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How to send ether on Ethereum main net avoiding all middle men

Is there a way to send ether from my address to another address on ethereum main net without using any intermediary tools or services. That is, I don't want to use third party wallets or web sites or ...
Shanto Mathew's user avatar
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admin.addpeers is not working on geth

This is the info i get when i run admin.addpeer on geth . i have used same genesis file on both aws instances, also rpcport and ports are different on both instances. the info is as follows: WARN [12-...
Jignasha Dalal's user avatar
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What is Special Chakra NFT from Comics NFT

The Chakra NFT from comics is the trendsetter of recent days in the crypto space. The NFT lineups are making a huge difference here and to say in precise, Special chakra NFT of the crypto space will ...
Olivia Noah's user avatar
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Why don't we have an EVM integration library written in C++?

We have web3.js for JavaScript, web3j for Java and NEthereum for Unity/.NET. I want to develop with Unreal Engine (C++) a game that runs on Polygon, but there's no integration library in C++. Should I ...
monkjuice's user avatar
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Expose aditional APIs via Go Geth Ethereum Client

I am asking more experienced Go Geth developers what is the module that is in charge of exposing variables on the Geth Console / RPC. What I need is to expose the variable containing the addresses in ...
Cristofor's user avatar
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questions on block (and header) storage in ethereum, how is it stored along with tries?

I understand that ethereum uses Trie to track the state, transactions, receipts. and each trie has key-value pair that is stored in the database. Each blockheader also has the root has of stateRoot, ...
curiousJorgeXX's user avatar
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Experimental data on transaction propagation time

Does anyone have empirical data on how long does it take to propogate a transaction thought out most of blockchain? I know we can speculate on how long it would take (like here). But I am interested ...
user2229336's user avatar
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Listening to smart contract events RPC, using web3, on aleth node

bakcground, I am working on an ethereum based fork of cpp-ethereum/aleth node and not using the official golang client (geth), unfortunately from what I read, websocket support has been 'ditched' in ...
James Bond's user avatar
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Able to Produce Blocks but Still Balance is Zero

Kindly find the following results below from my Mac Terminal: miner.start(1) --> null miner.stop() --> null eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[0]) --> 350000000000000000000 eth.syncing --> ...
Jsim's user avatar
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GetBalance generate too much request

What I do?. Download logs and collect address Use address to getBalance Result make a hodler table Result Too much generate request to infura Question Is any function/method to make a one request? ...
GoDev's user avatar
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etherem private network stopped for unknow reasons

I have setup an ethereum private network using geth. but it stopped as server got restarted. Here is the command that i am running. geth -datadir . -rpc -rpcport "8545" -port "30303&...
subhanshu kumar's user avatar
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Ethereum NFT options

I am looking at producing a set of NFT's that are a set of 100, the item does not have an image, but is a token to run through an algorithm, I want them to be limited whole NFT's, not ERC-20s. I am ...
Mitchell Fraser's user avatar
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TX recieved from subscribtion but not in Tx pool

I am running local Geth and I subscribe to pending transactions like this : const subscription = web3.eth.subscribe('pendingTransactions', (err, res) => { if (err) console.error(err); }); ...
user12209348's user avatar
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creating and signing transaction

I am looking a way to create signed transaction using c++ libs from aleth. I have this transaction: { from: "0025defd0f341b7f673f84b81c8416d58df29045", to: "...
ADV's user avatar
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Generating blocks without mining,

I have private test network, and I need to simulate forks. Is any possibility to immediately set number block fork-1 (in PoA or any other protocol) ? If yes, what is the easiest way to do it ??
SzymonZ's user avatar
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(error_10) Please enter a valid data value (Must be hex.)MyEther Wallet

I'm trying to deploy a smart contract on Myteherwallet but getting an error while deploying the byte code of the smart contract which is written in solidity remix IDE. I have even tried to change the ...
Aniket's user avatar
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Node error when I deployed smart contract - Web3.js

I get this error when I deployed smart contract to my private chain. Error: Node error: {"code":-32000,"message":"unknown account"} This is my web3.js code. const bytecode = "...
gnxvw's user avatar
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Inconsistent responses with 'eth_getTransactionByHash' through RPC API. Can anyone help?

