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How to change the compiler the mix-ide uses?

I have build the mix-ide from source, is there a way to change the solidity compiler it uses? I have tried to simply replace the solidity folder in the webumbrella directory with a new version but ...
uzeidler's user avatar
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Is there a way to know about the upcoming ICOs? [closed]

I was just wandering if there is a place that lists all the upcoming Initial Coin Offerings that take place on Ethereum?
SilverCookies's user avatar
3 votes
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Can an ethereum contract hold ether for a group

I'm struggling to understand what can be accomplished with smart contracts. Can they actually hold (or force a transfer at completion of) ether? Could they work almost like an escrow account? Or ...
Keith's user avatar
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What are the brackets for in SingularDTV crowdfunding contract

I can't figure out what the brackets are for in this line of code, initializing the SingularDTVFund: SingularDTVFund constant singularDTVFund = SingularDTVFund({{SingularDTVFund}});
ethereal's user avatar
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Unable to launch ethconsole with eth (cpp-ethereum) (Ubuntu 14.04)

I successfully launched a node. Everything works fine, even GPU mining. Except I'm unable to connect with ethconsole, as I get an error message : $ethconsole Connecting to node at /home/user/....
FabioB's user avatar
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Is there a way to "clean up" the ethminer installation (ethminer after crashes)?

I'm NOT running Geth or any other wallet on the miners. I have dedicated systems for mining running Ubuntu 15.04, 64 bit desktop with ethminer compiled from cpp-ethereum. Motherboards/Processors range ...
whiterockmining's user avatar
1 vote
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Why have most REP token transfers been failing?

Almost all REP transfer attempts have been failing recently: This seems to have started about a month ago. Poloniex, Kraken ...
mazi's user avatar
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2 votes
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Trying to send ARC (Arcade City) tokens via MEW and encountering issues

I'm trying to move some ARC tokens from one place to another but encountering an error. Link to transaction: ...
Eth Bro's user avatar
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listen-ip is going for default

listen ip option in cpp-ethereum always takes default address not the one we specify. I give the following command $./eth --upnp off --listen-ip output is cpp-ethereum, a C++ ...
userven's user avatar
  • 11
8 votes
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**Updated** Ethminer - no such file or Directory error after building cpp-ethereum on Ubuntu 14.04

I am new to all of this, although I do some programming on Windows and the web. I have a small rig I want to use for mining ethereum. It is a dell inspiron 560. It has a new Nvidia GE-Force 610 ...
Mark Mongeau's user avatar
1 vote
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cpp-ethereum make error with json files

To install cpp-ethereum, I followed the below steps given in the ethereum community forum: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:george-edison55/cmake-3.x sudo apt-get -y update sudo apt-get -y install ...
userven's user avatar
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cpp-ethereum cmake error with json and curl

I got the following error when I do cmake on cpp-ethereum. I have libjson-rpc-cpp, curl. Even then I am getting the following error: -- Found jsoncpp: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -- ...
userven's user avatar
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How do I find a list of the Golem Network Token (GNT) TokenTrader contracts?

The Golem Network Token (GNT) TokenTrader contracts enables the trustless and decentralised sale of GNTs for ethers (ETH). A seller deploys one of these TokenTrader contracts using the ...
BokkyPooBah's user avatar
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15 votes
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How can ERC20 token implementations be verified?

The ERC20 Token Standard is great, in that it allows wallets, exchanges, and client implementations to allow users to interface with a variety of tokens in a common way. But how can one of these ...
thedob's user avatar
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Need help to run a function on contract but get Big Number error [duplicate]

var myContract = web3.eth.contract(abi) var myContractInstance = Get Error: new BigNumber() not a base 16 number: EDIT: if anyone comes ...
Guest8556's user avatar
2 votes
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cpp-ethereum could not punch through NAT error

I have cloned the cpp-ethereum for Linux (Ubuntu) from git as follows: $ git clone $ cd cpp-ethereum cpp-ethereum$ git checkout ...
userven's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is there any way for a contract to know when it gets sent a token?

