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Strange 0 ETH transactions that don't go to contracts with structured message

I was researching EOA->EOA transactions that took more than 21k gas when I found multiple transactions that don't transfer any ETH value nor do they call a contract but have a not null data field. ...
David Davó's user avatar
1 vote
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Redundant byte offset requirement in the Contract ABI Specification?

I've had the pleasure of finding out that, contrary to what I've been used to in the other byte-transferring/-interpretation systems (e.g. the C/C++ languages, the communication protocols, etc.), ...
Iaroslav's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How transaction fee is calculated in case of L2?

In case of L1, the transaction fee is typically calculated as the product of gas price and gas usage, i.e., txFee = gasPrice * gasUsage One such example can be seen in this transaction. In which the ...
SYED ASAD KAZMI's user avatar
195 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between a transaction and a call?

What is the difference between a transaction and a call? In some interfaces, I can interact with contracts via calls or via transactions. What is the difference between the two, and can contracts also ...
mKoeppelmann's user avatar
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Transaction Hijacking?

So I created a wallet and sent it some funds then I submitted a few invalid transactions. I approved the correct address for transferring wrapped eth. After the approval my script immediately sent the ...
Samuel Wagner's user avatar
91 votes
9 answers

Can contracts pay the gas instead of the message sender?

Is it possible for a contract to pay the gas costs (or part of it) that result from the contract being called? Or does the sender of a message always pay the resulting gas costs no matter what?
mKoeppelmann's user avatar
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Can you fetch the whole transaction history of specific contracts somewhere?

I know you can validate the data of specific tx hashes using web3js or the etherscan api. But is there a service which allows to query all transactions performed by or connected to a specific smart ...
rajohs's user avatar
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2 votes
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How can I invoke an approve() function call from the user and not the contract?

I am working on a basic staking platform for practice. I understand that the user of the platform has to call the approve() function and pass the contract into it in order for the contract to use the ...
user68609's user avatar
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Can someone help me get my funds back in my possession from a contract?

So first off, buyer beware: do not mess around with it appears I made a mistake in doing so. Luckily I never invest more than I can stand to lose unless I really trust the project. So not ...
Legionz's user avatar
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Wrapping ETH into WETH via ethers -- WETH coins on my balance won't appear

I'm attempting to wrap ETH on Goerli into WETH by calling deposit function using ethers. Even though several TX already have been confirmed and successfully mined, nothing will appear on my WETH ...
Camila326's user avatar
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The longer a smart contract interaction's code is, the higher the gas?

It seems that different contract interactions cost different amounts of gas. For example, minting an NFT costs much more gas than the action of transferring some ether to another wallet. Are these gas ...
user610620's user avatar
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ENS on Rinkeby - Network does not support ENS?

I was able to register the ENS domain on Rinkeby, as the network supports ENS. My TX: My subdomain: ...
Mars Robertson's user avatar
5 votes
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How can I get the hexadecimal equivalent for a method name in an Ethereum contract using Python?

The function to call is called xyz(). My code: web3.sha3("xyz()").substr(0,10) Error: AttributeError: module 'web3' has no attribute 'sha3' In newer versions of web3, the above error ...
aste123's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to read uniswap TX input to find out what swap was made?

Look at this tx : it says 0.3RTH send to uniswap and 6,447.815435380239985848 L3P got from uniswap. However ...
Heetola's user avatar
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6 votes
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Execute transaction Approve directly against contract address (without ABI)

Solved For now, you will always need the ABI to execute a call against the ethereum network with web3. A simple way is to reconstruct the function you wish to execute is to, either create a separate ...
Fifth Dimension Dragon's user avatar
2 votes
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i stupidily wrapped my ether to weth from metamask using uniswap,

I stupidly wrapped my ether to WETH from MetaMask using Uniswap. I then used to unwrap it but its taking so long. Here is the transaction hash ...
M Panayi's user avatar
1 vote
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Having trouble figuring out EIP-1599 params for contract transaction in ethers.js

I am following contracts documentation at And got to the point where my contract call looks something like this (someMethod and ...
Ilja's user avatar
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12 votes
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Does view functions cost gas? And how to send transaction in a proper way?

