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76 votes
2 answers

What does each genesis.json parameter mean?

I'm trying to setup genesis.json for my private network. What does each parameter mean and what value can I set in genesis.json? nonce: any data? timestamp: any time? parentHash: any hash? extraData: ...
Satoshi Nakanishi's user avatar
37 votes
4 answers

What is a chainID in Ethereum, how is it different than NetworkID, and how is it used?

Here it's described in Ethereum's go implementation. type ChainConfig struct { ChainId *big.Int `json:"chainId"` // Chain id identifies the current chain and is used for replay protection A few ...
AlwaysQuestioning's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Deploying the Greeter contract via the geth CLI is not registering in my private blockchain

I am running a local private Ethereum blockchain using: geth --networkid 60098 --genesis CustomGenesis.json --nodiscover --maxpeers 0 --rpc --rpccorsdomain "http://localhost:3000" --datadir "./data" ...
Bill LaPrise's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

How to make Ethereum mining difficulty static for a private chain?

I have implemented private chain in ethereum but its difficulty level increases by time as a result the mining process slows down. Is it possible to make the difficulty static or disable it in testnet....
Abhishek Ranjan's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

How to set up a Private network and connect peers in geth?

I am trying to setup a private network and trying to connect peers. Currently I'm trying it on my laptop and desktop (both of them are connected to different internet). I run the below command in ...
Diwaker Singh's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Fatal: Failed to write genesis block: unsupported fork ordering: eip150Block not enabled, but eip155Block enabled at 0 genesis block

I am attempting to launch a private geth chain with the following command: geth --datadir=./test-private-blockchain/ init genesis.json I am receiving the following error: Fatal: Failed to write ...
Leon Africa's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

getting error on max invalid genesis file: hex string has odd length

I am trying to create a genesis block on my mac for a local ethereum network but I am getting the error: invalid genesis file: hex string has odd length when i do it. My code is the following: { ...
tony's user avatar
  • 165
15 votes
2 answers

Running a custom private go-ethereum node cluster using docker

Here is a set up I have been working on and am having issues with ability to create a private network with peers. Basic set up: Used the dockerfile from
skarred14's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Mining with geth on private network hangs indefinitely

I've got a private test network running as per this article. In particular my difficulty is set to 0x400; the entire genesis file I'm using can be seen here. Mining with geth does not seem to work ...
jtobin's user avatar
  • 433
15 votes
2 answers

Truffle Migrations Account Locked Error with --network command

I have started a private blockchain using the command, geth --networkid 1337 --datadir ~/home/xyz/testnet --ipcpath /home/xyz/.ethereum/geth.ipc --rpc --rpcapi eth,web3 --rpcport 8545 --rpcaddr ...
godimedia's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

How to run Ethereum Wallet on a custom chain?

So I downloaded the Ethereum Wallet I know you can use a custom directory by running geth first with the datadir flag set up, and then launching the wallet. But besides a custom directory, I want to ...
Fernando Tiberti's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Error "Snapshot extension registration failed" when connecting nodes

Description. The error occurred during the process of building an Ethernet private chain, and I found that the node could not connect. The error message in the log is as follows. INFO [07-24|09:06:36....
肖三之's user avatar
  • 141
13 votes
2 answers

What is an HD wallet for Ether and how to create one using node.js?

I know the basics of blockchain and how to use geth. However, I'm curious to know how to build a wallet using nodejs. What I understand is that you can create a account using geth console (private ...
Shivam Nema's user avatar
12 votes
7 answers

How to add peers on a private network?

