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2 answers

Geth: bootnode tool and --nodiscover

In Geth, if I use the --nodiscover option, my node won't be discovered by default from other nodes. Conversely, with bootnode tool implemented in geth, first I have to generate a key, then I have to ...
ActuallyLZ's user avatar
5 votes
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Private network nodes can't find peers

I have 4 nodes (each on a separate droplet on digital ocean) in a private network: bootnode miner1 miner2 jsonrpc Each node is initialized with geth --datadir ./data init ./genesis.json using the ...
Darth Thanatus's user avatar
5 votes
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Extremely slow geth mining and synchronization for private blockchain

I am constructing a very simple 2 nodes private Ethereum network to study the mining behaviour. The consensus algorithm is ethash. In order for the 2 nodes to discover each other, I also setup a ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Mining hangs on Generating DAG in progress

I am trying to initialize rpc using the below command and start miner using miner.start(1); geth --rpcapi eth,web3,personal --rpc --networkid=15 Mining starts successfully with below logs but it ...
Alien's user avatar
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How to do a disaster recovery in private chains?

How can I do a disaster recovery on a private chain running ethereum, say for instance Quorum ?
NaN's user avatar
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web3 api in eth

Since, I am not able to use the go client in the multi node mode due to a bug (Multi node private local ethereum and send transaction), I tried to use the c++ client eth. Tried using the go client ...
S.Bhaskar's user avatar
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Is there a way to "clean up" the ethminer installation (ethminer after crashes)?

I'm NOT running Geth or any other wallet on the miners. I have dedicated systems for mining running Ubuntu 15.04, 64 bit desktop with ethminer compiled from cpp-ethereum. Motherboards/Processors range ...
whiterockmining's user avatar
3 votes
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"Head state missing, repairing" after private network crash. Any way to recover the blocks?

I'm running a small PoA private network (2 nodes, one signer, one for API purposes). Yesterday, the system both nodes are running on crashed due to an unrelated issue. As a result, both geth instances ...
jbyers44's user avatar
3 votes
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admin.peers shows peer info (local and public ip). Is this cause for concern?

I'm connecting to a private blockchain network over the internet using geth. In the console of geth if you run admin.peers it lists both: local_address(internal ip) remote_address(external ip) I have ...
Buildersrejected's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the scalability limit for POA Ethereum (number of nodes)?

Tried to find any benchmarks what is the maximum number of nodes for Ethereum PoA network. When does a network latency become crucial? Looking for any sources / empirical benchmarks.
Steampowered's user avatar
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Miner accepting 0 price transactions

I am hosting a private blockchain and I am testing out the Geth functionality. I have deployed a Solidity contract based on the Greeter example. The functionality is not important, but suffice to say ...
MemoNick's user avatar
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Private network: Using geth to mine for parity nodes

I want to set up a private Ethereum network using a parity client. Ideally, I want to resemble the "real" Ethereum network as close as possible. Thus, I want to set up a proof of work network. For ...
BlockchainDieter's user avatar
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Please enable network time synchronisation in system settings geth windows 8.1

I'm learning Ethereum and following this tutorial to setup private chain on local machine. All works fine, however when I try to run the node(s) it displaying me an warring Please enable network time ...
Hina's user avatar
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Proof of Authority Finalisation

Are there uncles/orphaned blocks in a PoA-based network? How do we reach consensus which is the real chain if the chain is splited/ we have a fork? Do you know any possible attack vectors on such ...
Arnaudov_St's user avatar
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Invalid address error

I keep getting Error: Invalid address when trying to run the application. My current setup of web3 using infura node is if (typeof web3 !== 'undefined') { web3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider); } ...
madsmosu's user avatar
3 votes
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Geth private chain hashrate lower on higher versions

Using Geth I am running a private development chain (locally) with one node, starting it as follows: geth --networkid 12321 --datadir=".embark/development/datadir" --password config/development/...
Matthieu Merlyn's user avatar
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SSL Support for Communication Between Geth Nodes

We are using private Ethereum network for a multi entity use-case. The problem is that all these entities geth nodes sits behind a firewall which only allows TLS traffic. The node that's broadcasting ...
Narayan Prusty's user avatar
3 votes
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nat:extip with toml configuration

I'm running the following command to get the toml configuration file: geth --datadir ./chain --nat extip: dumpconfig echo > config.toml But when I start get with the config.toml geth -...
Tclairet's user avatar
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How can i confirm transaction in geth from other peer of blockchain?