I have a method defined as: getNames() view public , if i call on it contractInstance.getNames.estimatedGas() it returns me a non-zero value, why? I mean, view methods should not consume any gas! On ...
rollotommasi's user avatar
3 votes
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Find a Function Call Across All Contract Transactions

Is it possible to search for a particular function call across all transactions of a smart contract? I'm doing due diligence on 1inch's smart contract in order to see if renounceOwnership was called ...
AdamHurwitz's user avatar
9 votes
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Who pays gas for smart contracts?

I'm currently writing my first smart contract and I'm trying to figure out how to inject gas into the contract, of course, if it's possible. I'm not sure If I got it correctly. With every transaction ...
Maarduk's user avatar
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30 votes
4 answers

Does every node execute the contract code for each transaction?

This question was asked on Reddit a while ago: When a node sends a transaction to the network and has the receiver as a contract, does every node execute the contract bytecode with the inputs to ...
J-B's user avatar
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Uniswap v2 pair before liquidity add

I have a token contract and I want to add liquidity to Uniswap (mytoken + ETH). Before that, I would like to know the pair address in order to set it in my contract. Is it possible to create a pair on ...
4NDR34's user avatar
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How to track incoming to smart contract transactions using web3js?

I've got one Ethereum smart contract which calls functions of the other one. How could I track these calls using web3js or some other tool if it is possible at all? I need it because I want to execute ...
Dmitrii Vinokurov's user avatar
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Is it possible to insert some custom data in the DATA field of an Ethereum Transaction?

i am working on trying to get some data encoded/inserted into an ethereum transaction. Let me describe my environment first, i am using Web3py, Ganache and Remix IDE. I am able to successfully ...
Muhammad Yasir's user avatar
5 votes
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Regular address turns into a contract after receiving a transfer?

To accept payments in ether myself, I first tried how others have implemented it. So I bought an item in a store that uses Coinbase Commerce to accept crypto payments and paid for my item with ether. ...
Roman Vinogradov's user avatar
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How is it possiblle - Although one or More Error Occured [Reverted] Contract Execution Completed?

How is it possible that the txn is reverted due to some error but completed?
Sowmay Jain's user avatar
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How do smart contract transfer funds if they do not have private keys?

I am reading a book on ethereum and I saw this: Only externally owned accounts have a corresponding private key. Private keys are used for signing new transactions sent to the network as a means of ...
Finlay Weber's user avatar
28 votes
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How do I know how much gas to use when calling a contract?

When I am calling (sending a transaction to) a contract how do I determine how much gas to use? Is there a way to calculate this upfront & what happens if I send too much / too few gas?
J-B's user avatar
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why cant smart contract receive ether like externally owned account without a receive/fallback function?

why do smart contracts requires a receive function to accept ether? what prevents the smart contract from receiving ether like an externally owned account(EOA) directly without any functions? What was ...
Bobby Sebastian's user avatar
2 votes
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Cancelled Transaction in MetaMask USDC leads to loss of funds

I had attempted to transfer 992 USDC from MetaMask to a Ledger Account but had decided to cancel the transaction. On cancelling, MetaMask reports that the cancellation succeeded, but my MetaMask USDC ...
Eddie Lim's user avatar
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How does a single getter call get chosen by a node if there's no reward associated?

A tx uses gas to incentivize being picked up by a node. On the other hand, a getter doesn't. It just returns the value. How does a single getter call get chosen by a node if there's no reward ...
fseitun's user avatar
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what is [Reverted] during contract execution

I have sent ETH to a contract address, and it "failed" the transaction saying it is: Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [Reverted] contract address and transaction failure here: ...
BitkZ's user avatar
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Why is transaction reverting with custom smart contract?

I have deployed a smart contract to the Polygon Mumbai Testnet (it shouldn't really matter where I deployed it). When sending a transaction to call a function on this contract, the transaction fails, ...
David Callanan's user avatar
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How to simulate multiple consecutive transactions and get the resulting state?

