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How do I send a transaction to a smart contract?

I need to build this transaction and send it to the blockchain how do I do it ? I always used ethsendrawTransaction just to send eth but never I never built this type of transaction: { "data": [ ...
strangethingspy's user avatar
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How can Contracts sign transactions, when they dont have a private key?

When transactions are made the sender is identified by his signature. But Contracts dont have a private key to sign any transaction or message. So I have some questions: Can a Contract initiate a ...
hadamard's user avatar
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Where is the position of each paramter in a smart contract function when encoded as inputdata in a transaction

When I reviewed the BEC attack, I found the position of each parameters value in real transaction was not corresponding in to definition of function in smart contract. The exploit transaction is at: ...
Jocelyn's user avatar
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Byte32 error, even after converting string to hex

I looked everywhere for people with similar problems, but I couldn't find anything. I am confused why I keep getting this error (yes, I know others have had this error too, but not for the same ...
newFinancier's user avatar
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How to access data from web3.eth.Contracts.send() function?

If I run this chunk of code from my async function I will get a transaction receipt as an output: const response = await contract.methods.recoverAddr(hex_msg, v_decimal,r, s).send({from: accounts[0]}...
Lovro Bilješković's user avatar
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Possibly hacked but not sure Help!

I recently had most ERC20 tokens moved from a MEW wallet through the individual ERC20 contracts. Does anyone know how this may have happened? I am sending pertinent info from one on 1)...
Daniel Landry's user avatar
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from token transaction detail, how can I know if token is actually transferred?

I am implementing support of multiple tokens in my application. I want to listen new token received transactions. I got that I need to decode the input data in any transaction to get the toAddress ...
Maulik Vora's user avatar
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Identify whether the recepient of transaction is an external account or a smart contract [duplicate]

I know that an Ethereum transaction addressed to '0x000..000' is creating a new contract. Now, given a transaction address to non-zero address, I want to identify whether it is a transaction to an ...
sourav's user avatar
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How do i get to return value form one smart contract function into another smart contract on private ethereum network?

Here it is my called function. pragma solidity ^0.4.19; contract Called{ string public name; function set(string _var) { name = _var; } function get() view returns (...
Anand Kumar's user avatar
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What happens when transaction is sent from smart contract?

If during smart contract execution it decides to send a transaction, then transaction would be created, validated and broadcasted to the network from all the nodes executing this smart contract. ...
Joe's user avatar
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12 votes
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Does view functions cost gas? And how to send transaction in a proper way?

I have a method defined as: getNames() view public , if i call on it contractInstance.getNames.estimatedGas() it returns me a non-zero value, why? I mean, view methods should not consume any gas! On ...
rollotommasi's user avatar
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Is it safe to assume that a smart contract can hold Ether for years if the withdrawal is not triggered?

Given that ethereum continues to run for few years, is it safe to assume that the smart contract will hold the ether that was deposited into it for years until its triggered to transfer/withdraw the ...
Kaushik Wavhal's user avatar
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How to track incoming to smart contract transactions using web3js?

I've got one Ethereum smart contract which calls functions of the other one. How could I track these calls using web3js or some other tool if it is possible at all? I need it because I want to execute ...
Dmitrii Vinokurov's user avatar
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How to get transaction hash at time of invoking function?

I have a function as follows: function setEnergy(address dev, uint256 energy) public returns (bool) { require(dev != address(0)); amount[dev].energyValue = amount[dev].energyValue + energy; ...
Questioner's user avatar
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tx.origin for factory

I want to use a factory so that people can create a standardized contract. People should be able to transfer money directly by this creation which led me to the problem of the msg.sender during the ...
RobOnChain's user avatar
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how to loop call token transfer function in a single transaction

I find a transaction here which contains multiple inner transfers. It seems that it saves a lot gas. May I do this with web3j?
xuanzhui's user avatar
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How to send data to smart contract?