I have been using the requests library with python to query the geth/rpc api in order to get ETH transaction data. I connected to geth via "geth --rpc --unlock TESTINGADDRESSWITHNOVALUE --allow-...
Benjamin Hughes's user avatar
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ERC20 Token support for metamask website payment

I have the following code working in my site to accept ethereum payments in my website via metamask.... <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="
Jabaco's user avatar
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Ethereum receipts blockid and hashes

Preface: The question relates to the relationship between the content of the Ethereum's receipts and the hash of the block header. Problem description: I wonder, in Ethereum, blockid is based on the ...
Vega4's user avatar
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Geth SWARM no peers found!

Synced via Geth lightnode to latest block --cache=2048. (7200RPM HDD with 8GB RAM) Then created new geth account and did swarm --bzzaccount $BZZ I'm am able to only browse localhost, upload to local ...
SwarmUser's user avatar
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Saving ethers in local private testnet

I created a private ethereum tesnet using geth and it runs well on the system. However, I lose all the ethers in my account everytime I close the application. Is there a way to permanently save the ...
user3336670's user avatar
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ethereum wallet running a private net 0 peers 0 waiting for blocks

am using geth VRSION: 1.8.20-stable-24d727b6 and ethereum wallet Ethereum-Wallet-linux64-0-9-3 and i am using Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS in the geth console i started the miner but either is not ...
sarah w's user avatar
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Multiple Array[] along with mapping handling

This code is running but when the same user makes a bid then the bid is being replaced from the first bid and event is printing twice the same record. I want that one address make a bid and for his ...
Rehan Ahmed's user avatar
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Parsing ethereum chaindata using leveldb

I'm new here :) I'm writing a c++ program that parses ethereum chain data. As of present I was able to get the key value pairs by using leveldb::ReadOptions command (as illustrated in the below code) ...
K.Bezz's user avatar
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can erc20 token transaction work on Fast Sync-ed node ? OR it need Full node to transact any token?

I need help regarding couple doubts. Which sync method is good for me. My client is asking me to make an Exchange website. Also ERC20 tokens will get transacted in this exchange. Do I need a full ...
Hardik Trivedi's user avatar
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How do I get a merkle proof (stateHash) from the merkle patricia trie?

So I understand how a patricia trie works, it's a trie using 0 to f as root nodes, and it also removes empty nodes to make leafs and extensions. What I don't get is how the stateRoot hash is made. ...
cooldude101's user avatar
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Setting up a server to run a geth node - what hardware would you recommend?

I am planning to run a geth node 24/7 on a server, what hardware specs would you recommend for this? I'd like to download the chain pretty fast and want the block download to be consistently quick. ...
Okuui's user avatar
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Not able to send Ether to contract

I am trying to send Ethers to a contract deployed on Ganache but I am getting VM Exception while processing transaction: revert, the same logic is able to transfer Ethers to other account. Following ...
Paradox's user avatar
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Internet on the ethereum network

Excuse this if this is a dumb question. Would the whole internet at some scale be something we can put on the ethereum blockchain?
Vignesh Karthikeyan's user avatar
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Library for create ethereum wallet

I want to create an ethereum wallet that is erc20 compatible on my client side. It should allow user to enter his own password and generate private key, recovery phrases and utc file. I try to ...
desmondlee's user avatar
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tokens and coins based on ETH

I intend to trade tokens and coins using MyEtherWallet. Is it possible to use MEW to do Tx's between ALL coins and tokens, or is the wallet limit to a specific list?
tom markham's user avatar
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web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[0]), "ether") shows 55 in red

so maybe i'm not understanding, i've left my miner up and running for quiet sometime, and i run a web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[0]), "ether") on my only single account and it shows up a ...
Lyghtning's user avatar
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web3.admin.addpeers return BigNumber Error

When I using ethconsole to deal with a private chain. I hope it can connects to another node which I get the node information. But the command "web3.admin.addPeer("enode://[email protected]:30304",...
Whisperd130's user avatar
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Calculating data amount being mined. Server

Does anyone know how to calculate hardware being used by mining activity on a blockchain? I'm curious what the equivalent hardware usage is in a blockchain. I'm looking for a formula of blockchain ...
D Rack's user avatar
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How can I parse local Ethereum blockchain?