I have created a private blockchain on two different machines. Now I want these nodes to connect with each other as "peers". I am using geth console. I have tried the following command: > admin....
Sukhmaninder's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Peer discovery not working on private network

I'm running 3 nodes with the following command: geth --verbosity 4 --autodag --nat any --genesis /opt/blockchain/genesis.json \ --datadir /opt/blockchain/data --networkid 4828 --port 30303 --rpc ...
Henrique Barcelos's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

ethminer Failed to submit hashrate

I keep getting an error: ethminer Failed to submit hashrate :( I am very new to this whole mining thing, and just want to learn more. I am using: Geth Version: 1.5.0-unstable ethminer version 1.2.7 ...
doart3's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Sign raw transaction offline with C++ on arduino

I'm exploring the IoT side of the EVM. I've programmed Arduinos and ESP8266s to interact with a Geth JSON RPC. I'm trying to be minimalistic and avoid NodeJS on the Geth JSON server side. Currently ...
GusGorman402's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How to connect etherwallet to my private blockchain?

I am unable to make etherwallet v3.4.2 to connect to my private blockchain. The way I run my private network: (please note that it works perfectly fine) geth --port 3000 --networkid 23422 --identity ...
alper's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Convert an eth key to a geth key

I need to convert my eth key to a geth key. eth put the key in %appdata%\roaming\Web3\keys, and I see it as a .json file. If I move that to the %appdata%\roaming\Ethereum\keystore directory, geth ...
feebel's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

What is the bootnode command in the go-ethereum documentation?

In the go-ethereum docs there is reference to a bootnode command: Creating the rendezvous point With all nodes that you want to run initialized to the desired genesis state, you'll need to ...
Lee's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Accessing off-chain data from a smart contract to make a decision

I just started studying about smart contracts and from what I understand, smart contracts only deal with the data present on the blockchain. While working on a private blockchain, I want to know ...
galahad's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How can I stop the block gas limit on a private chain dropping to the public chain default?

I've got a little private chain running which occasionally runs some rather labour-intensive transactions. I was able to set the initial block gas limit using the "gasLimit" parameter in genesis.json ...
Edmund Edgar's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Losing connection between nodes on private network

I have 3 nodes running on a private network. After asking this question, I've manually added node1 as peer to node2 and node3, so my network looks like this: _______ ...
Henrique Barcelos's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

How could "ethereum block explorer" connect into geth that is already running on the main server securely?

I am working on private Ethereum Network. I run Ethereum boot-node and Ethereum Block Explorer app ( (A lightweight ethereum block explorer.) ) on the main ...
alper's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How to preallocate multiple accounts with ether for geth --dev chain?

I'm trying to set up a private chain with geth using --dev that has several accounts with lots of ether. It seems unclear if this is possible anymore according to this. Here's what I tried on geth 1....
murrekatt's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Geth will not start mining in private network!

Will somebody please help me out? I am stuck at this since hours; did the process +3 times, each time deleting the datadir content. Geth still will not start mining!! Specs: Geth 1.8.11, on macOS X ...
userdxb's user avatar
  • 91
8 votes
3 answers


I just wanted to mine ETH with my CPU. I use Windows 7 64 Bit with ethminer. I started the cpu miner with a batch ethminer -t 6 -C -F*******...
Nils Zimmermann's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Getting more Ether on a private test net

I setup a local testnet using geth following these instructions. I was able to mine my initial Ether and all was working. After deploying some contracts I quickly spent all the Ether I had. Now it ...
dbryson's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Mining ETH on HD 6950 DAG allocation problem

I have 2 HD6950's which I wanted to use for ETH mining - but I have the well known DAG allocation problem. I can't find a solution for this problem - that's why I'm asking here. And please don't tell ...
Nils Zimmermann's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Truffle migration stuck

I am trying to migrate contract on a block chain network created using azure ethereum consortium blockchain, But when I am running the command Truffle migrate it stuck at PS D:\sl\BCSLAC\bcdemo\sol&...
SwapnilKumbhar's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How to Debug geth Node that Won't Connect to Parity-based Private Network?

I have a private network consisting of two Parity nodes that know about each other from the chainspec file and seem to connect to each other just fine. I have a third computer. From here, I can run ...
stone.212's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Ethereum's definition of difficulty and hash rate

I'm trying to make sense of geth's hashrate and Ethereum's difficulty setting. I'm running a private test net and set the difficulty to a fixed value (to big.NewInt(250)) as described by https://...
Pold's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to bind Go auto-generated code to a smart contract over IPC?

