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Questions tagged [cryptokitties]

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11 votes
2 answers

How does cryptokitties work with smart contracts and is there a random element to it?

I'm totally new to cryptokitties, but my understanding of cryptokitties so far is: It's a smart contract that generates new kitties according to your ethereum address. My questions are: If you are ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to create your own ERC 721 NFT token [closed]

I am trying to create my own ERC-721 non fungible token and unable to find any docs, basic code and how to deploy it on a testnet. Could someone share the official specification and an example of how ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How can I programmatically get a sales history of CryptoKitties?

The pages and show sales with prices and the IDs of the cats sold. How could I implement such a functionality programmatically? ...
John's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Pointing to other contracts in solidity?

I'm doing the CryptoZombies tutorial to get a better handle on solidity and in one of the chapters it contains the following code pragma solidity ^0.4.19; import "./zombiefactory.sol"; contract ...
user8972341's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to query Cryptokitties metadata from Etherscan

I;m trying to query a Cryptokitties token metadata from Etherscan and I need to give two values: _tokenId (uint256) and _preferredTransport (string). What are possible value for _preferredTransport?
Pm Rivière's user avatar
3 votes
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Which ethereum dapps are 100% decentralized and not semi-decentralized (centralized)?

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I see dapps as independent solo code that you can download to you computer and it interacts with the Ethereum blockchain. Looking at crypto kitties, you have to ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
3 votes
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Myetherwallet Insufficient balance for transactionGas limit set dangerously high. Approving this transaction is likely to fail

I'm trying to buy a cripto kittie that costs 0.0035 ETH which is around 3.14 dollars. I'm using my ether wallet for the transaction and when I set up the Gas Limit I get the following error on ...
jimmythechamp's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How are cryptokitties stored on the blockchain?

I'm trying to understand how crypto unique tokens are stored on the blockchain and how is it linked to a graphic of this token. In the case of cryptokitties, each kitty is generated randomly by the ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I obtain the TokenID of an ERC721 token through etherscan API transaction? E.g. CryptoKitty TokenID

I want to be able to find the TokenID of a Crypto Kitty being sold. The transaction returned from by the etherscan API is such: { blockNumber: '11711690', timeStamp: '1611403229', hash: '...
genzr's user avatar
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Duplicating data on server and contract

If I'm building a dapp, is it worthwhile to store information that is in the contract on a server for speed purposes, and only using the contract to track ownership of tokens. I.e. for something ...
user33938's user avatar
2 votes
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Why doesn't CryproKitties contract use Enumerable.sol?

I am going through the Cryptokitties code, which does not include the optional Enumerable contract, but the KittyBase contract basically declares equivalent indexation and functions. Why did ...
Pm Rivière's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How does Opensea fetch Cryptokitties' metadata?

As far as know CryptoKitties doesn't have metadatas on blockchain, they generating images from kitty's genes. Am I right? But here is the real question: If they don't have metadata on blockchain how ...
Fatih Furkan's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why cryptokitties uses storage instead of memory?

There are a lot of explainations of storage and memory out there like this question or this question. But I'm wondering why cryptokitties for example uses storage instead of memory in many functions. ...
MarcS82's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it worth developing on ethereum? Will the chain last? [closed]

After crypto kitties, many people are wondering if the scaling issue will ever be solved. The traffic is exponential, what would happen if 2 more crypto kitties came out at the same time? I decided ...
JDOE's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Why does sign transaction pops up in cryptokitties?

I did some web3.js projects and also worked with MetaMask. But I've never seen this window popping up in MetaMask - as it does when signing up for cryptokitties. Confirm Transaction Sign Message ...
kn1g's user avatar
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1 answer

Specific to Cryptokitties -- Trying to learn how SaleClockAuction works

I'm trying to understand, how the actual process of putting something up for auction works and also how does web3 interact with this auction. Here are my findings till now: I think that ...
InfinitePrime's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why do people even play CryptoKitties? [closed]

I've been lately trying to understand tokens in Ethereum, which basically makes me ponder ERC20 token standard... I still am very much confused in all of its concepts, but the main thing that I haven'...
Asmita Dhungana's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Hardware wallet support of ERC-721 or Storing cryptokitties on Ledger Nano

I have a question related to hardware wallet support of ERC 721 tokens. I plan to move a cryptokittie to a Ledger Nano wallet. It's relatively easy to send it to an account controlled by Ledger. In ...
Igor Barinov's user avatar
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How does crypto kitties lists their auctions?