I need to parse live Ethereum blockchain to retrieve all transactions that belongs to particular smart contract's address. So my general question is how can I do it properly? My thought about it so ...
Erik's user avatar
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Can I use ethminer with just OpenGL

I have created a windows server EC2/GPU instance, downloaded the proper version of ethermine and tried to start mining. It says that it won't work thanks to no OpenCL or CUDa. This is confirmed by ...
Jackie's user avatar
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Withdraw function of the DAO stuck in geth

so I am finally trying to refund my DAO tokens for ETH. MyEtherWallet (downloaded from didn't work for me (it did not load the ETH amount ...
Pedro Velmovitsky's user avatar
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Ethminer install error

I want to start mining in windows server 2008 ( How to Mine Ether and use Ethereum on Windows?) everything is going perfectly except ethminer(step 9) says JSON-RPC problem. Probably couldn't connect. ...
user1688401's user avatar
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Geth sync stuck on a block

I'm running the go-ethereum node with geth on my server. It sync the blocks in the beginning smoothly but after some time it stuck on a block from last two days. Any help will be appreciated. eth....
Rahul Sati's user avatar
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Tried to send ethereum to contract address, get error in etherscan (gethdebugtrace)

I sent ethereum to a contract address I made and I always get this error: An error occurred during contract execution: exception What is going wrong here? I used the exact same code provided on ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Would this three address Ethereum transaction be possible through Geth?

I would like to store an amount of Ether in an specific wallet, likely a wallet generated in Geth. From there I would like to send the correct amount of Ether, I suppose in the form of Gas, or ...
New2ETH's user avatar
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Coinbase time limit between transfers

Just wondering if there is a time limit that has to be reached between transfers from Coinbase to MyEtherWallet. Trying to send 0.1 ETH from Coinbase and I get to enter the destination address, the ...
Bingobango's user avatar
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Ethereum Solo Mining - Adding additional miners to the rig

I am new to mining and have setup my test mining setup in EC2. I know that this is not profitable but doing to understand how this works. I have 2 EC2 instances where in the first instance, I am ...
Digger87's user avatar
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Who knows a payment slab for ethereum similar to bitpay?

It is necessary that the contract would accept payments in different currencies (usd eur etc.) and then pull out tokens. Can this be done as a payment gateway? How is this best done?
Alex's user avatar
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Possibly corrupted DAG file

I've started mining on Ubuntu 16.04 using AMD-GPU PRO driver and this miner: Video card is a RX480 with 8GB stock. I'm getting a lot of bad shares, like 10%...
ethminer's user avatar
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What is a sealer and what is the difference between Ethhash, NoProof and BasicAuthority sealers?

Default sealer in cpp-ethereum is NoProof: But I don't understand what is ...
NewTwoEth's user avatar
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When I try to mine ethereum I get JSON-RPC error

I am new at ethereum mining and I am trying to solo mine. I already installed geth and now I am trying to mine. When I go to ethereum software folder and type ethminer -G, it gives me the following ...
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How to change the compiler the mix-ide uses?

I have build the mix-ide from source, is there a way to change the solidity compiler it uses? I have tried to simply replace the solidity folder in the webumbrella directory with a new version but ...
uzeidler's user avatar
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Balance updation problem of ethereum process due to block number updation took more time

We are integrated the ethereum on new server, then we send the balance to my ethereum wallet address. The balance is updated on the site with current ethereum block number but in our ...
Veera Sarma's user avatar