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Is it safe to publish a raw signed transaction in etherscan?

I'm making a flow of creating a transaction offline, and publish it using external node ( So the flow will go from here: I will use this code to generate a signed raw tx var { ...
bbnn's user avatar
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ethereumjs-tx Returned error: invalid sender

When i am trying to send signed transaction via ethereumjs-tx. I get this Returned error: invalid sender web3Http.eth.getTransactionCount(myAddress,"pending").then(function(blockcount){ ...
Cryptoineer's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

What is the networkid and chain id of truffle cli?

I am using truffle console to deploy contracts and using Nodejs/web3js to interact with it. I wanted to use ethereumjs-tx for signing transactions, here is the reference link. I am not sure how can I ...
Parishilan Rayamajhi's user avatar
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transaction value does not match signed transaction params in ethereumJS-TX

I sign this transaction with Ethereumjs-tx: { nonce: 8, gasPrice: 20, gasLimit: 25000, to: '0x45cc01d4b9ad49b81527d5b6629da8664bb525d3', value: 1000000, data: '0x00', ...
nizzle's user avatar
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RangeError: private key length is invalid (In New ETH Transaction pragmatically)

Followed this Ans Ans1 and Ans2 but no solution got. const web3 = new Web3(''); const account1 = '...
Vishal Dalve's user avatar
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Offline signed contract throws 'exceeds block gas limit'. Why can't I deploy?

I'm trying to deploy a smart contract onto the Ethereum blockchain by signing the transaction on an offline computer and then transferring the byte code to an online system for deployment. Because of ...
kawthuldrok's user avatar
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Call a Contract With Web3JS/ethereumjs-tx

I want to execute a smart contract on the blockchain. As far as I understood this web3js offers two options call: executes the contract method locally without using gas execute: executes the contract ...
Andi Giga's user avatar
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Web3.js 1.0 sendSignedTransaction returns error: Invalid RLP

Running parity private PoA chain, using latest parity client + nodejs + web3.js 1.0 When I try to sign a transaction and then send it following web3.js 1.0 documentation (sendTransaction and ...
simoh92's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Raw transaction structure

I made two raw transactions. One was generated by ethereumjs-tx, the other by MyEtherWallet. They are identical until about the last seventh of the way through. Is there a way to work out what caused ...
Joe's user avatar
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Who pays for the gas when i send a transaction containing a signed transaction of another user

I would love it if there was a way for me to pay the gas costs for a signed transaction I receive and then relay to a node. So I am the submitting the transaction, but its data contains a signed raw ...
simonDos's user avatar
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Proper Transaction Signing

I am trying to implement a voting system in nodejs. My server needs to be able to create transactions and send them to the ethereum blockchain when provided with the user private key. I have tried ...
Alex Triquet's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Need help signing a raw transaction with "ethereumjs-tx"

Here's a NodeJS script where I'm trying to send a raw transaction. I've tried changing params in a lot of different ways and always get the same error. What am I missing? I'm following an example from ...
manidos's user avatar
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