Maybe I'm wrong, but I understand that Smart Contract Transactions must always contain a "VALUE" field, that's to say, the amount of Ether Alice will transfer to Bob in case certain condition accomplishes.
Taking this into consideration, ¿does it means that Ethereum Smart Contracts can't be used to set clauses which don't involve Ether? Like for example:
a) IF Alice transfers the Property Title of a house to Bob, THEN Bob in exchange transfers her another Property Tittle;
Or for example: b) IF Temperature value for January is below X, THEN Insurance decreases the insurance prime for next month;
c) IF consumer A buys something but it's broken, THEN gets (non monetary) compensation from the seller.
In case this is possible, nodes will have a compensation according to used Gas, even if there's no an Ether transaction between the parties. Isn't it?
Thanks in advance.