I have the variable w1_temp, which i need to send to contract I have the following code: var W1Temp = require('w1temp') var Web3 = require('web3') var web3 = new Web3() web3.setProvider(new web3....
Nurbolat K's user avatar
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what is [Reverted] during contract execution

I have sent ETH to a contract address, and it "failed" the transaction saying it is: Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [Reverted] contract address and transaction failure here: ...
BitkZ's user avatar
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How to send ether to an account instead of creating a smart contract using ethers.js

I would like to send some ether to an account in ropsten testnet. I'm using the following code and the library However, instead of sending the ether to the to ...
Pol Alvarez Vecino's user avatar
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Need Solidity software for smart contract, for Multiple Token dispatch [duplicate]

Please I need to distribute tokens to at least 1,500 wallets and can't go through the stress of sending them one by one. What I need is a smart contract to enable multiple dispatches to several ...
solomonsojay's user avatar
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Is gas ultimately *only* sent to miners while the computation defined in a smart contract is performed by each node of the network? [duplicate]

To my understanding, the execution of the code inside a smart contract is done by all nodes in the network. However the miners are the only ones who receive the paid gas. Also, when setting up the ...
SGMoore's user avatar
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How to get all the transactions made by a token address [duplicate]

Given the address of a token, how I can get all the transactions related to that address using JSON RPC or an external api such a The transactions that gives a Ethereum address are ...
Enzo's user avatar
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Contract transaction ran out of gas, but the gas limit is much higher than the required amount

We have a smart contract which sends ETH to some address', but everytime we call that function, the function fails..
Vincent Rutten's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I deploy a contract, then send and retrieve a string from it?

I wish to store strings on-chain. From what I understand so far, I need to set up a contract, then I can send transactions (with a string) to that contract which will be stored. Is this the best way ...
joe's user avatar
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Is "transfer" a transaction or a call/message?

I wondered if "transfer()" function is a call or a transaction. We know contracts only send messages, not transactions. If a DAO-like contract has a variable and a threshold when the variable ...
Aydin's user avatar
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Do externally owned accounts send messages/transactions do each other? Why doesn't a contract sign its message?

Question 1: Can one account holder send Ether to another one without using a smart contract? Question 2: Is there any need that two accounts send messages/transaction directly to each other? a ...
Aydin's user avatar
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Who pays gas for smart contracts?

I'm currently writing my first smart contract and I'm trying to figure out how to inject gas into the contract, of course, if it's possible. I'm not sure If I got it correctly. With every transaction ...
Maarduk's user avatar
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How to Deploy and call a contract? Address needed beforehand?

I want to store a string from a script in node.js to blockchain. This is the contract. pragma solidity ^0.4.0; contract SimpleStorage { string storedData; function set(string x) { ...
Nick9214's user avatar
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Get pending transactions to a given address/contract

Is there a way I can get all pending transactions to a given address/contract? I could get the confirmed transactions by exploring transactions in recent blocks. But how would I go about getting ...
LampShade's user avatar
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Approval + Deposit each time, vs a one time Approval then only Deposits after

I've noticed that some token contracts are requiring me to do an approval before I make a deposit and some do not. For example. SNT and CVC do not require me to do an approval before I deposit. ...
LampShade's user avatar
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How can I set the gas price of a transaction initiated by a contract?

I am writing a contract that will interact with another contract: contract A will call a function defined by contract B. Is it possible to set the gas price that contract A is willing to pay when ...
troyth's user avatar
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What stops an unwanted smart contract from being executed by the receiver

I have searched online about this, but I can't seem to find a real answer. Say someone sends a smart contract to some address. What if the receiver does not want to accept that contract? How do they "...
Kevin K.'s user avatar
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Get the balance of an ERC20 token at an Ethereum address [duplicate]

I'm trying to get the balance of a token on an Ethereum address. So let's say my Ethereum address has 1 SNT. I'd like to make a call to get that 1 SNT as a response. I've written many other calls ...
LampShade's user avatar
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Bad Jump Destination, how can i tell programmatically?

