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Questions tagged [geth-clique]

35 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Post-merge PoA private network with geth

Crossposting this from r/ethdev as I have the feeling I have a better chance for an answer here. Hi, I have been playing around with ethereum private networks for a couple months, deploying them in ...
wilsonesque's user avatar
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Geth Clique Block Period 1, Fork of Chain inconsistency

Geth Clique Block Period 1, Fork of Chain inconsistency Hello, In my private Clique network with 4 Nodes (A,B,C,D) I noticed a fork in the chain for block period 1. I noticed that it happens some ...
cyril naves's user avatar
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How to setup a private GoEthereum network

I'm studying Ethreum by creating by own private ethereum network. I have three basic question. I will give as much information as I can to help to get great responses. My network setup is very simple: ...
JDN's user avatar
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Geth node accounts balances and contracts reset to 0 after 30,000 Blocks in POA private network

This is my geth node script geth --datadir /root/data/data/ --networkid 1567134 --bootnodes enode://...
Lloyd Ramos's user avatar
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go-ethereum clique stop mining after one block, each node

After a whole day trying, it's time to ask. I have 14 nodes using go-ethereum that used to work just fine. I generated 14 accounts, inserted them in signers and voters in the genesis file, created the ...
Wyatt Gillette's user avatar
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Geth(clique): Getting the total initial supply on a geth private network

Using ethers/web3 is it possible to get the total initial supply (which is predetermined on clique) so I can get a hold of the data and display it somewhere.. I know how to get the total supply of an ...
Ian Gregson's user avatar
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Storage space geth for private network?

Setup a private network with clique at 15 secs block creation. Started with 3 nodes. Then deployed a smart contract (ERC 721) and send two transactions. After about 2 days idling, and no transactions, ...
0x75aaa's user avatar
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Calling smart contract on private Geth network using Esp32/arduino

I'm trying to call smart contract deployed on private geth blockchain. I couldn't find relevant library on ESP32/Arduino to interact with smart contract. What should I do?
Haseeb Saeed's user avatar
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How do I send transaction from a non-sealer node/account that can be validated by a validator?

Quick review of my system : Every nodes are connected through geth, clique (so a proof of authority system) I have a bootnode that isn't a sealer I have one main_node that is a sealer I have one ...
Zartant's user avatar
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Private Ethereum PoA error: "out of memory"

I'm working with multi node setup on Ethereum private chain PoA. We have all three validator nodes. blockchain ├── genesis.json ├── node1 │ ├── geth │ ├── keystore │ ├── ...
Div's user avatar
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Geth-Clique PoA

In the PoA consensus algorithm Clique, when a sealer broadcasts a block for a given height of the blockchain, do the other sealers check the validity of the transactions inside the received sealed ...
Bruce Wayne's user avatar
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Geth network stopped mining

On my POA network there are 5 nodes/miners but suddenly all nodes stopped mining and giving this in console "INFO [09-05|08:50:16.267] Looking for peers peercount=4 tried=4 static=0". We ...
Lokesh Maheshwari's user avatar
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Cannot query contract methods after upgrading to geth 1.9

We have been running a geth 1.8 based private PoA chain for a long time. We are trying to upgrade it to geth 1.9. After changing the command line arguments to reflect the new API and remove ...
Doodloo's user avatar
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Private POA geth network fails to start after a sudden shutdown of all nodes

I have a private POA Geth network consisting of three nodes. Due to power issue, all the nodes shut down simultaneously. After the restart of nodes I am getting this error on all three nodes when i ...
Asad Hayat's user avatar
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Eth private blochhain dont sync

I initiated a single node for dev testing but it wont work I used geth 1.14 Genesis file : { "config": { "chainId": 1441, "homesteadBlock": 0, "...
Bakhouche Akram's user avatar
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Go-Ethereum/core-geth: Consensus engine interface, on changing coinbase via Prepare method

I assumed the coinbase could be altered from Prepare, so that transaction fees could be paid out to a custom coinbase. But, it seems like worker.go simply ignores the header.Coinbase after calling ...
BipedalJoe's user avatar
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IPC Endpoint closes immediately after it opens GETH

I am attempting to establish communication between a bootstrap and member node on the same device using GETH on Windows. Initialising both nodes with my genesis.json file works fine. geth --datadir ...
Matt's user avatar
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Is it possible to establish a local network between specific Ethereum accounts within the same operational system using Geth?