I have a query , I have create a private blockchain in which one geth node1 is use for transaction taking and other one(node2) is for mining .They are peered with each other and perfectly ...
Himanshu sharma's user avatar
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Private network with 2 servers on scaleway

first of all thank you for the great discussions and solution that I've found here. I'm trying to create a private ethereum network to which I want to access with 2 different servers. I am able to ...
gatb27's user avatar
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c++ ethereum could not open wallet

Created 3 accounts as follows: $ eth account new Couldn't open wallet. Does it exist? Enter a passphrase with which to secure this account: Please confirm the passphrase by entering it again: ...
S.Bhaskar's user avatar
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Mix Missing on OS X Mavericks

I'm trying to install Mix-IDE on OS X 10.9.5 (Mavericks), but failing. I tried using the binaries for Yosemite from the webthree-umbrella release page, but they crash on startup (pretty predictable). ...
pimple's user avatar
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not able to mine transactions generated on remote node

i have connected two nodes locally on my private testnet using admin.addPeer() I0829 16:33:25.280649 eth/downloader/downloader.go:320] Block synchronisation started I0829 16:33:27.187839 core/...
Aditi's user avatar
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How can I install Ethereum on the Windows 10 Ubuntu Bash

Windows 10 new preview release includes the Ubuntu Bash. I would like to know if anybody has had some luck installing ethereum using the bash, and can provide details instructions. apt-get install ...
Juan Blanco's user avatar
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C code to sign a message compatible (such that can be verified) with Metamask, mycrypto, etc

I am on macOS and trying to put together the code to sign (and once I succeed to verify) a message with an Ethereum private key. So, the private key (just used to test, no funds there lol) is: ...
capodieci's user avatar
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geth full node is too slwo.Only about 50 blocks can be synchronized per minute

geth full node is too slwo.Only about 50 blocks can be synchronized per minute However I use snap mode to sync very quickly. Unfortunately what I need receipts for all transactions. this is my server: ...
Mashaji's user avatar
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How to create Proof of Stake node?

I need to create a Proof of Stake node Ethereum but I'm not be able to find the solution. I know how to create PoA and PoW networks but have no idea about PoS. e.g to create a PoA network we need to ...
Ajaypratap Yadav's user avatar
2 votes
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How to allow a third party to access your private testnet via their wallet?

So I set up a private eth testnet, and so far I was able to connect to it via my local wallet on the same machine. However I had some issues when connecting to the same local testnet via a different ...
Gallagher's user avatar
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Measure gas left in block in solidity

There is a gasleft() to check how much gas left for my smart contract execution in solidity. But how is it possible to check how much gas left in block? I am having quite a big solidity function, and ...
Andy D's user avatar
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Why does Ethereum use RLPx over TLS?

Ethereum encrypts data sent between peers. What are the reasons for implementing RLPx over TLS?
user77206's user avatar
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What is Ethereum's protocol stack regarding cryptography?

Resource 1 says that “There is no encryption as part of the Ethereum protocol—all messages that are sent as part of the operation of the Ethereum network can (necessarily) be read by everyone. As such,...
user15651's user avatar
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Running a SPV wallet on Arduino/ESP32?

I want my ESP32 to make transactions and check for the details of blockchain using a secure method. Actually, I want to use make calls to the blockchain instead of relying on a single node. In my ...
Haseeb Saeed's user avatar
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Recalculated downloader QoS values & Current full block not old enough

I'm trying to build the private network between two raspberrry Pi3B with Geth. But when i started the node and entered the javascript console, it keeps showing the following message, and i don't know ...
ginwei's user avatar
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Issue with failing to detect peers via Bootnode on Local Network

I am attempting to connect various nodes to my private blockchain on my local network using a bootnode to discover peers. Connecting the peers on the local machine running the bootnode is possible, ...
Rhys's user avatar
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How to reduce block time for existing ethreum blockchain network?