Crypto Kitties offers a marketplace where you can buy kitties. The functionality is handeled by a contract called SaleClockAuction. This contract inherits from ClockAuctionBase where all auctions are ...
MarcS82's user avatar
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On what frameworks are sites like Cryptokitties made?

Game contracts are written on Solidity. On what frameworks are sites like Cryptokitties and other games made? (Node js, React, Vue or something else?)
Dm2020's user avatar
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Why is the CryptoKitties contract balance not the same as their revenue?

I am doing research about the CryptoKitties game. I see that its revenue is about 12M USD. But when I visit the CryptoKitties Smart Contract I see that the revenue is about 220k USD only. I think I ...
hqt's user avatar
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When I tap buy button in market how does wallet check my allowance instantly?

On CrytpoKitties, when I tap the buy button in a market, MetaMask comes up and shows if I can buy or not based on allowance instantly. How is this possible? Is it making query? Is it included in kitty'...
lagoiz's user avatar
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How much money was spent on gas for CryptoKitties transactions?

Just the main NFT contract for CryptoKitties, not the auction sale or other helper contracts. Bonus points if you can also include billable transactions that started from another contract and then ...
William Entriken's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

unable to buy crypto kittie - why is my transaction not going thru?

I have tried everything in order to buy a crypto kittie however I have not been able to get a transaction to go thru. In the following receipt you can see I give a Gas Limit of 250,000 and a gas price ...
jimmythechamp's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

buying crypto kittie TxReceipt Status: Fail

I'm confused about the following. I'm trying to buy a crypto kittie which price is 0.0038 ETH. On myetherwaller the following window is shown. "Amount send in most cases you should leave this to 0" ...
jimmythechamp's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Did cryptokitties have a negative effect on Ethereum? [closed]

I received a comment from a professional Bitcoin exchange where the person said that cryptokitties have had a negative effect on the ether. What could that mean? Is it true?
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

how to represent many NFT's of the same type in ERC1155?

let's take cryptokitties for example, if i were to create something similar in ERC721, i would create a smart contract named cryptokitties and a mint function that increases the token id each time a ...
ezio's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Creating a new UI for a token

Is it possible to create an user interface for a new token created with ERC20 and metaMask? If yes, how is it possible?
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why did cryptokitties congest ethereum network when it has resizable block size?

So I am wondering how come eth network got congested when block size is resizable and it can take more trx if needed? I am reading some info that it can do that but miners don't want to do it as it ...
Blissful's user avatar
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2 answers

CryptoKitty birth and auction clock

How does CryptoKitty implement scheduling functions such as give birth function or auction ending function. I tried to track it through Eth Fiddle but didn't find how it was done. Is there a ...
Mr.O's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How does CryptoKitties query price data? (To make filters)

so I was just wondering on how CryptoKitties work. Like in order to query the price of each Kitty, do they querry like every single Kitty's price and then sort it out. Or is there a function or a ...
Luis Eduardo Gonzalez's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Ethereum Wallet cannot complie "msg.sender.send"

I have been using Ethereum Wallet to compile and deploy contracts. Now I got this error when trying to test the code in CryptoKittyCore. It failed to compile with this message Failure condition of '...
gxu's user avatar
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0 votes
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How to display a list of ERC721 items starting from a pubblic address

I'd like to understand more about this ERC721 non-fungible tokens. I bought some cryptokitties (non 721), some art on KnownOrigin and now I want to display them in a web page. For Cryptokitties I'm ...
Ziba Leah's user avatar
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-1 votes
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what is /*** CONSTANTS ***/ and /*** STORAGE ***/ in solidity?

I was going through cryptokitties contract and I found following two words /*** CONSTANTS ***/ /*** STORAGE ***/ Are these any keywords in solidity or do they have any significance?
Anam Nizami's user avatar