I am writing a Medium blog post about front-running and can't seem to find information about the order of the transactions in the same block. I have executed two trades, one with the lower fee, call it A: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x7332ec032bcd421e8137a623c542f38448bd7860b4b310acf4aef940dae85778, and one with the higher gasPrice and the same amount of gas, B: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x422d289768ce4fd6a7acf15dad9326ac80aaf0dcda696c306da69d5e83bfeb9b. They were both included in the same block: https://etherscan.io/block/9494989. Which transaction occurred first, A or B?
And in general, how does one retrieve the order of transactions in the same block?