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How to send entire account balance to another address on Base

The below code is what I used to transfer entire account balance to other address on the ERC20 network and it works fine on it, but not on Base. Maybe it's because Base has different transaction fee ...
Zero's user avatar
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Replacement fee too low, Base Sepolia

This is the code I have for sending a transaction on Base Sepolia. I am using this to split the balance in my account into two halves and sending each half to an address one by one. export async ...
Zero's user avatar
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Safely and simply withdraw all the balance of ETH from a wallet

I'll have a large of wallets, potentially, from which I'll be needing to withdraw ETH, and tokens, from time to time to the central, admin wallet. By a script, once a week. Instead of having to ...
Kyell's user avatar
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Safely and simply withdraw all the balance of ETH from a wallet [duplicate]

I'll have a large of wallets, potentially, from which I'll be needing to withdraw ETH, and tokens, from time to time to the central, admin wallet. By a script, once a week. Instead of having to ...
Kyell's user avatar
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How to pay ERC20 gas fee (which is payed in ETH) from another wallet?

I have a ERC20 token on a wallet called ETH (Ethereum Meta) but I don't have any ETH on that address so I can't transfer the ERC20 tokens because I cant pay the gas fee. I have some ETH on another ...
Gudisa Mekonen's user avatar
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Sending entire ether balance to another wallet

I found the same question but it was asked over 4 years ago but it doesn't seem to work anymore? How do I send the entire ether balance from one account to another account? const Web3 = require('web3')...
Little Ball's user avatar
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Stuck ERC-20 Transaction - reversal did not work

I tried two days ago to send some BAT and ETH to my Coinbase account from my Klever Wallet (which, after this, I will never use again - they seem to be living in 2015 with the gwei fees they charged). ...
Danny's user avatar
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Reduce gas costs with longer block confirmation times (like in Bitcoin)

In Bitcoin, fees tend to decrease as you target longer block confirmation times. For example, a standard transaction with 1 input and 2 outputs has a fee of approx. $3.06 for confirmation within 6 ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Is minting gas through still efficient to reduce Ethereum gas costs?

A SE user suggested using to mint gas when fees are low in order to save on gas when fees are high. However, I'm wondering if there's any benefit of doing this today. According to ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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What is the rationale behind lower minimum deposit & deposit fees for ECR20 Tokens vs Ethereum? [closed]

While examining the fee structure on Kraken I noticed the following peculiar pattern: Ethereum: Deposit Minimum: 0.05 ETH (approx. $61.99 at time of posting) Deposit Fee: Variable on-chain fee to ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Send Multiple ECR20 Tokens from a Single ETH Address in One Transaction?

Is it possible to send multiple ECR20 tokens (i.e, USDT and USDC) from a single Ethereum address (EOA) to another address (EOA) in a single transaction (either with or without a smart contract)? If ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Is 21,000 Gas Limit Fixed Only for Ethereum?

I was reading a comment on another post on Ethereum SE and found the following statement: 21,000 is for sending Ether, not anything else. The user suggested to "just set it to a large enough ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Maximum GAS price

When I launch an Ethereum transaction, I have to choose how much WEI I am able to pay for one GAS. This is a "bid" concept: If my transaction is very important and if I want to run it ...
Bob5421's user avatar
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How to handle transferring ERC20 tokens (such as USDT) with delegation to pay the gas fees on behalf of users?

I am working on creating wallets and generating addresses to be provided to a number of users. I am wondering how can I enable them to transfer their ERC20 tokens(such as USDT) without having any Eth ...
Armin's user avatar
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Calculate transaction costs for storing data

I'm trying to figure out how the transaction costs are calculated for a transaction that is storing data on the Ethereum Blockchain. It seems I'm always off. Here is my way of calculating (I'm using ...
Mr. 124's user avatar
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Gas cost for contract transaction called form external

If I call my contract and ask it to send x amount of ether to another account y, I know i have to pay a transaction cost. Will the contract also have to pay any amount while sending the ether to the ...
Sundeep Kumar's user avatar
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Smart Contracts without ETH Transactions

Maybe I'm wrong, but I understand that Smart Contract Transactions must always contain a "VALUE" field, that's to say, the amount of Ether Alice will transfer to Bob in case certain condition ...
Niak3's user avatar
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what is difference between "gas" "gas price" and "fee"?

Can we say that gas is the unit of transaction fee ? And gas price is the same transaction fee ? If so, why we do not use ether and wei instead of gas ?
Questioner's user avatar
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Why is the units of gasUsed in the transaction receipt 10^11 Wei?

I'm checking the balance of an account after a payable transaction in a Truffle test. Below is my code: // amount is the value supplied to the txn assert.equal(Number(String(currentBalance)), ...
nickjm's user avatar
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Single transaction to transfer everything?

Is it possible (with MyEtherWallet or otherwise) to create a single transaction that moves all ether and tokens from one account to another in the interest of saving as much gas as possible?
The Quantum Physicist's user avatar
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What is the size (bytes) of a simple Ethereum transaction versus a Bitcoin transaction?

Alice owns an empty Ethereum wallet. Receives 1 ETH then sends 1 ETH to Bob. Alice owns an empty Bitcoin wallet. Receives 1 BTC then sends 1 BTC to Bob. What are the transaction sizes in bytes (...
lumierre's user avatar
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Send 2 ETH from Nano to Bittrex, but run out of gas

I sent 2 ETH from my Nano wallet to Bittrex exchange. However, the transaction gets stucked due to lack of gas. I expect to see my 2 ETH goes back to my wallet minus the gas fee. However, I haven't ...
Wanyi Yang's user avatar
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How to calculate the amount to transfer to completely empty an account?

So let's say my wallet is 1 eth, I need to completely empty it and I'm going to do it this way Var value = web3.toWei(1) - gas Is that right?
ali's user avatar
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My contract will run out of gas and will not be executed. why?

Very very new to this. You send 1 ether to the contract: It rejects it if it's not one ether exactly If it is, adds the address to a mapping If there are 5 mappings, it chooses an address at random ...
Anto's user avatar
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How are Ethereum transaction costs calculated?

I'm in the process of learning blockchain technology for a client of mine. I understand the concept of "gas" in computational costs. We are looking at creating a crypto-currency as an alternative ...
Frank John's user avatar
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Why is an account not accepting the Ether sent to it?

If you check out the account 0xe358b3b9f29c67cb810c5184e6fde27d66ce036c you will see several incoming transactions with 100 Finney each. Yet the overall balance is 31 Finney. How is that possible? If ...
q9f's user avatar
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