Let's say i'm programmatically making a transaction to a contract. How can I tell (programmatically) that the confirmed transaction has a Bad Jump Destination? Right now, the only way I know of is ...
LampShade's user avatar
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Simplest way to find percentage of transactions that invoke EVM?

Firstly I want to make sure my understanding of the Ethereum is correct: A "normal" transaction of Ether from one account to another does not usually invoke the Ethereum Virtual Machine? Secondly: ...
Gawnie's user avatar
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How Ethereum contracts transfer Ether without a blockchain confirmation

I would like to understand how Ethereum "messages" (originated from a smart contract) can transfer Ether to another account without a blockchain confirmation. I have spent several hours ...
Krug's user avatar
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How to be notified with bad transactions when sending to a JSON-RPC server?

With Ubuntu, I've tried Wallet/Mist and MetaMask on Ropsten testnet: they both notify me with bad transactions before inputting my password. I've tried to do the same thing with a JSON-RPC server, in ...
Vincent J. Ruan's user avatar
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what information is provided to the miner with the transaction

I am wondering what information is provided to the miner with a transaction that needs to invoke a contract? I thought about Gas, GasPrice, name of function to invoke and input. But, whether the ...
MWH's user avatar
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What will happen when an ethereum node loss internet connection?

Will it reconnect to the ethereum network upon establishing internet connection again automatically and sync Data ? Can we perform transaction and calls on the offline(no internet connection) ...
Afzaal Ahmad's user avatar
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how to retrieve function call address from deployed contract for usage with MetaMask send + transaction data?

I've deployed a contract into my testrpc network. $ truffle deploy Using network 'development'. Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js Deploying Migrations... Migrations: ...
xrd's user avatar
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Sending parameters via the transaction Object

This works just fine: myContractObject.doSomething(i, function(err, result) { if (err) { console.log(err) } else { doSomethingElse(result) } }) However, this doesn't: ...
glowkeeper's user avatar
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How to form the transactionObject in a metamask enforced async call?

Normally, for a contract call (i.e. something that does not update ethereum), I would simply do: var something = myContractObject.getSomething(). I've just started using metamask, and unfortunately, ...
glowkeeper's user avatar
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How to simulate multiple consecutive transactions and get the resulting state?

I'm trying to simulate a transaction on the public blockchain that invokes a contract's method with certain parameters. Then I want to make a follow-up transaction with some other method call. I ...
Floern's user avatar
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Which scope of variables changes the state of the contract?

I had been reading about the state of a smart contract. Here It also gives a small example of a contract. contract SimpleStorage { uint storedData; function set(uint x) { storedData ...
Donut's user avatar
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Implementing a reinforced invoice?

I have a question. My contract structure involves 2 user at address A and B respectively: First A trigger the logging method from the contract with B's address as parameter. This will record a ...
lab's user avatar
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"Estimated fee consuption: The contract won't allow this transaction to be executed." happening in my custom contract in my private network

Any ideas? My contract: pragma solidity ^0.4.0; contract shares { enum OrderType{BUY,SELL} struct Order{ address solicitant; uint price; uint quantity; } ...
Luiz Fonseca's user avatar
5 votes
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How to know the hex code to use in data to call a specific contract function?

For instance, on the BAT ico site, you can see the crowdsale contract address, the ABI and also a string to use in the data part of your transaction if you don't want to call the contract function ...
Nicolas Massart's user avatar
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Contract killed twice

Due to a delay (not minutes, but hours probably) in mining first a kill transaction, and minutes ...
Juan Ignacio Pérez Sacristán's user avatar
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Is it possible to make several calls in a single transaction?

Suppose your contract has a very simple function, F(), which takes about 1,000 gas to process. Suppose you want to call that function 100 times. Since there is an overhead of about 21,000 gas per ...
MaiaVictor's user avatar
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High level discussion: anomaly monitor

I was reading about past attacks on Ethereum network and I pictured the following hypothetical scenario: there is a tool or automated, machine learning based anomalous monitor to check out constantly ...
Saulo Ricci's user avatar