I'm trying to simulate a transaction on the public blockchain that invokes a contract's method with certain parameters. Then I want to make a follow-up transaction with some other method call. I ...
Floern's user avatar
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How can Contracts sign transactions, when they dont have a private key?

When transactions are made the sender is identified by his signature. But Contracts dont have a private key to sign any transaction or message. So I have some questions: Can a Contract initiate a ...
hadamard's user avatar
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When a contract calls other contracts, is it an atomic operation?

If a contract calls several external methods of other contract(s), is it as a whole one atomic transaction (reverted as a whole if an exception happens)?
porton's user avatar
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Who is msg.sender in a nested call chain?

I read about who is msg.sender when calling a contract from a contract, but who is msg.sender when calling a contract from a contract that calls another contract and so on and so forth?
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
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Byte32 error, even after converting string to hex

I looked everywhere for people with similar problems, but I couldn't find anything. I am confused why I keep getting this error (yes, I know others have had this error too, but not for the same ...
newFinancier's user avatar
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How to send data to smart contract?

I have the variable w1_temp, which i need to send to contract I have the following code: var W1Temp = require('w1temp') var Web3 = require('web3') var web3 = new Web3() web3.setProvider(new web3....
Nurbolat K's user avatar
1 vote
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getEthToTokenInputPrice miner hack?

Plan to use getEthToTokenInputPrice in a Dapp. I was going to just use a larger sample size spread out over a large time period to mitigate flash loan price manipulation. Someone said this was ...
Redundant Design's user avatar
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How to know contract functionality given only bytcode and address

Let's assume that we only have access to the address and bytecode of a smart contract (pure decentralization, no 3rd party tools such as etherscan etc). How can we understand or deduce what the ...
bioround's user avatar
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How to send Ethereum to smart contract address without using keyword "payable"?

I have tried to send Ethereum from my wallet to the smart contract address by using the below code: pragma solidity >=0.6.10; contract NoUsePayable { function getBalance() public view returns (...
Kingpant's user avatar
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Recreate transaction log in solidity code

I have this log and i want to code a solidity contract/function that would do the same. What i understand reading this transaction is that WBNB contract (0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c) is ...
Rémi Baldy's user avatar
5 votes
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return (bytes32,bytes32) , returns actual transaction address instead of the real data

I have attached my contract, which works fine on populus and compiles on geth. It is a simple source code: Test() function appends data into my linkedlist that is defined in my library. And get() ...
alper's user avatar
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How do you know if a contract is destroyed?

I'm using to interact with contracts. I was wondering, after calling a function with selfdestruct or suicide(address), how do I find out that the contract is in fact dead?
Huadong Feng's user avatar
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Transactions not happening in Ropsten Test Network

I'm learning to set up a simple front-end website that executes smart contract methods in a testing environment, but even though MetaMask confirms the deployment of the contract, the transaction is ...
Kevvv's user avatar
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20 votes
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What happens when a smart contract gets several similar calls in the same block?

What happens when a smart contract gets several similar calls in the same block? Consider for instance this greeter: contract greeter { string name; function setName(string name_) { ...
Matias's user avatar
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Get pending transactions to a given address/contract

Is there a way I can get all pending transactions to a given address/contract? I could get the confirmed transactions by exploring transactions in recent blocks. But how would I go about getting ...
LampShade's user avatar
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What role does ABI-encoding play in digital signature?

I have two questions regarding the ABI. 1. When does it happen? A digital signature is made by creating a transaction data structure, RLP-encoded serializing the data, hashing it through keccak-256, ...
Kevvv's user avatar
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3 votes
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Get the balance of an ERC20 token at an Ethereum address [duplicate]

I'm trying to get the balance of a token on an Ethereum address. So let's say my Ethereum address has 1 SNT. I'd like to make a call to get that 1 SNT as a response. I've written many other calls ...
LampShade's user avatar
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