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Questions tagged [cryptokitties]

8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How does Opensea fetch Cryptokitties' metadata?

As far as know CryptoKitties doesn't have metadatas on blockchain, they generating images from kitty's genes. Am I right? But here is the real question: If they don't have metadata on blockchain how ...
Fatih Furkan's user avatar
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When I tap buy button in market how does wallet check my allowance instantly?

On CrytpoKitties, when I tap the buy button in a market, MetaMask comes up and shows if I can buy or not based on allowance instantly. How is this possible? Is it making query? Is it included in kitty'...
lagoiz's user avatar
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How much money was spent on gas for CryptoKitties transactions?

Just the main NFT contract for CryptoKitties, not the auction sale or other helper contracts. Bonus points if you can also include billable transactions that started from another contract and then ...
William Entriken's user avatar
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unable to buy crypto kittie - why is my transaction not going thru?

I have tried everything in order to buy a crypto kittie however I have not been able to get a transaction to go thru. In the following receipt you can see I give a Gas Limit of 250,000 and a gas price ...
jimmythechamp's user avatar
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buying crypto kittie TxReceipt Status: Fail

I'm confused about the following. I'm trying to buy a crypto kittie which price is 0.0038 ETH. On myetherwaller the following window is shown. "Amount send in most cases you should leave this to 0" ...
jimmythechamp's user avatar
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Why did cryptokitties congest ethereum network when it has resizable block size?

So I am wondering how come eth network got congested when block size is resizable and it can take more trx if needed? I am reading some info that it can do that but miners don't want to do it as it ...
Blissful's user avatar
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CryptoKitty birth and auction clock

How does CryptoKitty implement scheduling functions such as give birth function or auction ending function. I tried to track it through Eth Fiddle but didn't find how it was done. Is there a ...
Mr.O's user avatar
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Ethereum Wallet cannot complie "msg.sender.send"

I have been using Ethereum Wallet to compile and deploy contracts. Now I got this error when trying to test the code in CryptoKittyCore. It failed to compile with this message Failure condition of '...
gxu's user avatar
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