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n1cK's user avatar
n1cK's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
15 votes

What is `--gcmode=archive` in geth

13 votes

MetaMask injected Web3 not working in HTML file

12 votes

Is there a max amount of gas per transaction?

8 votes

unable to connect Ethereum node even RPC port: 8545 is open

7 votes

what is the role of Migrations.sol contract in truffle project?

6 votes

When to use "View" and "Pure" in place of "Constant"

6 votes

TestRPC undeterministically throw "invalid opcode"

5 votes

how do I loop through a mapping of address to struct

4 votes

Deploy smart contract to mainnet with Infura and MetaMask

4 votes

Using Ethereum as a ACID database?

4 votes

What is the {from: account_one} third parameter in metacoin.js test example

4 votes

How many transactions per second can we safely send?

4 votes

Wrong parameter passed in the constructor. How can I fix it?

4 votes

How can I maximize the probability that my ETH nodes stay synchronized with mainnet for as long as possible?

3 votes

Error on deploying simple contract : It seems this transaction will fail. If you submit it it may consume all the gas you send

3 votes

Can I implement 'function balance()' in a contract?

3 votes

Creating a Time window in solidity

3 votes

Transaction failed due to "out of gas", how can I get refund?

3 votes

How to access all accounts across multiple nodes? JS/Web3.js/API

3 votes

Why does Solidity use an invalid jump instead of an invalid opcode for throws?

3 votes

Ethereumjs testrpc getting 400 Bad Request when navigating to localhost:8545

3 votes

keccak3 in SOLIDITY and in WEB3 different hashes for an address type field

3 votes

Address unique icon

3 votes

Returning 2D array with dynamic sizes from a function

3 votes

How can I retrieve the constructor arguments used during contract deployment

2 votes

Using web3 estimateGas API (with infura) always returns the last block's gas limit

2 votes

Cloning geth and adding a POS consensus algorithm?

2 votes

Fatal error in initialization of genesis.json file

2 votes

Block gas limit exceeded when compiling contract Solidity browser

2 votes

Why don't I see my tokens in Mist?

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