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1 answer

is there any problem if i put GETH/PARITY and webserver in one server?

my website need to use something about ETH,so i have to setup a geth/parity rpc server. is there any problem if i set the geth/parity rpc in my webserver?
liunliun's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Connecting to Ethereum Clients from C application

web3.js is a great library to communicate with client node. I have tried using socket programming from C application to first reach nodejs web app in order to make use of web3.js services to reach a ...
Consy's user avatar
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1 answer

When do you get eth when mining eth?

I ran Claymore's eth miner for 8 hours and got 200 shares. I set my eth address when I ran the miner, but no eth was deposited to my address. When I restarted the miner the shares were reset to 0. ...
Philip Rego's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How is this possible from only one worker/PC?

So I was clicking around on the site the other day to check out some folks's ETH performance levels and came across one that has me deeply pondering on how he is doing his mining. I ...
Gamester's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to exchange ETH to DAI with web3 and node.js

I looking for solution how to convert eth to dai with web3 api. something like (I can send eth to specyfic contract adress and I receive back DAI to the same ...
user3503854's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is a active wallet vs inactive

In Apr. empower had an airdrop that they said only wallets that had .1 ETH. would get it. Was that the customary requirement in Jan when the crypto blockchain was jammed?. And wasn't that lowered to ....
Doug Cutler's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Where is the state root being updated in Aleth CPP?

Can someone point me to where the state root is updated after each transaction is executed in the block? This is for Aleth
user2584960's user avatar
3 votes
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How Do I take a Snapshot and Migrate Token Holders to a new ERC20 Contract?

I want to Migrate my ERC20 Contract to a new Address, How do I do this ?
Isaac Hojo's user avatar
1 vote
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can erc20 token transaction work on Fast Sync-ed node ? OR it need Full node to transact any token?

I need help regarding couple doubts. Which sync method is good for me. My client is asking me to make an Exchange website. Also ERC20 tokens will get transacted in this exchange. Do I need a full ...
Hardik Trivedi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to use / see refunded gas in ETH blockchain?

I buy a GAStoken contract which requires say 21000 GAS at 1 Gwei and later when we delete/destroy the contract when the Gwei is around 50. I understand that we will get around 50% refund of GAS at the ...
Ajay's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How do you create a new contract instance with an address *and* arguments?

There is the standard way of creating contract instances with the new keyword where you pass arguments like: MyContract mine = new MyContract(arg1, arg2); Then there is another way, like in this ...
cowlicks's user avatar
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How do I get a merkle proof (stateHash) from the merkle patricia trie?

So I understand how a patricia trie works, it's a trie using 0 to f as root nodes, and it also removes empty nodes to make leafs and extensions. What I don't get is how the stateRoot hash is made. ...
cooldude101's user avatar
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Setting up a server to run a geth node - what hardware would you recommend?

I am planning to run a geth node 24/7 on a server, what hardware specs would you recommend for this? I'd like to download the chain pretty fast and want the block download to be consistently quick. ...
Okuui's user avatar
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1 answer

How make other machines join my private ethereum network.

I have created a private ethereum network in my machine, and now I want that other machines join my network. I think I have to send them the IP of the bootnode, but the question is : what about the ...
maroodb's user avatar
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Smart Contract Balance = 0

Ok, I am pretty new to developing contracts, and I did so by using dAPP and truffle. But when adding it to the chain, it says there is no balance to the contract. How can I add tokens to be bought? ...
Arnfinn Ingebrigtsen's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Best practice in 2018 to claim Ethereum presale purchase [duplicate]

I have the presale wallet and password, but went through a number of trials and just now trying to get back on my feet. I have yet to claim my presale and could really use it to help with medical ...
D M's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to fetch ETH/USD price from the coinmarketcap api

I want to fetch the current ETH-USD price from this api ( How do I fetch just the price into a variable in PHP for reuse on my ...
optimalresource's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Internal Token Transfer without ETH fee

