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6 votes

Limit of address creation using single mnemonic

Technically, there is an infinite number of addresses that can be created from a single mnemonic following BIP39. Practically, there is a per-wallet limit. Some wallets that use BIP39, such as ...
Shane Fontaine's user avatar
3 votes

Is possible to continue the BIP32/BIP39 algorithm from a Pk and Sk pair and "climb" to the mnemonic seed?

If I'm understanding your question correctly, you are asking whether you can go from any key pair in the hierarchy back to the original seed. This is not possible since each step down the hierarchy ...
mafrasi2's user avatar
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generate unique mnemonic with password(only)

Entropy implies randomness. Using deterministic algorithms on a password is not entropy and SHOULD NOT be used! I would recommend researching how to gather entropic data from whatever programming ...
Matt Swezey's user avatar
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HD wallet public to public key derivation and non-hardened keys

You can come close to that what you want by letting the owner prove that he knows the private keys of both addresses. Something like: function proveOwnership(address masterAddr, address childAddr, ...
ivicaa's user avatar
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Encryption with BIP39 specification secp256k1 keys?

I figured out an Answer,, this library uses private/public key generated from Sep256k1 curve for encryption and decryption. from ecies.utils import generate_eth_key ...
GraphicalDot's user avatar

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