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71 votes

Get public key of any ethereum account

You can if and only if a transaction has been sent from the account. When you send a tx, you sign the transaction and it includes these v r and s values. You parse these from the signed tx and then ...
tayvano's user avatar
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51 votes

What does v, r, s in eth_getTransactionByHash mean?

v, r, s are the values for the transaction's signature. They can be used as in Get public key of any ethereum account A little more information, r and s are outputs of an ECDSA signature, and v is ...
eth's user avatar
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24 votes

How do you sign an verify a message in javascript proving you own an Ethereum address?

You can sign a string of data using web3.eth.sign The address you use needs to be unlocked and you can sign text like this: > web3.eth.sign(<your address>, web3.sha3("Some text")) ...
o0ragman0o's user avatar
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24 votes

Invalid sender error on private chain

The issue was that the chain id was not being set correctly. As a result transactions were signed with the incorrect chain id, so the sender could not be derived correctly. The fix was to also declare ...
thanos's user avatar
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19 votes

How to properly create a raw transaction and sign it using web3 in browser

Below is working code that calls "increment" on (More info about that sample here:
user19510's user avatar
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19 votes

Using AWS CloudHSM to sign transactions

OK, so when we (me and the ShaneT) implemented hardware signing (private key stored exclusively on AWS CloudHSM) there were a number of things we learned. Hopefully this gives you a guide on how you ...
Woodstock's user avatar
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18 votes

Get public key of any ethereum account

It is now possible to recover public key from Ethereum transaction without any coding: Open the transaction in Click on vertical ellipsis in the top-right corner Click on "Get Raw ...
Mikhail Vladimirov's user avatar
18 votes

How to properly create a raw transaction and sign it using web3 in browser

Using Web3.js 1.0.0 encoded = contractInstance.methods.myMethod(params).encodeABI() var tx = { to : myContractAddress, data : encoded } web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(tx, privateKey)....
biplavo's user avatar
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16 votes

What are the IDs for the various Ethereum chains?

1 Mainnet: 2 Morden Testnet (deprecated) 3 Ropsten Testnet (deprecated) 4 Rinkeby Testnet (deprecated) 5 Goerli Testnet: 42 Kovan Testnet (deprecated) 11155111 ...
Roland Kofler's user avatar
16 votes

Is it possible to sign a message in Solidity?

There might be implementations of signing in Solidity, but you shouldn't do it. This is because in order to sign something, you will need a private key. Since every transaction is public on the ...
erkt's user avatar
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14 votes

How do you sign an verify a message in javascript proving you own an Ethereum address?

You can now verify signatures in web3 1.0 using web3.eth.accounts.recover const account = web3.eth.accounts[0]; const signature = await web3.eth.sign("Hello world", account); const signingAddress = ...
David Mihal's user avatar
14 votes

Get public key of any ethereum account

I don't think this is possible, since you lose information when going from public key to address: Start with the public key (64 bytes) Take the Keccak-256 hash of the public key. You should ...
Olmo Ziarko's user avatar
13 votes

Getting an address from ethereumjs-utils ecrecover

ecrecover returns public key, you need to convert it to address with pubToAddress. pub = ethJsUtil.ecrecover(msg, v, r, s); addrBuf = ethJsUtil.pubToAddress(pub); addr = ethJsUtil.bufferToHex(...
max taldykin's user avatar
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13 votes

How to get private keys on Truffle from Ganache accounts

You can start ganache with a mnemonic as a parameter ( -m 'jar boss sister abuse equal ....'). Doing this, you'll: be guaranteed to have the same addresses generated with each run be able to derive ...
Tudor Constantin's user avatar
12 votes

Getting the wrong address back from ecrecover

Geth adds prefix to the message before siginig it in web3.eth.sign (see JSON-PRC spec). Without this it can be possible to trick user to sign transaction (more here). So, the correct code to sign ...
max taldykin's user avatar
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12 votes

What if two ether functions have the same signature?

The function signatures need to be unique only within a contract. The Solidity compiler will detect and prevent collisions if they are not unique in this case. If you have fewer than 2^16 functions ...
benjaminion's user avatar
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11 votes

workflow on signing a string with private key, followed by signature verification with public key

Here's a working example I tested out using truffle: Example.sol pragma solidity ^0.4.0; contract Example { function testRecovery(bytes32 h, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) returns (address) { ...
Miguel's user avatar
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11 votes

Create and sign OFFLINE raw transactions?

You can use Web3. var Accounts = require('web3-eth-accounts'); // Passing in the eth or web3 package is necessary to allow retrieving chainId, gasPrice and nonce automatically // for accounts....
artamonovdev's user avatar
11 votes

How to use ethers keccak256?

With ethers.js v5 you can use: const { ethers, utils } = require("ethers"); const labelhash = utils.keccak256(utils.toUtf8Bytes("example")) This is documented here.
Thomas Clowes's user avatar
9 votes

Can a message hash be recovered from a signature?

No, you cannot recover the message hash from an ECDSA signature. The siagnture is calculated by generating (x, y) = kG where k is the secret nonce and G is the generator for the curve. Then r = x and ...
Tjaden Hess's user avatar
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9 votes

How to use ethers keccak256?

Let's look at the function definition for keccak256: export function keccak256(data: BytesLike): string { return '0x' + sha3.keccak_256(arrayify(data)); } The input is not a string - it's a ...
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
8 votes

How can I verify a signature with the web3 javascript API?

Starting v1.0 you can use web3.eth.accounts.recover // message, signature web3.eth.accounts.recover('Some data', '...
Utgarda's user avatar
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8 votes

Can I web3.eth.sign with private key

N/A, in that you don't need to unlock an account at all. Yes, see below. The following uses Web3.js version 1.0.0-beta which is now the default installed by npm. Note that no node is attached. > ...
benjaminion's user avatar
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8 votes

How are tuples handled for the function selector?

Use (type1,type2,...) to represent structs. For example, the fillOrder function in 0x 2.0: function fillOrder( Order memory order, uint256 takerAssetFillAmount, bytes memory signature ) ...
DiveInto's user avatar
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8 votes

Verification of externally-created ECDSA signatures in Solidity

The main issue is that you're signing "TEST" but then trying to recover the signer as though you signed a hash of "\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n4TEST". I'm also not confident you're emitting the ...
user19510's user avatar
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7 votes

Ethereum ecrecover signature verification and encryption

What exactly do v, r, and s stand for? r is the R.x value of the signature's R point. s is the signature proof for R.x v is a recovery parameter used to ease the signature verification. v is not ...
q9f's user avatar
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7 votes

Verifying personal.sign signature with pyethereum

Everything in Python looks correct. The message hash in JavaScript is being generated incorrectly. Preparing the Message Hash in Javascript The message hash must be generated using the original ...
carver's user avatar
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7 votes

How to sign a send method in web3 1.0?

First, you need to generate your transaction, here is an example: let tx_builder = contractInstance.methods.myMethod(arg1, arg2, ...); let encoded_tx = tx_builder.encodeABI(); let ...
Itération 122442's user avatar
7 votes

Sign message with web3 and verify with openzeppelin-solidity ECDSA.sol

Rob, I see that you have already resolved (which is great). For future readers: For OpenZeppelin Contracts you can check the documentation for more information, in this case the Cryptography section:...
abcoathup's user avatar
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7 votes

New contract deployment pattern (0x60c06040)?

I've been monitoring new contract deployments simply by looking for leading 0x60806040 (truncated keccak signature) in a transaction's data field (example). This is not a signature, but the memory ...
hroussille's user avatar
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