Linked Questions

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What decides about the position in the block? [duplicate]

All these transactions happened within the single block: Source: Right now it is still possible to get to the initial ...
Mars Robertson's user avatar
2 votes
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How are transactions ordered within a block? [duplicate]

If I check some specific block, for example: I can see that the transactions are ordered within the block. I would like to understand how that ordering is done.
José D.'s user avatar
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How do miners choose which transactions to include in a block? [duplicate]

If I'm running a private chain with a block gasLimit: 100 and if I initiate 60 transactions, all with an equal gas value of 2, I assume only 50 transactions will be placed in the current block. If all ...
galahad's user avatar
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What’s the transaction ordering inside a block? [duplicate]

The game I found a game where each gambler needs to pay 0.02 ᴇᴛʜ to register a secret before the game before the games switch to status==reveal each day. Then, during the status==reveal period no ...
user2284570's user avatar
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What is the order and concurrency behavior of multiple calls to a contract in a single transaction?

Suppose a contract has three call APIs that have side effects. What's the behavior if I try to: Call all three APIs from one address (i.e. issue three transactions if from nodejs). Are all three ...
Paul S's user avatar
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Can miners mine their own transactions?

Since miners are also nodes at the same time, they should be capable of sending transactions. So the question is, can they mine their own transaction technically? And if yes, are they allowed to do do?...
Ashish Sinha's user avatar
10 votes
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Are Transactions originating from one account mined in nonce order?

Discussion in another thread raises an interesting point. how many transactions could be included in a new block from the same account? Since miners can opt to omit a known transaction from the ...
Rob Hitchens's user avatar
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4 votes
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Order of transactions in the same block

I am writing a Medium blog post about front-running and can't seem to find information about the order of the transactions in the same block. I have executed two trades, one with the lower fee, call ...
naz's user avatar
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How Ethereum transaction tree is formed

I am looking for clarity on transaction tree structure. Below I have listed my understanding If I am not wrong the state changes are tracked in a single state tree. Each block has a state root hash ...
Susmit's user avatar
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What's the default web3 gas price? [duplicate]

When sending a TX, there's an optional gasPrice field. If I don't set it, what's it default to? Does it look at other TXs going on or is it a fixed value that only changes when web3 gets updated to a ...
Jonah's user avatar
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6 votes
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how to solve solidity asynchronous Problem

How to deal with asynchronous operation because of the delay blockchain ? How does the blockchain perform under high concurrency? how to deal with the mutually exclusive variable?
Jim Green's user avatar
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How to retrieve ERC20 from a hacked address monitored by a bot?

Check it out: The address that was hacked:
Mars Robertson's user avatar
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How can a miner mine their own ethereum transaction?

From the answer of this question Can miners mine their own transactions? it seems that if someone wanted to make a transaction on the ethereum blockchain for the smallest transaction price (gas) ...
Luke's user avatar
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If 2 transactions are included in the same block, which one is faster?

Suppose I have 2 transactions calling the same contract with a very high gas price, let's say 1000 gwei for tx a and 1001 gewi for tx b. If tx a is sent first before tx b, will tx b be faster to ...
user3082537's user avatar
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Do mining pool or miners decide on which transaction to be included in the next block?

This question is about mining pools specifically, which is why I don't think it's a duplicate of this question. I understand that with most Bitcoin mining pools, the mining pool computes the header ...
Mario M's user avatar
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