I wish to create a go-binding to my smart contract which was mined on a private blockchain. I've looked at the Native Dapps : Go binding to Ethereum contracts tutorial (located here : https://github....
Kytyan's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

**Updated** Ethminer - no such file or Directory error after building cpp-ethereum on Ubuntu 14.04

I am new to all of this, although I do some programming on Windows and the web. I have a small rig I want to use for mining ethereum. It is a dell inspiron 560. It has a new Nvidia GE-Force 610 ...
Mark Mongeau's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How can I get a private geth instance on Azure to interact with the public blockchain?

So I am referring to Microsoft Azure's new blockchain as a service Ubuntu geth instance. I've set this up no problem and have run through the tutorial, but I'm trying to think of how I would get this ...
FugueWeb's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

ETH sent to ETC address

I accidentally sent ALL my ETH on ETC address :( 6 months of mining gone :( I sent from one exchange to fresh address on another exchange, but on ETC ... Is there ANY way to track those coins? I'm ...
bojan pavkovic's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Gas limit exceeded on private chain

I am currently running a private ethereum chain with 2 nodes. My coinbase address on the main node has plenty of ether so I went to make a transaction but got the error "Gas Limit exceeded". I noticed ...
James's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Can't join nodes/peers to private network

OBJECTION to duplicate problem: The supposed duplicate answer DOES NOT work. The problem wording is similar but the problem itself requires a different solution. I created a local private chain like ...
mechanicum's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Verifying Modular exponentiation operation in etherum

I have Alice who should do some cryptographic operations off-chain. Then a smart contact has to verify equality by performing Modular exponentiation operation. I attached an image of the off-chain ...
Heba Mohsen's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to tell whether an address is mist, mew or parity?

How can I tell if an address is from Mist, MyEthereumWallet or Parity? Is there anyway to know? Are they encoded differently?
fluter's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Is there any c++ library for signing transactions?

I am working on light wallet in c++, and I am looking for a c++ library for signing transactions. I mean something where i will pass transaction and private key and it will return signed transaction ...
ADV's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Executing custom JavaScript Snippets through Non-Interactive console (geth --exec)

I have a JavaScript snippet to get the latest transaction to/from an account. After starting the geth instance, I did this in the interactive JS console: jsFunction is a function in filename.js &...
galahad's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is there any way to disable contract creation on a private network?

I want to use a private Ethereum chain for a specific purpose. I want users to be able to execute contracts that I have created or that I have initialized the blockchain with, but I do not want users ...
Omnidip's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

geth not connecting to private network

I am running a private blockchain and I have parity nodes that seem to be connecting just fine. I've gotten though some geth issues that I was having before but geth still won't connect. HOWEVER ...
stone.212's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

geth: view all current contracts on a private testnet?

How can I query a list of all current contracts with geth? Is there a way to see the contracts' class names?
Roland Kofler's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Gas limit won't change [duplicate]

I am currently running a private ethereum chain with 2 nodes. My coinbase address on the main node has plenty of ether so I went to make a transaction but got the error "Gas Limit exceeded". I noticed ...
James's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is there a downloadable Ethereum bootstrap?

I am trying to synchronize a full node, and this is going very slowly, the progress alternates between bursts of high CPU usage (which is fine, it is heavy but importing), and long times with nothing ...
Fairglu's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Simple contract on private network is never mined

I'm trying to run the crowdsale example from the Frontier docs on a private network and local blockchain. I can create the contract, but do not seem to be able to mine it. You can see a gist of the ...
jtobin's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

connect ethereum wallet(or mist) to to ethereum local private network

I would like to create a private network for test. And I would like to connect to this private network from commandline client or Ethereum wallet/mint. I have created a private network as below. ...
karfkars's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Minimum theoretical hardware requirement for geth

Is there any theoretical requirement for RAM, storage size etc. when I run geth? I mean the real necessary hardware required to get geth running at the very least, but not the optimal or profitable ...
3tbraden's user avatar
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