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Questions tagged [bad-jump]

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Ethereum noob. Internal TX not reflecting in balance on metamask. "bad jump destination" error. Going crazy

New to the Ethereum environment. Using metamask, I initiated three transfers of STA for ETH. The STA was deduced from my wallet, however the ETH I was to get in return is not showing. The only new ...
tha_doktor's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What does `JUMP [out]` stand for in Remix IDE?

After compiling this contract: pragma solidity ^0.4.25; contract Simplest { constructor() public { } function two_paths(bool _a) public pure returns (uint) { if (_a == true) { ...
Peteris's user avatar
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3 answers

Continuosly receiving Bad Jump error

I am continuously receiving "Bad Jump" Error. I followed a guide found here: Why did my withdrawal from EtherDelta fail? and have figured out my token value for deposit and withdraw is set to 0. Here ...
Kevin Levesque's user avatar
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Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [Bad jump destination] / missing ETH

Can some one please advise if I understand this correctly. This evening, I received the above error warning with a transaction. The relevant ETH is currently missing from my wallet. Do I understand ...
Lance's user avatar
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Bad Jump Destination, how can i tell programmatically?

Let's say i'm programmatically making a transaction to a contract. How can I tell (programmatically) that the confirmed transaction has a Bad Jump Destination? Right now, the only way I know of is ...
LampShade's user avatar
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Why did my withdrawal from EtherDelta fail?

I have 10 VERI coins on EtherDelta. I tried to transfer them to my wallet so I can then make my next move to transfer them to somewhere else. Over 4 hours has passed and these tokens have not moved ...
Clark's user avatar
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ENS testnet contract - bad jump when following quickstart tutorial

Following the quickstart guidance using Ropsten testnet, I have done the following on a synced geth console: > loadScript('/my/path/to/ensutils-testnet.js'); > new Date(testRegistrar....
Lee's user avatar
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Bad Jump Destination

After I purchased PPT on etherdelta and my PPT was in my wallet, I pressed the wrong tab in order to exit etherdelta back to MEW. I realized my mistake and was able to export MEW out of etherdelta ...
Dave's user avatar
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Why does Solidity use an invalid jump instead of an invalid opcode for throws?

In Solidity's 0.4.9 release: Internal exceptions are now thrown by using an invalid opcode (0xfe), manual exceptions still use an invalid jump. and Code generator: Internal errors (array out ...
eth's user avatar
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EVM Invalid JUMP when using webpack app

I am creating a frontend app based on Truffle + Webpack, following this tuto :, and have no uderstanding of JavaScript at ...
Alex Sala's user avatar
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VM jump when accessing statically set variables

Hey it seems I get a jump error when I try to access any variable not set through a parameter in the constructor. amountRaised is throwing a jump error below as I try to statically set the value. ...
ethereal's user avatar
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Sending a transaction with a value parameter to a contract method

Here's a simple contract: pragma solidity ^0.4.0; contract Test { uint public sum; function makeRequest(){ sum += msg.value; } } Here's JS code: function onLoad(){ const web3 =...
manidos's user avatar
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14 votes
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Bad Jump Destination error

I wrote what I thought was a dead simple contract - a saving jar... you add value ("save") into the jar and when the balance of the contract reaches a certain amount ("target"), then I am able to ...
Daniel Mermelstein's user avatar
4 votes
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Explain the invalid JUMP error [duplicate]

There are a number of questions relating to the invalid JUMP error. I get this when debugging a solidiy contract on the testrpc with geth command line: Error: VM Exception while processing ...
Lee's user avatar
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oraclize 'VM Exception: invalid JUMP'

Here is my smart contract that uses oraclize to buy bitcoin with ether. pragma solidity ^0.4.0; import ""; contract BuyBitcoin is ...
blue-sky's user avatar
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6 votes
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invalid JUMP after upgrading truffle & testrpc

I have a contract with a method add() where I read the value msg.value and change the contract informations. before upgrading, I was calling this method in my test with return contract.add({from: ...
Stéphane Traumat's user avatar
9 votes
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VM Exception: invalid JUMP when I call a second function

I'm experimenting with Solidity Browser Here is my contract code: contract Test { mapping (address => uint256) weismap; function bet(uint vote) payable returns (uint256 weis) { ...
Gyonder's user avatar
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Invalid jump destination error when attempting to transfer The DAO tokens

I transfered DAO tokens from a Mist wallet to another address and got this error: The following error(s) were encountered : [323] invalid jump destination (PUSH1) 2 The TxHash is ...
Bill LaPrise's user avatar
27 votes
4 answers

Why does a Solidity throw consume all gas?

When you throw an exception, all gas is consumed. What is the rationale for this design decision?
Peter Hall's user avatar
10 votes
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Bad jump array solidity and data location

I'm having a strange issues with an array inside a struct. I will copy you the example code, so that you can understand: Foo[] public foos; struct Foo { uint fooX; uint[] fooArray; } ...
user697's user avatar
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2 answers

What does a "bad JUMPDEST" error mean?

When I send a transaction to call my contract, it's causing a bad JUMPDEST error. The Ethereum wiki says this error is caused when a JUMP instruction jumps to a location that wasn't marked as a jump ...
Niran Babalola's user avatar