I tried to launch a local network using Geth. I mean a network of just one running system that hosts some Ethereum accounts. I did that by the below config file and the below command to run Geth node. ...
Alireza's user avatar
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Server returned HTTP status 404 Not Found

I am running a local ethereum PoA(clique) network in my windows computer using geth with 2 nodes. I am very new to this. I am trying to get the performance data of the chain using prometheus. I used ...
Dinith Arunasiri's user avatar
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Creating permissioned networks with geth only

This is a question about permissioning in private network, but actually articulated in 2 subquestions. Q1) Is it possibile to setup geth for a private ethereum PoA network with whitelist of nodes ...
Davide C's user avatar
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Geth Blockchain synchronised issue

i am developing my private Blockchain using geth. I am created successfully my private Blockchain and created native coin on that, after that I created RPC URL for metamask later I am transfer some ...
raj kumar's user avatar
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Can not deploy a contract in a private clique " Not enough gas left for transaction"

I have installed geth version 1.13.8. Genesis block: { "config": { "chainId": 212121, "homesteadBlock": 0, "eip150Block": 0, ...
Sole's user avatar
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Geth private POA network behaving strangely

The Setup I have setup a private POA network using geth (v1.10.14). My network configurations are as following; BlockTime: 1sec Consensus: Clique Number of Signers: 3 Number of Miners: 3 I have ...
Asad Hayat's user avatar
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How to modify a Clef rule to approve Ethereum requests based on specific miner and IP address?

How can I modify my Clef rule to approve requests based on both a specific miner and a specific IP address in Ethereum? Here is my current code, which approves requests from a specific miner: function ...
Akef's user avatar
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Private blockchain on AWS stuck on Looking for peers

I am running 3 nodes private blockchain network on AWS with Clique(POA) consensus. One is bootnode and others are miner nodes. Here is my blockchainpoa.json { "config": { "chainId&...
MutantMahesh's user avatar
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Error at eth_estimateGas & eth_call geth local testnet

Here I am asking for help for my problem, namely to eth_call and eth_estimateGas. So I created LocalTestnet with the aim of making a Swap Testnet, but when I run it an error appears like the one I ...
Ekacitta Wibisono's user avatar
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Is it possible to connect 2 geth node using 2 VPS using Linux (Ubuntu)?

I've running my geth node in vps server using ubuntu, first node is mining now. Now I have a new VPS server which is the second vps. How can I connect the first node to the other VPS server? Or I just ...
Lloyd Ramos's user avatar
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How can I collect fee in every transaction in Ethereum private Blockchain

I'm going to deploy a new chain but can I collect fee from every transaction happen in this chain and the fee will be automatically credited in a account without creating any exchange to collect fee.
Radius's user avatar
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Open ports for sealers in POA

Should sealers have open TCP/UDP ports that allow other nodes to connect when running a clique blockchain? Edit: In other words: Is it mandatory for sealer nodes to accept incoming connections on the ...
Kees's user avatar
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Error: Contract not deployed after cloning private geth network from one server to another

Steps to reproduce: Private geth network is running on server1. Deploy contract using truffle and make a few transactions. Stop geth n/w of server1 and copy its entire directory (accounts.txt, boot....
Aditya Bharti's user avatar
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How to create you own ethereum sidechain?

How can I create a geth-clique POA network as an Ethereum sidechain to mainnet or testnets. what is the simplest ways to do that? are there any frameworks that can be implemented easily
MYANZIK shrestha's user avatar
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Scalability of private chain with 0 block time

What could be some issues in scalability if a block time of 0 is set to a private ethereum blockchain? If I set it to zero, blocks will only be added to the blockchain every time there's a single ...
Alejandro's user avatar
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Geth Providing error on its directory path

I have initilize my node1 with my genesis file which worked fine command is 'geth --datadir node1/ init genesis.json'. But with same geth when I try to run this command geth --datadir node1/ --...
Sahitya Kumar Suman's user avatar
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Transplanting Geth Data

I am wondering if it is possible to transplant a geth node from one computer by overwriting the .Ethereum folder with a full synced node's .Ethereum folder.
Daniel Connelly's user avatar
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When to stop importing new chain segments from Rinkeby testnet?

I am using geth to sync up with the Rinkeby testnet using the command: geth --rinkeby --syncmode "fast". First it downloaded the blocks, then account states, and now new chain segments are being ...
Shujat's user avatar
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