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9 votes
2 answers

Float not allowed in solidity vs decimal places asked for token contract

We know that solidity doesn't support the float values. But here ( they accept one input parameter 'decimal places' for calculation purpose. How ...
Aniket's user avatar
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5 answers

How to get private through UTC files in keystore [duplicate]

I create accounts by geth account new with a password, then I get a UTC file which is a json file saved in folder keystore under data directory. Now I am attempt to get private key from this json file....
Frank Kong's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Getting Go-Ethereum current network id

How can I know the network id, with web3 or command line, so I know to which network my geth has attached?
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

geth account creation Failed to enumerate USB devices

I'm trying to create a private Ethereum network on a Kubernetes cluster using ethereum/client-go docker image but getting bellow error while trying to create an account: ~/.ethereum # geth account ...
Moazzem Hossen's user avatar
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What does block reached canonical chain mean?

In my geth node I see sometimes on the output the message block reached canonical chain I tried googling for the answer but could not find one. Does anyone know what this means.
Lismore's user avatar
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3 answers

Send ether to contract address in web3.js

I want to send ether to this contract's contribute function using web3.js I'm trying below code for the same but this doesn't work for me. var AbiOfContract = 'abi_code'; var contractAddress = "...
Rahul Sati's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to call debug_traceTransaction from nodejs?

Following answer ( [ 1 ] guide us to call debug_trace through using geth: As documented in debug.traceTransaction(...), you can only access this API ...
alper's user avatar
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4 answers

How to run two nodes on the same device?

I want to run two separate nodes on my computer but it seems that the two nodes will collide with other. I know some considerations should be taken such as the ports, but anything else should I take ...
Wang's user avatar
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2 answers

Search all smart contracts

I would like to search the code (binary grep) of all deployed contracts. The goal is to search for vulnerabilities and other research. How can I do this with geth, Parity or the like? And is this ...
William Entriken's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How To SSL Ethereum Geth Node?

I have a geth node up and running but I want to be able to connect to it via https. For example or How can I go about doing this? I have ...
user3928082's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Best way of accepting ERC20 tokens in my service

I need to allow users to deposit and extract ERC20 tokens in my service, and I'm wondering what's the best way of implementing that. My idea is to generate an account for each user, and when a user ...
Paul's user avatar
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1 answer

Could somebody please explain in detail what this Ethereum contract is doing?

I am new to ethereum & blockchain technology and trying to understand somethings(Etheruem, Truffle, DApps etc.) here and there from the internet. From Ethereum official website, Create a ...
Devendra Chouhan's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Optimal way of waiting for transactions to be mined in geth

I'm currently checking if a transaction has been mined using the following function (using web3.js): function waitForTx(tx_hash) { var result = null; // This is not really efficient ...
Sebi's user avatar
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How to send ether to a cold storage account?

Is it possible to do the following: Back up the keystore on a usb drive. Format the computer used to generate the keystore. Send ether to a public address in the keystore. Reinstall geth (or other ...
sfish's user avatar
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geth rewinds chain on every startup

I'm using geth to connect to the rinkeby network with fast sync. However, every time I restart geth I receive the following output: Maximum peer count ETH=25 LES=0 total=25 ...
Werner der Champ's user avatar
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Accessing off-chain data from a smart contract to make a decision

I just started studying about smart contracts and from what I understand, smart contracts only deal with the data present on the blockchain. While working on a private blockchain, I want to know ...
galahad's user avatar
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How can I stop the block gas limit on a private chain dropping to the public chain default?

I've got a little private chain running which occasionally runs some rather labour-intensive transactions. I was able to set the initial block gas limit using the "gasLimit" parameter in genesis.json ...
Edmund Edgar's user avatar
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Losing connection between nodes on private network

I have 3 nodes running on a private network. After asking this question, I've manually added node1 as peer to node2 and node3, so my network looks like this: _______ ...
Henrique Barcelos's user avatar
9 votes
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How do I check my mining hashrate?

