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2 answers

Receive deployed contract address by transaction hash with JSON-RPC request

I want to receive deployed contract address by transaction hash. Transcation example - 0x996a683acd59a2ad17461f76ce0f387a89a5ac257ec5d667556219c6acc7f45a. As you can see this contract was deployed by ...
Dmytro Zarezenko's user avatar
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Get addresses of transfers from transactions Web3Py

I am facing issue while trying to retreive data from Goerli (basically, Ethereum). I am trying to fetch transaction from this contract. For every transaction it creates a new airdrop by creating a new ...
giacomomaraglino's user avatar
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Nethereum listen to an event after send transaction

Solidity code for creating a new contract calling createRainfallPolicy: event PolicyCreated(address _policy, string _insuredId); function createRainfallPolicy(/*Params*/) public { RainfallPolicy ...
Farceg's user avatar
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2 answers

A quick way to check if there are transactions at an address

I need to frequently check a large number of addresses for transactions on them (i.e. whether the address is active) and do it as quickly as possible. I plan to download a dump of addresses with ...
Cosmo773's user avatar
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Why is the TransactionByHash function in the go-ethereum client unable to return the sender?

I learned how to get the sender's address from this question. JSON-RPC returns a result with a from field, which we can unmarshal in our struct. But I'm curious why go-ethereum didn't return ...
user109485's user avatar
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Recover Lost Funds from Botched ETH Deposit Without Access to Private Keys?

I'm using the wei approach (4 right-most zeros) as a marker to track user deposits on my site. In short, every user on the site is told to append a custom amount of "wei" to every deposit ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Byte32 error, even after converting string to hex

I looked everywhere for people with similar problems, but I couldn't find anything. I am confused why I keep getting this error (yes, I know others have had this error too, but not for the same ...
newFinancier's user avatar
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1 answer

ERC20 tokens transactions' history from Ethereum node

I have a parity node. I developed a web3.js interface on top of it. I have APIs whose job is to fetch addresses' balances and transactions. Example response of transaction API: { tx_hash: '...
Karan's user avatar
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3 answers

Transaction receiving ether from a contract address

Are transactions sending ether from contract addresses to normal addresses listed in block.transactions or are they not trivial to detect? If not in block.transactions than how to detect?
jeff's user avatar
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Whats going on with these mysterious ethereum addresses?

A while ago I found website which turned out to be very interesting; it provides a search engine for ethereum private keys and their corresponding addresses and whether they hold any ...
Victor's user avatar
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I accidentally sent the same transaction twice because it was pending

I seem to have gotten myself in a bit of a pickle. I sent some ether to another one of my wallets. The gas price was too low and it was pending for hours. I read online that if you send the same ...
user2698357's user avatar
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How to convert Ethereumj byte arrays to Strings?

Ethereumj gives a lot of byte arrays, when the equivalent would be a string in Bitcoin. A few examples (in Scala) ECKey.getAddress // returns Array[Byte], need String Transaction.getHash // returns ...
Jus12's user avatar
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Account/Contract address of people responsible for Ethereum Attacks?

I believe there has been a hard fork following the DAO attack; I guess it's not possible to get the contract/account address for the person responsible, unless I am wrong and there is a way, please ...
Athaheer's user avatar
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18 views Verification Addresses

It's taking me a long time to verify addresses on Can someone give me a solution for verifying contract addresses?
Brenda Lee Smith's user avatar
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Checking for a transaction on a large number of bsc addresses

I need to frequently check a large number of addresses for transactions on the bsc network (at least a thousand per second), what is the best way to do this? The only solution I know of is to run my ...
Cosmo773's user avatar
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1 answer

Transactions with my contract are older than the contract itself

I have recently started my blockchain development journey and I can't seem to find an answer to my question. I have deployed a new contract (the same way as I did a few before) on 19.09.2022 13:25 yet ...
xirlit's user avatar
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1 answer

I am trying to write a smart contract for a defy-Bank as a project. i can't figure out why hasTransfered() function not getting executed?

Smart contract code: // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0; contract AddressWallets { // variables address owner; uint funds; bool transferFund; ...
jasjit's user avatar
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1 answer

Handing over an address in solidity an saving it

pragma solidity 0.5.1; contract WissenschaftlicheArbeit { string titel; string autor; string pfad; string hashcode; bool isSignt = false; address adresseDesPruefers; ...
Adrian Wimmer's user avatar
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I sent a token to a contract address by mistake. can I recover, and how to recover if I can

I sent some CryptoPunk Tokens to it's contract address, while I was traying to move it to my trust wallet from coinbase wallet. Here is the details of the transaction
Mukesh's user avatar
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any 3rd party service that can get all transaction?

3rd party service recommended have any 3rd party service that can get all transaction of address? because from my research the web3 cant get the full transaction by account.
jqii's user avatar
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if "address public x = tx.origin", why does "require (tx.origin == x") work and "require (tx.origin==tx.origin) not

Below is a contract that i have commented on, hoping to understand the logic of the arguments. Below in bold is the question in question. The .sol currently works fine. pragma solidity ^0.5.11; ...
rubecuber's user avatar
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Transaction posted in “internal transactions” how do I add it to my wallet?

I transferred ETH from bitbuy to my ledger without realizing ledger did not support contracts. The transaction is posted on ether scan in internal transactions. I’ve contacted bitbuy and ledger both ...
Ryan De Angelis's user avatar
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How can I implement redactable chain for ETH?

I am trying to research about Redactable blockchain so my question is how can I implement a Redactable chain in Eth if someone has some idea about it I will be thankful
Arij's user avatar
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