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EIP155. How chainId works?

I know signed transaction got v=37. now I am wondering how 'v=37' is used to check that the transaction is right one. nodes check v of every transaction they received?
Hak's user avatar
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18 votes
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How to schedule a transaction?

Anyone can guide me on how to schedule a transaction to be sent once a specific block number is mined? Thanks
Youssef's user avatar
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MetaMask does not let me send transactions on private network

Metamask lets me deploy contracts on my private network and but it does not let me send transactions. Its real network running on a few nodes with PoW, only thing different is that minimum gas fee is ...
tonidev's user avatar
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Issues about Peer to peer concepts

Hy every one, I'm new in this world, and i'm trying to understand deeply how blockchain works. I'm little bit confused about the peer to peer concept. How many peers have Ethereum blockchain, ...
Nadal's user avatar
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Pending transactions are not mined

Preconditions I'm running a private network with Geth, having custom smart contracts deployed by Truffle and a simple frontend which using Metamask as a provider to connect the network. Versions ...
Roman Glushko's user avatar
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How can I get a large amount of Ethereum transactions in a database without running my own node? Does a database like this exist already?

I am doing research into Ethereum transactions and I simply need a database of 1000 transactions or just about 10 blocks worth of transactions. What is the easiest and fastest way to acquire this? Do ...
sagooding's user avatar
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Locally submitted transactions to the light node gets lost if the node is restarted

What happens to the transactions submitted to light node in the following scenarios? 1) Light node does not have a network connection with its peers.I could find that the transactions are submitted ...
Jith's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Transmit array as first parameter in web3.js

When I develop in solidity combined with web3.js, I face some problem recently. I create a contract code below //setContractDetail(index,bool isConsentItem,uint8[] detailItems) function ...
Hermes Keng's user avatar
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How to retrieve transactions' info such as gaslimit and gasprice from Etherscan?

This link shows the latest 500k transactions, and by clicking each one it opens a page with its info including gaslimit, gasprice, usedgas etc. How can i retrieve the ...
MWH's user avatar
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How do I start to write a function to debug Transaction?

I want to write a program that will do: for the given txhash debug TraceTransaction and return that What can i do in Go ? Do you have any materials, a tutorial or can you give me tips on how to ...
EricEnticman's user avatar
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ETH Transaction cancellation and overriding

Consider your transaction is pending in mempool for too long and you want it to be validated ASAP (I) or cancelled (II). I) AFAIK In this case you are suggested to make the same transaction again (...
Александр Тряпицын's user avatar
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Is there a way to analyze the contract trancsaction trace result like Etherscan?

This question is a continuation of the question below..! How to decode when the input of tracsaction consists of multiple contracts? In the question above, node information is needed to trace the ...
Minwoo's user avatar
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8 votes
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What is the current size of the Ethereum State?

What is the current size of Ethereum's state in bytes? I am not asking about the size of the blockchain with blocks headers, transactions and receipts. I am looking for the size of all the structure ...
Nulik's user avatar
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Why is the TransactionByHash function in the go-ethereum client unable to return the sender?

I learned how to get the sender's address from this question. JSON-RPC returns a result with a from field, which we can unmarshal in our struct. But I'm curious why go-ethereum didn't return ...
user109485's user avatar
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Does Hyperledger Besu limit the amount of data in a transaction?

I need to send transactions to a private PoA Ethereum Blockchain. I know by geth source code it is limited to 128 KB: txMaxSize = 4 * txSlotSize // 128KB -> tx_pool.go file:
WakiApi's user avatar
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If I want to create a Blockchain Explorer, would be enough just use Infura? Or is it essential to run a full node?

I want to create a Blockchain Explorer and I am wondering if using Infura for that would be enough, or if it would be necessary to run a private node on Ethereum. I am not sure about Infura speed to ...
Márcio's user avatar
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How to integrate zokrates proof into ethereum transactions?