I had deployed my private blockchain network back in 2018-08-12 16:12:48 +0600 (1 year, 167 days ago). Since then it is working. At that time the block time was 20-30 seconds which was acceptable for ...
sharif2008's user avatar
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miner.stop() returns null does not stop mining on private chain

I am using Version: 1.9.0-unstable of geth, and I noticed miner.stop() does not work anymore. I am sure it always worked. > eth.blockNumber 901069 > miner.stop() null > eth.blockNumber ...
Prashant Prabhakar Singh's user avatar
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Non-stop "Served eth_signTransaction" warnings after upgrading geth to 1.9.x for private network?

I just upgraded the geth nodes of my private PoW network from 1.8.27 to 1.9.1, and right after starting up the nodes, it spills out tons of warnings non-stop like WARN [07-30|18:33:52.134] Served ...
hellopeach's user avatar
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Not able to connect to private Ethereum Network with metamask

I am running a private Ethereum Network in a cloud VM. I started the node with these arguments: geth --datadir test --networkid 123 --rpc --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcport 30308 --rpcaddr "0.0.0....
Ragas Gnuluk's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I generate a TrustedCheckpoint(CHT) on my private chain?

I saw this link, but still don't know how to get CHTRoot and BloomRoot, only know that SectionHead is block[(SectionIndex+1)*32768-1].headhash
mirror_un's user avatar
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Adding two peers in ethereum privatenet on same machine

I am trying to add two peers in ethereum privatenet but not adding its shows peer count is 0. I run the below commands Node1: geth --identity "Privatenet1" --datadir=./Privatenet1 --networkid 1995 --...
chandu's user avatar
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Change name "Ethereum", "ETH" etc. of a private chain

I'm trying to run a private chain with geth and all works properly, but how can I change the name of "Ethereum" and "ETH" and choose a new name and a new TAG? Thank you.
rod's user avatar
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Puppeth: No ethstats server configured

Update This is an issue with Docker Compose >= 1.23.0 and I've raised this in the go-ethereum GitHub issues tracker. I'm following this guide to create my own private blockchain using PoA consensus. ...
Zulhilmi Zainudin's user avatar
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How to change the crypto-currency that is used in paying for gas fees in a private network

I have deployed my own network of blockchain that is based on the ethereum network. I wanted to know if one could change the currency used to pay for the gas on the private network.
kent Kithinji's user avatar
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geth keeps quitting

I am running a geth node in a docker container for a POA private blockchain. The version of geth is Geth/v1.8.14-unstable-35fcd2f4/linux-amd64/go1.10.3. It is started using the command --networkid ...
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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Private Ethereum blockchain: missing trie node

I deployed a private blockchain with the following steps: Setting the difficulty to a fixed value (see Running a “quick” Ethereum private network for experimentation and testing) and creating the ...
kenomo's user avatar
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geth --ethash.dagsondisk 1 - option ignored?

I have configured a private network in which I can assign different roles to different nodes (machines). Before starting the test I generate the DAG for the block number 0 with the command: geth ...
Briomkez's user avatar
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Pending transactions Geth private Blockchain

I have an ethereum consortium blockchain based on Azure (Geth 1.7.3). I've been experimenting with an application which has a very simple smart contract. The contracts itself, stores data that comes ...
JC_92's user avatar
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Decoding ethereum leveldb keys and values

I've created a simple script to read ethereum data from the leveldb using C++. Basically this testing program would print all keys in leveldb to the console. #include <cassert> #include <...
Devortz's user avatar
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can raiden network be used on ethereum PoA(proof of Authority)? can raiden network be used on ethereum PoA(proof of Authority) ? If it can , how to use it? Please help.
Jan Mac's user avatar
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Confirming transactions on my own blockchain

I have gone through this guide to create my own Ethereum smart contract on my own private network. I have created my own network, I have a smart contract code ready, I have Mist installed to deploy ...
Martin C's user avatar

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