developing in Go and I have a question that I have been looking for the solution for a long time and I am not able to find it. How can I find the effective gas price used in the transaction? Not ...
alopez's user avatar
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What is the websocket URL in Ethereum on Geth?

I've lunched an Ethereum server based on Geth. Now, I need to be notified about all incoming transactions on my generated accounts. In my previous Bitcoin Core server, I had an option in its config ...
Mohammad Saberi's user avatar
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Replacement transaction underpriced

I am building a Django service with Celery that sends multiple transactions to a contract and I am finding that the error {'code': -32000, 'message': 'replacement transaction underpriced'} from geth ...
tinom9's user avatar
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How to get hash of transaction **before** it has been mined in web3j?

I have been working on my project where I use web3j. I work with ledger over contract wrappers where the actual call to the ledger is encapsulated over variety of layers. The issue is I need to get a ...
Gleichmut's user avatar
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derivation path for ethereum?

how are you doing! I would like to know what happens if from a ethereum seed I derive a wallet using BIP49, BIP84 derivation path and then send ethereum from another wallet which is BIP32 or BIP44, ...
andrew007's user avatar
5 votes
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Is there an easy to use command line tool to create send transactions in Ethereum and forks of ethereum?

I'm trying to run a service that processes a bunch of ETH private keys and need to create send transactions via the command line. I know about geth, but are there other easier to use command line apps ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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how to find the creation block_number for a given contract_address using

I was trying to find the creation block number using contract address , is there is a way to find creation block number when a contract address is deployed using
Kavita Joshi's user avatar
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nonce too low , please help

please help, I have 1 transaction stuck 7 days, I have sent 1 transaction with 0 ETH and nonce to the same address, to cancel the stuck transaction but all the nonce too low error
chu pika's user avatar
19 votes
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Geth - How to clear queued transactions?

When typing txpool on Geth I get: { status: { pending: 15, queued: 714 }, getStatus: function() } I don't even know why there are 714 queued transactions when there should be none. I ...
Opossum's user avatar
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How to retrieve the logs of transactions on one contract and multiple addresses

I have an application which should work as an exchange. Customers have their own Ethereum addresses on my Geth server, and they might receive ERC20 Tokens on them. I need to fetch the incoming ...
Mohammad Saberi's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Invalid sender error on private chain

I created a transaction in Go, signed it with a EIP155Signer signer, but when I try to publish the transaction through the Go client to the private blockchain, I get the error Invalid sender. Any idea ...
thanos's user avatar
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Difference between ERC 20 and ERC 721 transaction receipt

I want to fetch certain transaction logs from a local ethereum node. For that, I need to identify how to differentiate between ERC 20 and ERC 721 transaction receipts. From what I saw on Etherscan, i ...
mzaidi's user avatar
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How to create and sign EIP1559 Transaction with Go

i am kinda new to golang and i would appreciate any help. My main purpose is offline signing EIP1559 transactions based on a json using go-ethereum. I have managed to sign legacy transactions ...
Hskl's user avatar
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How to retrieve addresses affected by block?

I need to scan each block and extract addresses affected in the block. The address is affected when funds (ETH, tokens, etc.) are sent to or from the address or involved in any other transaction. As ...
fsquirrel's user avatar
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How does metamask manage the multiple transaction with same address?

I'm struggling to implement the functionality which sends multiple transactions using the same address. here the from address is same but the to addresses are different. When I did research on this, I ...
Shubham's user avatar
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How can I send erc20 tokens at once from MULTIPLE wallets to a single address?

I have a specific question. Is there any tool or wallet to manage multiple wallets and batch transfer tokens? Im not too familiar with contracts, so would prefer something easy to use with a UI https:/...
Meo's user avatar
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Kademlia: How does Ethereum uses node discovery protocol to avoid sybil/eclipse attacks?

I want to describe a case that's not clear to me. let's say we have 10 peer validator nodes who reach consensus and agree to store some blocks on their chain. Let's say now that a wallet wants to sync ...
Panagiotis Drakatos's user avatar
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4 answers

Contract's transaction count in a certain period

I want to determine the number of transactions of a contract in a certain period. My question is that in the transaction receipt, if we want to say that contract A has x number of transactions will ...
mzaidi's user avatar
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How to specify priority fee and max fee per gas in Geth' JSON-RPC API?

A legacy transaction can be created with the following parameters through the eth_sendTransaction API: params: [{ "from": "0xb60e8dd61c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07233155", "to&...
q9f's user avatar
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Modifier will get executed in the EVM or no?

where Modifier executed? in block 1, for example i want send 10 eth to a contract address. in the modifier i will check that contract address should have 0 eth balance. The check is done at the ...
Saeed Alipoor's user avatar
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Transaction status marks Success but don't have Tokens Transferred

when I checked some transactions I found sometimes transaction mark success but can't see any info like Token Transfer. In this case, do you know what type of this transaction ?
Galahad's user avatar
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Is it possible to modify Geth source code to send other signed transaction than one the sender has done?

Suppose there are two Ethereum nodes (A and B) that both are using Geth to interact with the network. Is it possible a malicious player can manipulate the source code of Geth so that each transaction ...
Alireza's user avatar
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Can events be emitted WITHOUT a transaction?

I am curious as to why the emission of Ethereum events is tethered to the fact of a transaction being entirely mined I realize that we can also make calls to public view functions, which do NOT ...
Muhammad Yasir's user avatar
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How to query incoming transactions to an ethereum address via web3j?

i know this question has been asked many times in this forum, but none of them give clear cut answer to the questions. I tried the snippet mentioned in this answer: Common useful JavaScript snippets ...
Arvind's user avatar
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Invalid transaction signature on sending transaction

Hello guys I'm having a "Invalid transaction signature." error. Can't get pass this one. Am I missing something? client, err := ethclient.Dial("path/to/geth.ipc") if err != nil { return err } ks :...
emurmotol's user avatar
2 votes
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Can anybody Point out the Difference between Web3.eth.sendTransaction and web3.eth.signTransaction?

Do we need to sign the transaction by web3.eth.signTransaction after initiating transaction via web3.eth.sendTransaction. for example: when I do: web3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: accs[0], ...
MYANZIK shrestha's user avatar
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IP host management in truffle_config.js (Private Ethereum Network)

I have 3 Amazon Ec2 instances (each with a Geth node running on them) and I'm running over them my Private Geth Ethereum (PoA) blokchain and I wanted to ask if it was necessary to specify the IPs of ...
AlexCav's user avatar
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How to read ERC1155's SafeTransferFrom() transactions in golang?

Trying to read ERC1155 SafeTransferFrom events, in golang. Here is what I tried: var ( // erc 1155 logSafeTransferFromSig = []byte("SafeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256,uint256,...
Eric's user avatar
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5 votes
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get pending transactions in `txpool` via web3

I want to monitor the mempool for my pending transactions. I understand one can monitor pending transactions by eth_subscribe (e.g. answered here). But some of my transactions have been stuck in the ...
qweruiop's user avatar
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How legacy transaction are handled after EIP1559 update?

After the EIP1559 transaction gas is mainly divided into base gas price and priority gas fees. But as we know EIP1559 is backward compatible so how legacy transaction ( they just have gas price field) ...
Proton's user avatar
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Recover public key from sign generated by AWS Cloud HSM - Golang

I am signing a transaction by using a private key in AWS Cloud HSM. But not able to recover the correct public key from the signature. Every time I try to run ECRecover method, it generates different ...
lingraj mahanand's user avatar

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