I need some help with applying a Zokrates zero knowledge proof into ethereum transactions I am using Goerli testnet and i have a full node that is fully synced to the ethereum blockchain. I have ...
Muhammad Yasir's user avatar
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Manually setting transaction fee when transacting using geth

I am using geth to transfer some ether to another account. After geth attach to my node, I just do is the following personal.unlockAccount(eth.accounts[0]) eth.sendTransaction({from:eth.accounts[0], ...
Panos's user avatar
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{'message': 'Nonce too low', 'code': -32000} when sending transaction on geth JSON-RPC

I am trying to send a transaction using Go Ethereum 1.4.18-stable JSON-RPC and I am getting the following error: {'message': 'Nonce too low', 'code': -32000} This is a single transaction on ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
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web3js getPastLogs function returns error: query returned more than 10000 results

I have a local ethereum node and I am trying to filter an event for a contract address between a range of blocks. However it throws the following error: node:15689) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: ...
mzaidi's user avatar
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Using the Parity or Geth light client, how can I monitor an address for transactions?

I'd like to use Parity or Geth, in light client mode, to monitor an address for transactions. Essentially, I should be able to check each block for transactions involving a certain address. In the ...
Jacob Gadikian's user avatar
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geth node not seeing pending transactions

I'm running a geth node locally on goerli network in sync mode. I use the following command to boot the node : geth --goerli --syncmode "light" My txpool never list pending transactions, ...
LostInEthWorld's user avatar
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How to reduce transaction propagation time

I want to reduce the propagation time of my transactions to the minimum (ie. the time it takes for my transactions to reach miners). My transactions are broadcasted on my local Geth node (full node). ...
Undead8's user avatar
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go ethereum Approve success but unable to locate this TxnHash on bscscan

I want to Approve some WBNB on bsc-chain(PancakeSwap) for swapping other token, currently the balance is "0.0008", the allowance is "0.0001", I want to swap all the WBNB so I need ...
aj3423's user avatar
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Get smart contract info from transaction

Lets take for example this, we can see that it did not transfer any ether, it interacts with a contract (that's why there's the stamp of the contract creation/execution). Is there a way to get in go-...
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5 votes
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what is the use of the payload field in the ethereum transaction reciept?

as seen in the following transaction reciept: what is the payload field and what is the use? how to ...
siddesh sangodkar's user avatar
6 votes
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what is the difference between non-executable transactions and executable transactions?

In geth doc I found this : --txpool.globalslots value Maximum number of executable transaction slots for all accounts (default: 4096) --txpool.accountqueue value Maximum number ...
maroodb's user avatar
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Is it possible to batch transactions together?

In bitcoin-land, it's advised to batch transactions to send them to (a) reduce fees and (b) reduce network congestion. Does the same apply to ethereum land? It seems that the to can be only one ...
Shamoon's user avatar
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3 answers

How to make transaction using private key and address using web3j

I have a private key and address . Is it possible to make transaction with these parameter using web3j.
Ajit Soman's user avatar
1 vote
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Insufficient fund for sending USDT token on an address with no Ether

I've an Ethereum account in Geth which has received 4 Tether (USDT). I want to send 1 of them for test to another account, but I receive this error: insufficient funds for gas * price + value I ...
Mohammad Saberi's user avatar
8 votes
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What happens to transactions in orphaned/forked blocks?

From my investigation and reading a lot about this, it seems like the transaction is just removed and the ether returns back to some address. With Bitcoin, orphaned blocks are initially accepted by ...
DeV1doR's user avatar
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Question about pending transactions

I am running loads of transactions in a private POA network, even a few per seconds. The nonces are being managed by a specific service. The issue I encountered was that one sealer somehow didn't ...
3DLures's user avatar
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Transaction successful but ether not transferred to destination account

I am following this article and everything works expected but ether is not getting transferred to the to account.Please find the logs below. eth.sendTransaction({from:eth.accounts[0], to:eth.accounts[...
Alien's user avatar
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How do you use Geth to send a transaction? [closed]

I want to send ether from one account to another using the geth client. I don't want to wait several days or use up tens of gigs on my hard drive before doing so either. How can this be done?
sager89's user avatar
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Which component sends a transaction and which component subscribes to an event?

