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2 answers

Zk Roll ups - Security

1 We all know that zk rollup uses zk-snark to prove the state transition is valid. But, now consider that if a malicious relayer creats a proof using incomplete transactions in a batch (e.g. relayer ...
Tanishq gupta's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Were larger trusted setups run?

Vitalik said here that the plan was to run multiple trusted setups, with 4096th, 8192th, 16384th, and 32768th roots of unity. Have all those setups been run, and if so, are the outputs available ...
Alex Coventry's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Prove on L1 that an ERC20 transfer event happened on L2

Let's say Alice transferred 100 USDC to Bob on an L2 (e.g. Arbitrum One or Optimism) in a Transaction T of Block B. I would like to prove in a Solidity Smart-Contract on the underlying L1 (Ethereum ...
Greg Jeanmart's user avatar