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Questions tagged [ethereumjs-tx]

30 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to use ethereumjs-vm to find the internal transactions for a transaction/block using

I am using as my node and trying to get the internal transactions (i.e. transfers initiated by smart contract) for a specific transaction (or its parent block). I have two attempts (both ...
istrau2's user avatar
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SOLVED - sendRawTransaction (no) errors, valid tx, not found when scanned

I have a method that is supposed to create a transaction, send some wei and validate. When looking around I red that you can use I also checked that you need to use raw transactions because ...
Ranked Bronze's user avatar
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Issue won't allow this transaction (Smart contract)

•Windows 8 •Mist 0.8.9 •Tesnet When I publish my crowdsale smart contract and try to send ethers,i have this warning
user6776's user avatar
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raw_tx_demo.js of "Mastering Ethereum" : TypeError: ethTx is not a constructor

I ran raw_tx_demo.js, an example code on page 119 of "Mastering Ethereum" by Antonopoulos and Wood, but got an error message below: $ node raw_tx_demo.js /Users/gemcutter/raw_tx_demo.js:22 tx = new ...
Gem Cutter's user avatar
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How to let client side sign the transaction and send it to blockchain

This mint function is giving me this error Uncaught (in promise) Error: Returned error: transaction could not be decoded: unsupported transaction type And if I use ethereum-js/tx module to serialize ...'s user avatar
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Extracing v, r, s from signature and adding it to a transaction

I am trying to decode the v, r, s from a signature and add that to a transaction and broadcast at some point. When I convert the signature into v,r,s and build the raw tx the from: parameter does not ...
MisterBulle's user avatar
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SendSignedTransaction TIMEOUT

I'm trying to sign data offline and then send signed transaction via web3.js Here's my code snippet: const {sign} = require('@warren-bank/ethereumjs-tx-sign'); const {Loader} = require("loader-in-...
Ani's user avatar
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When trying to perform sendSignedTransaction iteratively on wallets in an array, an undefined error is returned

I'm trying to write a script that takes as input a JSON array where each element of the array has an address and a corresponding private key. I'd like to have a function that iterates through this ...
king_geedorah's user avatar
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Trying to iterate through an array to send signed transactions results in one failure and one success

I'm trying to iterate through an array of address/key pairs and send a transaction from each one. When I do this on testrpc with an array of the account info for two different accounts, one ...
king_geedorah's user avatar
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Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 100): TypeError: Invalid hex string

Getting this error when calling a write function in the smart contract. Please find the code below. getListedAsValidator: function(address,sender, callback) { var self = this; var config = ...
Akash's user avatar
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2 answers

Call a function in meteor wihout confirmation in metamask

I am working on university project and this is the only and last point i need your help. I want to call automatically a state-changing function in meteor without the submit confirmation in metamask. ...
TimRicta's user avatar
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eth-lightwallet installation error

I'm using Meteor and have installed eth-lightwallet by typing meteor npm install --save eth-lightwallet and meteor npm install --save ethereumjs-tx However, when I import lightwallet from "eth-...
johnhckuo's user avatar
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Why does my from address changes when signing an eth_sign transaction

I need help with something. I am trying to create a transaction, sign it, and send the transaction with web3, but every time it gets signed, the from address changes to a random address. After much ...
Zurik Dev's user avatar
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How to copy this transaction, change the parmeters and send again?

I need to copy this transaction: After that, change the recipient address and the NFT ID and send again. I ...
Udbdjfj's user avatar
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eth_sign invalid "from" address in signature in Trust Wallet browser extension or 0 balance when user has money

Problem I have code for sending 1 dollar from user to my account. It always works for all wallets except the trust wallet extension (trust wallet mobile works also). When I watch the result ...
noofdmsl1987's user avatar
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Ethereumjs putContractStorage throws an error

I'm experimenting with Ethereumjs and having issues with the putContractStorage from vm.stateManager. The following code snippet: const { VM } = require('@ethereumjs/vm') const vm1 = new VM() const ...
Andreas Tzionis's user avatar
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Web3Js: TypeError: hexToBytes: expected string, got object

I am trying to sign a transaction, but I'm receiving this error: hexToBytes: expected string, got object TypeError: hexToBytes: expected string, got object at hexToBytes (~\node_modules\@noble\...
Shahrad Elahi's user avatar
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@ethereumjs/tx Error: Returned error: Insufficient funds. The account you tried to send transaction from does not have enough funds

Moving to @ethereumjs/tx npm package after ethereumjs-tx has been marked as deprecated. My from address has sufficient Kovan network balance, but the following code throwing Insufficient funds error. ...
Surinder kumar's user avatar
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How do I deploy this code to the eth block

please I need help on this, this code works well on my local machine but doesn’t work on infura main net. I need it done to avoid stress in my business. To automatically transfer my work eth to my ...
John's user avatar
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Tx stuck even after using gasestimation for gas limit

I am trying to sign a manual transaction using ethereumjs-tx to interact with a smart contract. This is how I am getting my gaslimit, nounce and data for the params var GAS = await cont.methods....
Harshak Krishnaa's user avatar
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ETH sent to an address that was generated for contracts, how can I recover?

I have transferred money to an ethereum address that belongs to the smart contracts. const priv = "0x" + crypto.randomBytes(32).toString("hex"); const pub = "0x" + util....
Gagandeep Singh's user avatar
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TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE] web3.js error

Can anyone help me fix this problem? I keep getting 'throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( ^ TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or ...
ETHus's user avatar
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Not persisting value with transaction

I have a contract that looks like this - contract Calculator { uint public result; event Added(address caller, uint a, uint b, uint res); constructor() public { result = 777; }...
Jahid Shohel's user avatar
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ethereumjs-tx Returned error: invalid sender

When i am trying to send signed transaction via ethereumjs-tx. I get this Returned error: invalid sender web3Http.eth.getTransactionCount(myAddress,"pending").then(function(blockcount){ ...
Cryptoineer's user avatar
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ethereumjs-tx : sign transaction using unlocked account

Web3js has the following method : web3.eth.signTransaction(transactionObject, address [, callback]) to sign a transaction using an unlocked account. Can we sign a transaction in a similar way, ...
clement's user avatar
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Transaction won't be mined / Failed signing of transaction

I'm trying to send a transaction that writes somesthing on ethereum(kovan) but it seems my transaction is not mined and probably not even send to the network? All my view requests to ethereum work, so ...
Mr. 124's user avatar
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intermediate value is not iterable

I try to construct a transaction with Node (11.4.0), ethereumjs-tx (1.3.7) and web3 (1.0.0-beta.55) and Infura. Infura gives me '0x35b' for the nonce, then I create the tx: amount = 0.001; nonce = '...
jfjobidon's user avatar
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Sign a transaction locally and send it

I'm using Infura as my web3 provider, and have MetaMask installed to connect to the blockchain. I'm trying to send a transaction, but have learned that Infura is read-only, and doesn't support the ...
JarethRader's user avatar
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transaction stuck in txpool as pending

I have a geth node, and using truffle-hd-wallet. I am trying to create a transaction between coinbase and the account created by hd-wallet.Created a raw transaction and signed it with privatekey of ...
karts's user avatar
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Who pays for the gas when i send a transaction containing a signed transaction of another user

I would love it if there was a way for me to pay the gas costs for a signed transaction I receive and then relay to a node. So I am the submitting the transaction, but its data contains a signed raw ...
simonDos's user avatar
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