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22 votes

What is the distinction between libp2p, devp2p and RLPx?

LIBP2P is a protocol implementation toolset or library that allows you to build software for different P2P networks and scenarios. DEVP2P and RLPx are presented in the Ethereum documentation as ...
Sentinel's user avatar
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21 votes

What is the distinction between libp2p, devp2p and RLPx?

I can only answer for libp2p coming from the IPFS project (and not devp2p coming from Ethereum). libp2p is a modular P2P networking stack used to connect to other peers, finding and transferring ...
Victor Bjelkholm's user avatar
3 votes

LibP2P v DevP2P

devp2p is the older network wire protocol, for propagating blocks and other low-level functionality between Ethereum nodes. It was designed specifically for Ethereum from scratch, in isolation from ...
Paul Pham's user avatar
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2 votes

Replication of Files across a Private IPFS Network

You can build a private ipfs network which allows ipfs to only connect to other peers who have a shared secret key. Nodes in the private network won’t respond to communications from nodes outside. ...
Badr Bellaj's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I easily get the Ethereum 2.0 network's fork digest and fork version?

Both the fork version and the fork digest are part of the eth2 field included in every node's ENR. To extract it, you can use the ENR Viewer or any other ENR decoding tool. This screenshot shows the ...
q9f's user avatar
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Error while importing Libp2p package in blockchain

You can try something like this: exclude: { test: /(node_modules|bower_components)/, not: [ // Do not exclude this dependency /libp2p/ ] }
Sulvin's user avatar
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