Is there any way for a contract to know when it gets sent a token? Does it help if it knows the address of the token? I'm making a contract that's meant to divvy up tokens among a group of people as ...
Beez's user avatar
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3 answers

~/.ethereum takes a lot of disk space. What can I clean up without having to sync from scratch?

I am using cpp-eth on freebsd 10.3 with SSD and ~/.etherium takes about 41 Gb of disk space: ~/.ethereum # du -sh * 4.0K config.rlp 41G d4e56740 0b geth.ipc 4.0K keys....
Horttanainen's user avatar
5 votes
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Eth Console Won't Start: Invalid Argument Console

Can't Use "Eth Console" Command upon Installing Eth with Spacebrew Hi everyone, I'm learning how to create my own d'apps on the Ethereum blockchain as part of a Master's thesis research process. So ...
DocMartens's user avatar
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Why Are My The DAO To ETH Refunds Failing?

A user on was having trouble withdrawing their refunds from The DAO Withdrawal contact. I checked the WithdrawDAO contact and noticed that there are many other transactions failing: ...
BokkyPooBah's user avatar
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Tokens and Mist [duplicate]

Is there a certain set of functions and variables that a Token contract has to implement so Mist can handle the Token display? In the Crowdsale example Tokens are used. But there is no interface ...
dakami's user avatar
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cpp-ethereum develop json error

I have cloned the cpp-ethereum in Linux (centOS) from git as follows as suggested in cpp-ethereum-develop cmake error git clone cd cpp-ethereum git ...
userven's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to get the token-balance of an external token in my contract

I'm building a token contract with a sell and buy function. User should be able to buy my token not only for eth but also for another token, that I define. Therefore I need the balance mapping of the ...
Jerry's user avatar
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cpp-ethereum build error

I have cloned the cpp-ethereum in Linux (centOS) from git as follows as suggested in cpp-ethereum-develop cmake error git clone cd cpp-ethereum git ...
userven's user avatar
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c++ ethereum could not open wallet

Created 3 accounts as follows: $ eth account new Couldn't open wallet. Does it exist? Enter a passphrase with which to secure this account: Please confirm the passphrase by entering it again: ...
S.Bhaskar's user avatar
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How to specify custom directory with c++ client

With the Go client, one can use the following command to create new accounts/keystore in a specified data dir: geth --datadir ./data account new While using the C++ client, there is no such option: ...
S.Bhaskar's user avatar
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Multiple arguments and return params

Sorry for a newbie question. I'm designing a smart contract wherein I need to send in many( around 50) arguments to a setter method and return a list of same number of arguments in a getter. So ...
adhiman's user avatar
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Tokens All-or-Nothing Atomic Transaction Support

I'm running into a situation where i need to do an atomic transaction the spans multiple contracts. The issue is it seems that ethereum doesn't support this natively. What i ended up doing is ...
martin treurnicht's user avatar
4 votes
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Is possible to transfer data between nodes using cpp-ethereum's whisper protocol?

Right now I am working on developing a standalone application in C++ using libraries of cpp-ethereum, I was looking at the source code for cpp-ethereum and an idea stuck into my mind that wouldn't it ...
Shirish Patel's user avatar
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How to send custom tokens without ether? [duplicate]

I would like my customers to send a custom token without thinking of a certain amount of ether for gas. So I've tried the standard-token at There's a way described to auto refill the ...
Jerry's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What happens if you transfer real tokens to a test account?

What happens if you transfer real tokens to a test account? The Ethereum wallet says that you shouldn't do it, but it doesn't say why.
Lay González's user avatar
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5th time downloading Blockchain 15 days

I started with geth wallet the first time. Got to near the finish and it started itself over at the beginning. The last four times have been with parity, which seems to queue forevever and then ...
uberdave's user avatar
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web3 api in eth

Since, I am not able to use the go client in the multi node mode due to a bug (Multi node private local ethereum and send transaction), I tried to use the c++ client eth. Tried using the go client ...
S.Bhaskar's user avatar
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cpp-ethereum-develop cmake error [duplicate]

I have downloaded "cpp-ethereum-develop" zip file from github and unzipped it. While executing "cmake eth" It gives the following error. Unknown CMake command "eth_simple_add_executable". CMake ...
userven's user avatar
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9 votes
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Float not allowed in solidity vs decimal places asked for token contract

We know that solidity doesn't support the float values. But here ( they accept one input parameter 'decimal places' for calculation purpose. How ...
Aniket's user avatar
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If I try to send to send ether to the standard token contract, the tx is rejected. Even if function() is modified as below. Why?