Need to move all token from one address to another address(Internal) without fees. Could you please help me to solve this?
Balaji's user avatar
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1 answer

Transaction Pending and Dropped

I have a transaction pending from 4 days. I have tried to unlock following this answer: MyEtherWallet is pending and dropping. It looks like it is stuck in a loop for 2 days? Now the current nonce is ...
Luca B's user avatar
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Hashing Algorithm Equality in zk-SNARK [closed]

I am looking to implement the zk-SNARK capabilities of Ethereum to allow a user to prove that they have all the components required ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd') to create a publicly known hash 'x'. My general ...
MSM's user avatar
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1 answer

Details about w3.eth.account.create()

I am currently getting started into developing involving Ethereum. I know what the function w3.eth.account.create() does and returns but I am unsure what happens behind the scenes. Specifically, ...
Ethlearner's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Generate ETH address with button on my website

I'd like to open a website that I can easily generate an ETH address like this website: Of course, I will have all of ETH address and its private key. I don'...
Tony89's user avatar
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0 answers

Can the unitsOneEthCanBuy value be changed after Token creation? [closed]

How can I change the value of "unitsOneEthCanBuy" in the contract ? (As the Token is only created & ICO has n't happened)
Sxx Nxx's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Why do you want to use different implementations of EVM?

Currently there are many implementations of EVM (Java, C++, Python, Go, etc). For example: I will be using Solidity to write DApp on the top of EVM-Java and EVM-Python, why would I want to use EVM-...
0xgoku's user avatar
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1 answer

how to batch send eth or erc20 from multiple address to one address?

How to batch send eth or erc20 from multiple address to one address? How to do it with code? For example, I have 30 eth address. I want to from 30 eth address Transferring to the one account in ...
ethcrazy's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Does an ERC-20 token transfer cost more gas than an ETH transfer?

After messing around on the Remix IDE, I realized that initializing a uint (to any value other than 0) costs about 20,000 gas. Because of this, an ERC-20 token transfer to an account with balance 0 ...
Jonah's user avatar
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2 answers

Decoding ethereum leveldb keys and values

I've created a simple script to read ethereum data from the leveldb using C++. Basically this testing program would print all keys in leveldb to the console. #include <cassert> #include <...
Devortz's user avatar
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2 answers

How to listen to events generated by an existing contract in web3 1.x.x?

Currently I'm unable to find a working solution. Let's say I have the following smartcontract: contract Manufacturer { event LogNewOrder(string order); string[] public orders; function ...
Maxim Gaina's user avatar
1 vote
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Library for create ethereum wallet

I want to create an ethereum wallet that is erc20 compatible on my client side. It should allow user to enter his own password and generate private key, recovery phrases and utc file. I try to ...
desmondlee's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Delete/hide ETH address on Ledger Nano S

Is it possible to delete / hide one of ETH addresses that my Ledger Nano S is providing after logging via MyEtherWallet? I know ledger is allowing me to use lots of addresses. It is displaying the ...
user1029968's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Solidity Smart Contract auto withdrawal (ETH)

I'm kinda new to smart contracts, searched a lot, but hope someone here can help me out. I'll try to explain as good as I can. I'm mining Ethereum with a couple of rigs. Each individual rig auto-...
UltraInstinct's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

tokens and coins based on ETH

I intend to trade tokens and coins using MyEtherWallet. Is it possible to use MEW to do Tx's between ALL coins and tokens, or is the wallet limit to a specific list?
tom markham's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Invalid address error

I keep getting Error: Invalid address when trying to run the application. My current setup of web3 using infura node is if (typeof web3 !== 'undefined') { web3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider); } ...
madsmosu's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to make an action to send record to my database?

