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3 votes

Do banks store the money when we buy stablecoins? Then how is it decentralized?

There is no difference between a stable coin and any other ERC20 token. The Value of the stablecoin is given by the funds that the company that issues the stablecoin token claim to have in bank ...
Jaime's user avatar
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Uniswap V3 - calculate optimal amounts to provide liquidity

You need to find out the proportion of the tokens in the desired position, and then convert your assets to that proportion. One way to find the proportion is to rely on the liquidity balance ...
kfx's user avatar
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Difference between Liquidity in Uniswap V2 und V3 when deploying a contract

Yes, you have to add liquidity to a specific range. See the documentation here. The range can be very wide, effectively simulating price changes from almost zero to almost infinity. In this way, V2 ...
kfx's user avatar
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What happens when we directly send tokens to Uniswap pair?

Uniswap V2 is using the reserve amounts for calculation, not token balances. When you send the tokens directly to the pool's address, uniswap actually does not know you are doing this, because you are ...
0xsam's user avatar
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Unable to Add Liquidity in Uniswap

few checks you need to do : Check for sufficient gas Check for sufficient token balance Confirm correct contract address. Check for browser or MetaMask extension issues Try a different Uniswap ...
Gujarati's user avatar
1 vote

Do banks store the money when we buy stablecoins? Then how is it decentralized?

Token value is something that varies from contract to contract depending on the creator's logic and pricing mechanism, as well as the market supply and demand of the token. In the case of stablecoins, ...
Rohan Nero's user avatar
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removeLiquidity function in a smart contract, getting execution reverted due to ds-math-sub-underflow

As you mention in your comment, it's likely failing when the router tries to transfer the LP tokens from your contract to the pair contract. In order for this to work, the user must set their own ...
natewelch_'s user avatar
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supplying liquidity + sniping own coin in same bundle

It is not a bundle. They have created a smart contract that added liquidity, and swap tokens in the same tx
Hoang Minh Dung's user avatar
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supplying liquidity + sniping own coin in same bundle

It isn't a coincidence, they've purposefully hidden their transaction from public mem pool using flashbots. But they aren't using a bundle to do it across multiple transactions. Looks like they have ...
Maka's user avatar
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LP contract doesn't approve

It seems like you are trying to approve from the contract address, meaning that your contract is approving the lp to take the tokens. When in reality you want the user to call approve before calling ...
Rohan Nero's user avatar
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What would happen if you allocated 100% of a token's supply to a DEX liquidity pool?

The is no problem with this approach. You can add the initial liquidity at whatever initial price you want. If people believe that the token should be worth more that it's initial price, they will buy ...
kfx's user avatar
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I have a few questions about my token

When I deployed it to PancakeSwap, I deposited 19.000.000 $LOCKIN alongside with ~15$ of BNB into the liquidity pool. However once i click add it seems like the liquidity pool has way less than the ...
Ake's user avatar
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Liquidity transfer from A user to B user

The LP Token acts as an ERC20 token. Therefore, transferring the liquidity pool value to User B is a straightforward process—similar to transferring any ERC20 token. For example, you can achieve this ...
tqdpham96's user avatar
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What is the difference between Uniswap V3 and Uniswap V2

For your two questions, What is the main difference between Uniswap V3 and V2 Actually, there are lots of difference and also improvement of V3 compared to V2. Here are some good remarks: ...
tqdpham96's user avatar
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How to find amount of pooled tokens in Uniswap v3 pool

As per my knowledge, there is no straight-forward approach to get the reserve pool in UniswapV3. However, you can play around using balanceOf function of token contract to get these number as long as ...
tqdpham96's user avatar
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What happens when we directly send tokens to Uniswap pair?

Transferring tokens directly won't effect the price until you call either the sync or mint functions. That will update the reserves which will update the price. That's ultimately how the token swaps ...
CathalMF's user avatar
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