I've wrangled an old altcoin mining machine into an ethereum mining rig, it has two Radeon 280X cards in it. I'm running geth, with two instances of ethminer, one per card. However the output of ...
womp's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I access member variables of a contract from web3.eth?

For example: enum Stages { AcceptingBookings, StopAcceptingBookings, Finished } Stages public stage = Stages.AcceptingBookings; function rand ( uint256 param) atStage(Stages....
user2890278's user avatar
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Post-merge network, but no beacon client seen. Please launch one to follow the chain!

Ethereum GOerli Network Sync stopped block number 7382822. And one warning come (Post-merge network, but no beacon client seen. Please launch one to follow the chain! ) how to start sync in goerli ...
System Admin's user avatar
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DAPPS - Scope of what to put in your smart contract

As I'm learning more and more about developing Dapps, I'm having trouble understanding what needs to be stored in the smart contract (over our database etc..). Let's take the case of a simple betting ...
fabdarice's user avatar
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3 answers

Can't verify contract on

guys. I have created simple contract, migrated to testnet via truffle. It can be founded here. But I can't verify it. I double check: 1. name of contract 2. version of compiler (ver. 0.4.11 in ...
Averin Maxim's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

How could "ethereum block explorer" connect into geth that is already running on the main server securely?

I am working on private Ethereum Network. I run Ethereum boot-node and Ethereum Block Explorer app ( (A lightweight ethereum block explorer.) ) on the main ...
alper's user avatar
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geth: shh_newIdentity does not exists/is not available

I'm trying out whispers with web3 and geth on a private testnet. I'm just running the following code taken from Ethereum Whisper wiki. function sendWhisper() { var shh = web3.shh; var appName ...
Long Hoang's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Light clients for android

I am trying to develop an android wallet using Ethereum go and I ran the DroidGeth from this link. I tried to ran ethereum on the testnet, but its taking for ever to download the blockchain. How can ...
jgm's user avatar
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1 answer

Solidity is installed but is not working within geth, on Ubuntu 16.04

Geth console outputs after admin.setSolc("/usr/bin/solc"): eth.compile.solidity("") I0601 15:31:56.663260 common/compiler/solidity.go:114] solc, the solidity compiler commandline interface Version: 0....
galahad's user avatar
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2 answers

Is JSON-RPC error behavior documented?

Running geth, it's easy to see what its implementation of JSON-RPC does on errors: $ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_compileSolidity","params":["contract test { function multiply(...
Steve Waldman's user avatar
9 votes
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How can I generate a V3 of the Ethereum wallet file format in js, from strings: 'Passphrase' and 'Email or username' required by Quorumwallet?

Quorum Wallet prompts for a Passphrase and a Email or username to generate the account. On the FAQs there is a description of the algorithm to generate the account: What is the algorithm used to ...
Roberto's user avatar
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2 answers

What filesystem should I use for geth and leveldb?

I used old LGA775 machine for running geth node. Its mobo has older sata 3gb/s (benchmark showed that ssd bottlenecked there) and only 4gb of DDR2, with windows installed. So syncing is a real pain ...
xakepp35's user avatar
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supports SSL (https) JSON-RPC connections

Does ethereum node supports SSL (https) JSON-RPC connections like in Bitcoin? is there any work on control access over ethereum rpc nodes? Thank you
Arslan Smal's user avatar
9 votes
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RPC error "invalid or missing value for params" when calling contract constant void functions

My contract has a function defined like this: {"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"queryNumEscrows","outputs": [{"name":"","type":"uint256"}],"payable":false,"type":"function"} Having no inputs. Its ...
Juan Ignacio Pérez Sacristán's user avatar
9 votes
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Are there actual peers with IPv6 addresses?

geth has IPv6 support and listens on IPv6 as well. But I find, on my geth node, no IPv6 traffic. I tested both with lsof -n -i | grep geth (shows no IPv6 address) and tcpdump -n ip6. IPv6 works fine ...
bortzmeyer's user avatar
9 votes
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Link solc with geth problem

After upgrading to geth 1.4.4 I am no longer able to from to reference the compiler from geth. The solc compiler is installed in /usr/local/bin but this is what I get when I check for available ...
Starfish's user avatar
9 votes
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How to preallocate multiple accounts with ether for geth --dev chain?