/* If I change it like that it still fails */ function () { amount += msg.value; } Is there something like, it's generally not possible to send eth to a token contract?
Jerry's user avatar
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My address is no longer listed in cpp-ethereum's eth. How do I access my wallet/account?

Context I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I cloned the cpp-ethereum repo and built everything using the makefiles. Now (in the same path) I have a bunch of executable binaries in folders such as eth, ...
étale-cohomology's user avatar
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When can First Blood 1ST tokens be transferred?

This question was prompted by the reddit question Why have all 1ST token transactions an error? and Error sending transaction to the First Blood crowd sale contract.
BokkyPooBah's user avatar
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Need OpenCL library for cpp-ethereum on Alpine

I am trying to build cpp-ethereum on Alpine, and I quickly discovered that I don't have quite the same set of libraries available via apk that I have on Ubuntu via apt-get. I have built leveldb, ...
B.Thecode's user avatar
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How to download/install alethzero ethereum client download windows 10?

I am new to Ethereum and when i see some videos i found they are using alethzero ethereum client installed and running contracts. I am unable to find from where can i download alethzero ethereum ...
swa's user avatar
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Trying to send ETH from Mist Wallet to Poloniex, received ETC instead [closed]

I want to send both my ETC and ETH to Poloniex. I have a basic understanding of the DAO fork and know nothing about programming. I googled something about a replay attack and using a split contract. ...
Burn Our Dough's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I call contract function (balanceOf) based on block number?

I want to check the DAO balance address in the specify time(block number) Is it possible to specify the block number when calling a contract function in web3. var contract = web3.eth.contract(abi)....
Roy Pun's user avatar
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4 answers

How can I verify that token balance (not ether balance) sent in a transaction were indeed transferred successfully?

In a transaction in which some token (e.g. DGD, DAO) balance is transferred, there is no need to verify that the address has enough tokens before sending the transaction. But if the sender doesn't ...
Roy Pun's user avatar
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how difficult is it to link an address to an account?

Every wallet can generate as many addresses as I want in order to obfuscate the origin and destination of transactions. But each account has exactly one key-pair and it is trivial to get the public ...
Micha Roon's user avatar
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Multiple tokens types in a wallet

I'm looking to run a private Ethereum blockchain. But I wanted to check first, is it possible for an account to hold multiple custom tokens? For example, can an account hold tokens that denote very ...
jsquaredlau's user avatar
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finding an address in a sharded ethereum

In the future, Ethereum shall be a network of blockchains, all joined by a common root. This will allow for performance improvements in addition to the use of the proof of stake consensus. Having a ...
Micha Roon's user avatar
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15 votes
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ERC20 Tokens with Rewards?

How hard is it to implement rewards into ERC20 Tokens? By this I mean a ERC20 Token that receives a reward in the form of Ether from a rewardAccount that is distributed evenly between all tokens. ...
milkywaymasta's user avatar
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In the Mix IDE how do I view tokens belonging to a user

In the Mix IDE is it possible to view the tokens a user currently has in their account for debugging purposes.
Sean Bannister's user avatar
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Can a decentralized exchange do secure price discovery for attacker-controlled tokens?

Imagine we have several different tokens, and we want to know which one is most valuable. Tokens are contracts with methods to satisfy the Token API. If you have a decentralized exchange, you can put ...
Edmund Edgar's user avatar
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contract.address is undefined when deploying a contract with cpp-ethereum and ethconsole

I want to create new contract using cpp-ethereum (built from source) and ethconsole. I followed this guide: I modified the contract to contain only one class ...
Ren's user avatar
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