Moving to @ethereumjs/tx npm package after ethereumjs-tx has been marked as deprecated. My from address has sufficient Kovan network balance, but the following code throwing Insufficient funds error.

Unable to figure out solution from github issue

const Web3 = require('web3')
import { Transaction } from '@ethereumjs/tx';
import Common, { Hardfork, Chain } from '@ethereumjs/common';

// Provider
var provider = 'https://kovan.infura.io/v3/xxxxxxxx';
var web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(provider))
const from = '0xf169ae25afdb8cea6dc2de8938738234bafcaeb8'
const pKey = Buffer.from('e7abf3413731cea1963b845baede4925d7f7310dcc427513fa5752ec11fd098d', 'hex')
const to = '0x3314bf4B1286F495B1fe8908F7d0f05D8818b168'
const valueInEther = 0.001

web3.eth.getTransactionCount(from, "pending").then((txnCount) => {
    console.log('From address nonce:' + web3.utils.numberToHex(txnCount));
    web3.eth.getBalance(from).then((balRes) => {
        console.log('From address balance (eth):' + web3.utils.fromWei(balRes.toString(18)));
    var txObject = {
        nonce: web3.utils.toHex(txnCount),
        gasPrice: web3.utils.toHex(1000),
        gasLimit: web3.utils.toHex(21000),
        to: to,
        value: web3.utils.toHex(web3.utils.toWei(valueInEther.toString(), 'ether')),
        chainId: web3.utils.toHex(42) // kovan
    const common = new Common({ chain: Chain.Kovan, hardfork: Hardfork.Istanbul }); //, hardfork: 'petersburg'
    let tx = new Transaction(txObject, { common });
    const signedTx = tx.sign(pKey);
    const serializedTx = signedTx.serialize();
    var rawTxHex = '0x' + serializedTx.toString('hex');
    console.log("Signed transaction hex: " + rawTxHex);
    // boardcast signed tx
        .on('transactionHash', (txHash) => { console.log('transaction hash: ', txHash); })
        .on('receipt', receipt => { console.log('Receipt: ', receipt); })
        .catch(error => { console.log('Error: ', error.message); });

    console.log(" ******************** Send result: ******************** ");

1 Answer 1


I found my mistake, actually I am using Ethereum HD wallets and by mistake I copied private key of index 0 address and using it with address having index 1.

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