I am working on an ethereum project but I have some doubts. I have a backend that connects to the blockchain via web3.js. To connect to the blockchain I use a geth node. I understand that the sequence ...
EMANUEL's user avatar
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How to create transactions and delay its broadcast to other nodes

I am creating a project where i need to use my smart contract to add data to the storage but in a programatically delayed way: I am using web3 in my nodejs server, and i want to create the ...
Kaki Master Of Time's user avatar
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How can I parallelize the execution of smart contract transactions?

I am doing research and I would like to increase the transaction throughput by parallelizing. With respect to smart contracts what can I parallelize? Ideally I would like to use CUDA.
sagooding's user avatar
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Which operations can change ethereum address balance?

I am writing a program that would monitor changes in balance of a set of ethereum addresses. I did the same for UTXO based coins, and the logic was pretty simple. All of the changes were directly ...
navigante's user avatar
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Fork of geth - activate mining ONLY when there's transaction(s) that've come from a certain wallet/address. How?

This may be a fork of geth, or any other node client, or a tweak in its functionality: I want to be able to activate mining process only when, and if, there have come transaction(s) from a certain ...
Kum's user avatar
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How to create ERC20 token with burns 0.5% of tokens on transfer?

I want to create an ERC20 token. It must burn 0.5% of the tokens at every transfer. For example, When someone send 100 tokens from wallet1 to wallet2, wallet 2 must take 99.5 tokens.
BROL's user avatar
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How many non-empty accounts are there?

I am researching into the statistics of Ethereum and I an looking for a datum of how many non-zero balance account currently exist in Ethereum? I know that in total 30M of accounts were created but ...
Nulik's user avatar
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Can my backend call a smart contract function to be executed on a certain date?

The architecture of my dapp consists of a backend (metamask + web3.js or web3.js + geth) and a smart contract that offers different services (functions). I want a function on the smart contract to run ...
Mario Roma's user avatar
5 votes
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return (bytes32,bytes32) , returns actual transaction address instead of the real data

I have attached my contract, which works fine on populus and compiles on geth. It is a simple source code: Test() function appends data into my linkedlist that is defined in my library. And get() ...
alper's user avatar
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how miners within a mining pool execute transactions and verify blocks?

I know that solo miners have to select & execute transactions in a block and also verify the recipint block and its transactions, all by themself. However, I am not sure how this works in a mining ...
MWH's user avatar
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How can I validate transaction?

I have question related to transactions. Is is possible to verify transaction by sender and receiver. For example user A want to send money to user B. User A create transaction, digitaly signed. ...
explorer's user avatar
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How do I get data regarding the type of token moved as a result of a smart contract's internal execution?

I want to "join" transactions with the execution information (typically referred to as internal transactions). Example scenario: Someone sells Alice a token, tokenA, via a regular Ethereum ...
dx1's user avatar
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Local node doesn't see that many transactions?

Just to be clear, this is for binance smart chain not eth chain. I'm running a local BSC node and I have a filter for pending transactions and this was working well as of a couple days ago, but for ...
Arian Karbasi's user avatar
15 votes
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How to conditionally send ethers to another account post-hard-fork to protect yourself from replay attacks

The DAO contract was attacked on 17th June 2016 where the attacker drained about USD 50 million worth of ethers using a recursive call vulnerability in The DAO contract code. The attacker drained ...
BokkyPooBah's user avatar
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How to get the pending transactions in the whole network from ethereum?

I would like to get the pending transactions in the whole network of ethereum. For example, the transaction '0xabcdefg' is right now pending in the pool, waiting to be mined by miners, after 12 ...
fangchen ouyang's user avatar
7 votes
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Sent ether from wallet to bittrex, 12 hours later no balance on bittrex [closed]

So I made an account on bittrex and I created a hex address so I could transfer over my ether, I went into my wallet and sent 0.1 ether to bittrex, 12 hours later my bittrex account still shows a 0 ...
Toastslave's user avatar

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