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how to represent many NFT's of the same type in ERC1155?

let's take cryptokitties for example, if i were to create something similar in ERC721, i would create a smart contract named cryptokitties and a mint function that increases the token id each time a ...
ezio's user avatar
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How does Opensea fetch Cryptokitties' metadata?

As far as know CryptoKitties doesn't have metadatas on blockchain, they generating images from kitty's genes. Am I right? But here is the real question: If they don't have metadata on blockchain how ...
Fatih Furkan's user avatar
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Why do people even play CryptoKitties? [closed]

I've been lately trying to understand tokens in Ethereum, which basically makes me ponder ERC20 token standard... I still am very much confused in all of its concepts, but the main thing that I haven'...
Asmita Dhungana's user avatar