I'm trying to set up a private chain with geth using --dev that has several accounts with lots of ether. It seems unclear if this is possible anymore according to this. Here's what I tried on geth 1....
murrekatt's user avatar
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2 answers

Get smartcontract token balance via JSON RPC

Via Geth commandline I can get my smartcontract token balance with: var mytest = eth.contract([{interface}]).at(contract address); mytest.balanceOf(eth.accounts[0]) >998 I want to present the ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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1 answer

Check if a contract implements specific ABI using JSON-RPC

In my Python web service, I'd like to confirm if a contract supports specific ABI (certain call methods). I am running get and communicating over JSON RPC. What are steps to for this? I am guessing ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Geth will not start mining in private network!

Will somebody please help me out? I am stuck at this since hours; did the process +3 times, each time deleting the datadir content. Geth still will not start mining!! Specs: Geth 1.8.11, on macOS X ...
userdxb's user avatar
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Persistent "deep transaction reorg" whilst syncing full geth node

Whilst syncing a new full node using the geth comand "geth --syncmode full", every other line after a few hundred blocks I see the following: WARN [12-02|02:30:46] Skipping deep transaction reorg ...
AnotherGethUser's user avatar
9 votes
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What does mean "Failed to retrieve current release"?

When I start with geth with light syncmode, I get the following error message: ERROR[date] Failed to retrieve current release err="can't fetch trie key ...
Distic's user avatar
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Why is Geth's "fast" sync now the default, whereas before it wasn't?

As of version 1.6.0, the default method used by Geth for syncing the chaindata is "fast": The default sync mode is --syncmode=fast, for full sync please use --syncmode=full. Previously, the ...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
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No signer to authorize the transaction with

When trying to make a transaction on a boundContract with geth-api through the library of @karalabe. I am missing a way to get the signer. I only see the interface for signer in the aar but no way to ...
ligi's user avatar
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Geth 1.4.10 -- faild enc handshake: EOF

Geth suddenly stopped working for me - when I run it on verbosity level 5 I get repeating error messages like the following: dyn dial conn faild enc handshake: EOF Any thoughts ...
Ryry's user avatar
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What is the safest way to use WS-RPC server in geth?

In this answer, it is suggested that it is not safe to use --wsorigins="*" for security reasons. What are the security reasons? => How could I make WS-RPC server connection secure in geth?...
alper's user avatar
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Geth 6.2: miner.start() returns null and miner's hash-rate drop for all miners down due to the update

On Geth Version: 1.6.2-unstable miner.start() returns null, it used to return number of processes assigned. Is it normal? miner.start(num) num identifies the thread number? > miner.stop() true >...
alper's user avatar
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Filtering on events of the entire blockchain not possible in testrpc via truffle

A contract I wrote has an event in its constructor. Since I want to find it back in the logs it doesn't seem possible to start listening to the latest block. Because the event is already 'fired' ...
Marckx's user avatar
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getting started with geth and ENS commands: Error: invalid address

I'm starting from square zero, sorry. I'm just trying to get a javascript console up and running so that I can learn more about ENS: I've ...
Pointy Haired Boss's user avatar
9 votes
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Installing go-ethereum nodes using docker swarm?

Has anybody installed and configured go-ethereum nodes using dockerswarm ? Appreciate if anybody could share any docs or relevant information.
Raj's user avatar
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3 answers


I just wanted to mine ETH with my CPU. I use Windows 7 64 Bit with ethminer. I started the cpu miner with a batch ethminer -t 6 -C -F*******...
Nils Zimmermann's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

How to decode Log.Data in Go

I'm fetching the logs using client.SubscribeFilterLogs. The event parameters are encoded in types.Log.Data. How can I decode it in go?
Robert Zaremba's user avatar

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