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How can I invoke an approve() function call from the user and not the contract?

I am working on a basic staking platform for practice. I understand that the user of the platform has to call the approve() function and pass the contract into it in order for the contract to use the ...
user68609's user avatar
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ENS on Rinkeby - Network does not support ENS?

I was able to register the ENS domain on Rinkeby, as the network supports ENS. My TX: My subdomain: ...
Mars Robertson's user avatar
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How to know the reason of transaction's reversion in parity?

I am testing ERC20 USDT contract locally with parity. I imported contract to my private testnet and manually generated raw transaction that calls "transfer" method of contract. I send it to the node ...
Oroffe's user avatar
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getEthToTokenInputPrice miner hack?

Plan to use getEthToTokenInputPrice in a Dapp. I was going to just use a larger sample size spread out over a large time period to mitigate flash loan price manipulation. Someone said this was ...
Redundant Design's user avatar
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How keccak hashing and for loop happening in pure function?

I put a keccak hashing inside pure function, it works and return me the result.It also works in a for loop. I studied that hashing the data and loop consumes consider amount of gas. Do we need to ...
Naveen Kumar's user avatar
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Byte32 error, even after converting string to hex

I looked everywhere for people with similar problems, but I couldn't find anything. I am confused why I keep getting this error (yes, I know others have had this error too, but not for the same ...
newFinancier's user avatar
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How to access data from web3.eth.Contracts.send() function?

If I run this chunk of code from my async function I will get a transaction receipt as an output: const response = await contract.methods.recoverAddr(hex_msg, v_decimal,r, s).send({from: accounts[0]}...
Lovro Bilješković's user avatar
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Possibly hacked but not sure Help!

I recently had most ERC20 tokens moved from a MEW wallet through the individual ERC20 contracts. Does anyone know how this may have happened? I am sending pertinent info from one on 1)...
Daniel Landry's user avatar
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How to track incoming to smart contract transactions using web3js?

I've got one Ethereum smart contract which calls functions of the other one. How could I track these calls using web3js or some other tool if it is possible at all? I need it because I want to execute ...
Dmitrii Vinokurov's user avatar
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How to get transaction hash at time of invoking function?

I have a function as follows: function setEnergy(address dev, uint256 energy) public returns (bool) { require(dev != address(0)); amount[dev].energyValue = amount[dev].energyValue + energy; ...
Questioner's user avatar
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How to simulate multiple consecutive transactions and get the resulting state?

I'm trying to simulate a transaction on the public blockchain that invokes a contract's method with certain parameters. Then I want to make a follow-up transaction with some other method call. I ...
Floern's user avatar
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Implementing a reinforced invoice?

I have a question. My contract structure involves 2 user at address A and B respectively: First A trigger the logging method from the contract with B's address as parameter. This will record a ...
lab's user avatar
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Transaction Hijacking?

So I created a wallet and sent it some funds then I submitted a few invalid transactions. I approved the correct address for transferring wrapped eth. After the approval my script immediately sent the ...
Samuel Wagner's user avatar
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why cant smart contract receive ether like externally owned account without a receive/fallback function?

why do smart contracts requires a receive function to accept ether? what prevents the smart contract from receiving ether like an externally owned account(EOA) directly without any functions? What was ...
Bobby Sebastian's user avatar
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Does transferring funds from a contract to an unclaimed address create a new account?

I sent funds to some addresses via a proxy contract and later couldn't find those addresses on a block explorer. Sending directly from metamask to one of those addresses did reveal the address on the ...
kuco 23's user avatar
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Is a transaction between 2 contracts possible if the tx origin is one of those contracts?

In other words, can a contract initiate a transaction by itself, without someone activating it's code? An example would be if a contract can do that when times eg. reaches a specific point.
Giorgos Zazanis's user avatar
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Recreate transaction log in solidity code

I have this log and i want to code a solidity contract/function that would do the same. What i understand reading this transaction is that WBNB contract (0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c) is ...
Rémi Baldy's user avatar
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How to find out what happened with a contract transaction

I have a question regarding one transaction which happened at the 17th of January 2018: It should be ...
Peleke's user avatar
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Do smart contract transactions get signed?

When you send a transaction to a smart contract by using the contract.methods.methodName().send() is it signed by the sender? If not how can I link the sender to that transaction call
user3316323's user avatar
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How can execute function that send ether in geth console?

I want to execute the send function that sends ether from the sender to the receiver, the code is as shown below. contract Sender { function send(address _receiver , uint amount) public ...
atti's user avatar
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How do I send a transaction to a smart contract?

I need to build this transaction and send it to the blockchain how do I do it ? I always used ethsendrawTransaction just to send eth but never I never built this type of transaction: { "data": [ ...
strangethingspy's user avatar
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How do i get to return value form one smart contract function into another smart contract on private ethereum network?

Here it is my called function. pragma solidity ^0.4.19; contract Called{ string public name; function set(string _var) { name = _var; } function get() view returns (...
Anand Kumar's user avatar
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what information is provided to the miner with the transaction

I am wondering what information is provided to the miner with a transaction that needs to invoke a contract? I thought about Gas, GasPrice, name of function to invoke and input. But, whether the ...
MWH's user avatar
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