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6 votes
3 answers

Is there a method to prove that data has been fetched from a block on a blockchain?

I'm considering a problem that I havent seen someone else look at yet. The problem statement is how can we prove that some data (e.g., a transaction, a block header) has been fetched from a block of a ...
Mostafa's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Proof of inclusion inside a Block Header - State Root

I'd like to verify the inclusion of a certain data within the state of a smart contract supposing that I've already have the right block header. What is the depth of the State Root? When I've ...
gatb27's user avatar
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0 answers

eth_getProof for event logs?

Problem Brief Hi, I've been looking for ways to prove to a light client that a log did get emitted on ethereum. I stumbled upon the eth_getProof RPC, but it's for getting the merkle proof for account ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Get proof that a transaction was included within a block

I see that the web3 api has the getProof method: My question is - is there a similar way to get (and verify) a proof that a transaction x ...
Rafael Korbas's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do Merkle proofs prove the current balance of an Eth account?

The state trie stores account state that contains (address => rlp[nonce, balance, stateRoot, codeHash]) nodes. When I'm creating an MPTrie proof (aka EIP 1186) over that node I'm providing a path ...
elmariachi's user avatar
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How does the Merkle proof mechanism exactly work in Ethereum? This is straightforward in bitcoin but

I've searched this site and elsewhere but can't find anywhere this is explained. In bitcoin, it's straightforward. If you're a light client (SPV) in bitcoin, I understand how with the regular Merkle ...
Ashwin Parcha's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Does Precompile Address Affect State Root?

I'm currently building my own L2 stack and have encountered an issue with the state root. Here’s what I’ve done so far: I used the eth_getProof API to get an address proof for a specific precompiled ...
narumi's user avatar
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1 answer

Prove on L1 that an ERC20 transfer event happened on L2

Let's say Alice transferred 100 USDC to Bob on an L2 (e.g. Arbitrum One or Optimism) in a Transaction T of Block B. I would like to prove in a Solidity Smart-Contract on the underlying L1 (Ethereum ...
Greg Jeanmart's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Does the proof of membership of other leaf nodes have to be updated if a new node is added to a Merkle Patricia Trie?

If a new leaf node is added to a Merkle Patricia Trie, should proofs for other nodes be updated? In other words, if I have a proof for node A in a Merkle Patricia Trie and node B gets added to it, do ...
Abol_Fa's user avatar
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0 answers

Whether the proof created by prover can be tampered in ZoKrates?

I am studying zokrates recently. I know that the prover will finally generate a proof, and then the verifier can use this proof and public input as input to verify whether the prover has certain ...
wei wang's user avatar
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How can i verify that a Merkle Proof belongs to a specific address?

I want to verify on-chain that a contract (from a different chain) has a specific value on a variable. I am able to get the proof using eth_getProof and have access to the state root, so i have no ...
Vicente Vieytes's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Error when using Merkle Proof with a lot of leaves

I have merkle proof integrated into our smart contract to implement a whitelist. It works nicely, but when I use a list of a lot of addresses (around 200), I run into issues. The proof for any address ...
Adrian's user avatar
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Does it possible to perform Merkle root proof with filters?

I have a centralized e-commerce system with orders table inside. There are few order categories inside this system such as: Pending payment Pending shipping Pending delivery Completed Cancelled I ...
Zulhilmi Zainudin's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Proof of work vs Proof of Stake [duplicate]

I'm newbie to Ethereum and trying to make things clear. I've read few articles about PoW(proof of work) vs PoS(proof of stake) and what I understood is, Proof of Work is nothing but the mining, in ...
Hina's user avatar
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