I want all transaction of the tokens send to my database through smart contract. For example, A send 10Token to B, it will show on blockchain, but I also want a function which smart contract will let ...
Alan Li's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Hi, is Ethereum MIt licensed?

is Ethereum MIt licensed? Can we use it for business purpose?
Shubhabrata Mukherjee's user avatar
1 vote
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Everyone is asking Now is Ethereum still ASIC Resistant? [duplicate]

According to Bitmain - plus other 3 company in china, that they will lunch Asic Miner Machine for Ethereum this 2nd Quarter 2018. My question is there any way that ethereum can prevent this to happen?...
Don Pramis's user avatar
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Convert contract arguments to ABI-encoded format

My Contract Source Convert contract arguments to ABI-encoded format How???
Mun-Kyo Seo's user avatar
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2 answers

solidity - forever can't return the msg.sender balance

this is my contract code pragma solidity ^0.4.4; contract IamHongKongTokenBack_00{ // 現在我錢包的地址+Eth量 function SeeMyAddAndETHVar() public constant returns (address, uint) { address _myadd = msg....
i don't like tell you hehe's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Verify Contract Code Eth

I'm trying to verify an erc20 Contract code for a few days. I have read a lot and tried but just can not get on. maybe someone can help me? Here are the dates: /* Implements EIP20 token standard: ...
Tim.P.'s user avatar
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CUDA ERROR : Cannot allocate big buffer for DAG

Windows Config Windows 10 Ram 8GB DDR4 1TB HDD Vertual Ram set max at 20000mb Still having CUDA error. GPU GTX 1060 3 GB x 2 GPU GTX 1060 6 GB x 3 Total 5 GPU
viral mehta's user avatar
1 vote
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web3.admin.addpeers return BigNumber Error

When I using ethconsole to deal with a private chain. I hope it can connects to another node which I get the node information. But the command "web3.admin.addPeer("enode://[email protected]:30304",...
Whisperd130's user avatar
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1 answer

cpp-ethereum Current block number is 0

I have using eth --private "customChain" --genesis-json genesis.json --db-path data" to create a private chain. and when I into ethconsole it shows: Connecting to node at \\.\pipe\geth.ipc Connection ...
Whisperd130's user avatar
0 votes
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Feedback the cheat and fraud of etc eth on twitter. How can i recover my loss?

Eth and etc arg two great projects. As i can't find the etc email, hope you can kindly cc to etc too, thanks. A few days ago on Twitter to search for the etheric classic, found an account, and read ...
sinoory sin's user avatar
0 votes
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What happens to the ETH if the contract is canceled?

I sent ETH to a company during their ICO. The contract, on Etherscan shows, Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [Bad instruction] and the contract was canceled. My question is what ...
Thayne's user avatar
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3 answers

How store ETH in a smart contract

The question it's How store Ether in a smart contract. In first step, I try transfer the transaction value to the smartcontract address doing something y something like that: function storeETH() ...
victor_reiner's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is it possible to fork ethereum so that only specified account(s) can deploy new contract?

Blockchains supporting smart contract are sometimes compared with smartphones in the sense that it is an infrastructure opened to host an indefinite number of Apps, any participant can create and ...
guillaume's user avatar
-1 votes
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Whats wrong with this?

I know I'm not actively mining eth but I can't figure out whats wrong: Found suitable OpenCL device [Turks ] with 2147483648 bytes of GPU memory m 19:19:56|main Getting work package... m 19:19:...
Ace G's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How to sent ETH from Parity command line

I was wondering if it is possible to send ETH using the parity command line, without opening the browser and going to the address I want to host my Parity instance on a headless ...
earlyhumans's user avatar
2 votes
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How to send ERC20 Tokens to multiple addresses? [duplicate]

I've been 2 days trying to do it, with no success. I need to send Tokens to 1300 addresses that participated in the Bounty/Airdrop and I can't send manually one by one, that would take a lot of time ...
eduinvestor's user avatar
1 vote
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How to invoke multiple oracaliszed queries from a single contract

I want to invoke 2 different orcalized queries from the same contract. I saw a few posts but none of the answer works. Is there any way we can do that? Here is my contract. I was expecting this ...
codec's user avatar
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