I sent some CryptoPunk Tokens to it's contract address, while I was traying to move it to my trust wallet from coinbase wallet. Here is the details of the transaction https://etherscan.io/tx/0xa38b182326b723814cdd86204a6a6aea0fe82a59995a736572d1eb716c917815

Is there a way to recover? If it is how can I do it? I have tried looking into the website of the token, but it does not have any contact email. How can one contact these token creators? here is a link to the token website https://www.app.unic.ly/#/utoken-contract/0x8d2bffcbb19ff14a698c424fbcdcfd17aab9b905

1 Answer 1


The contract that received the tokens does not have roles that withdraw tokens from itself or deny receipt of tokens.

I can say this is a serious security breach and oversight of the contract and code engineers. Negligence of the devs.

So even if they try it is impossible to recover the funds. There is no means of recovering contract funds after being deployed on mainnet.

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