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How to let client side sign the transaction and send it to blockchain

This mint function is giving me this error Uncaught (in promise) Error: Returned error: transaction could not be decoded: unsupported transaction type And if I use ethereum-js/tx module to serialize ...'s user avatar
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Extracing v, r, s from signature and adding it to a transaction

I am trying to decode the v, r, s from a signature and add that to a transaction and broadcast at some point. When I convert the signature into v,r,s and build the raw tx the from: parameter does not ...
MisterBulle's user avatar
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Recover Y-parity from DER-signature for EIP-1559

I have a software system where signing ETH transactions happens in a black box. I give the information required, and it returns to me a DER-signature (30|totalLen|02|lenR|R|02|lenS|S). Now I'm aware ...
CoderApprentice's user avatar
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Signature test failed at Truffle js

I'm trying to test validAddress function from my contract ValidationUser, using truffle and test with JS. I checked the V value from the signature and its 27,28 so it is not the problem. Also, I have ...
Dorel's user avatar
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ethereumjs-tx : sign transaction using unlocked account

Web3js has the following method : web3.eth.signTransaction(transactionObject, address [, callback]) to sign a transaction using an unlocked account. Can we sign a transaction in a similar way, ...
clement's user avatar
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How off-chain Tx reduce the cost and problems?

X and Y locked up 1 ETH each on-chain. Balance: X (1 ETH) & Y (1 ETH). X signed off-chain Tx sending 0.1 ETH to Y. Balance: X (0.9) & Y (1.1). X signed off-chain Tx sending 0.2 ETH to Y. ...
Sowmay Jain's user avatar