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How to be notified with bad transactions when sending to a JSON-RPC server?

With Ubuntu, I've tried Wallet/Mist and MetaMask on Ropsten testnet: they both notify me with bad transactions before inputting my password. I've tried to do the same thing with a JSON-RPC server, in ...
Vincent J. Ruan's user avatar
4 votes
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"Estimated fee consuption: The contract won't allow this transaction to be executed." happening in my custom contract in my private network

Any ideas? My contract: pragma solidity ^0.4.0; contract shares { enum OrderType{BUY,SELL} struct Order{ address solicitant; uint price; uint quantity; } ...
Luiz Fonseca's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

I created a wallet contract, sent ether to it and now cannot send to another account

While experimenting. I creating a wallet contract. Here is the address: I sent some ether to it. Now I want to send the ether ...
Gianni D'Alerta's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can i sent ETH from a contract wallet to another account?

Use the mist wallet 0.3.9. The ETH from a pool is sent to a wallet address. How can I send the ETH from wallet to account? When I try to send from the wallet address to an exchange address, I saw ...
r-e's user avatar
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