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Gas cost for contract transaction called form external

If I call my contract and ask it to send x amount of ether to another account y, I know i have to pay a transaction cost. Will the contract also have to pay any amount while sending the ether to the ...
Sundeep Kumar's user avatar
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I've given Gwei less than 0.1 for a transaction, and it's been an hour, and it is not showing up in etherscan!

I know I pretty much messed up with Gwei, I've given it < 0.1. My doubt is if the transaction gets failed will the funds get back to my wallet or lost forever and how much time will it take for the ...
Bobtheblobber's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Reason for check of msg.value > 0

I came across published smart contracts (like this one from ConsensSys) that check whether msg.value is strictly larger than zero in their payable functions. After wondering whether msg.value can be ...
UTF-8's user avatar
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Can I get the timestamp for a transaction added to mempool?

Can I get the time stamp on when a transaction was added to the mempool and when it was successfully added to a block? Is there an API to do this?
Sri davei's user avatar
6 votes
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My friend sent me a screenshot of a transaction hash, but when I search for it I find divergent data. What happened?

This is the transaction hash: 0x90e923ee01d9dfeb95ee176819eeec67d247fc6cb009c8cdc4d8ae1939e5ecc6 And this is the screenshot my friend sent me: If you check the hash in Etherscan, some informations ...
Tyler's user avatar
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Ethereum transaction fails in simultaneous calls

I am making two calls simultaneous call with a single wallet. First I am making a contract call then I am making a ether transaction call. The first call succeeds, but the next call fails. I got this ...
Ajit Soman's user avatar
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Ethers in a light node

Since a light node makes transactions from a connected full node, does a light node need ethers to make transactions or it uses the ethers from the full node?
sapiensapiens's user avatar
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How to make transaction of some ether in Buyer Seller type of contract?

In this I have set modifier (msg.sender == sellerAddress) which is not valid. But in this scenario, I want to allow only and only sellerAddress to take ether from my contract. How can I allow only ...
Rudrika's user avatar
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Transfer from multiple inputs

Is there a way to send ether from several input addresses in one transaction WITHOUT the use of smart contracts? I wish that different transactions could not be linked to each other. A similar ...
Oroffe's user avatar
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Smart Contracts without ETH Transactions

Maybe I'm wrong, but I understand that Smart Contract Transactions must always contain a "VALUE" field, that's to say, the amount of Ether Alice will transfer to Bob in case certain condition ...
Niak3's user avatar
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Send eth from one account to another using transfer() function

I am trying to write a smart contract that will send eth from one account to another account : Contract Send { event Sent(address from, address to, uint amount ); function send(address _receiver,...
Bonhomous's user avatar
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Can I have someone submit my transaction to the network, so I don't have to pay the gas fee (in ether)?

My account is a new account with 0 ether. I just received 100 of ERC20 tokens. I would like to send these 100 tokens to the other account. However, since this account does not have any ether in it, so ...
richard's user avatar
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Does a transaction always require a smart contract to be executed?

I had a discussion with someone explaining that every time a transaction occurs (e.g. ICO token or ETH) on Ethereum it would pass via a smart contract or would require one. I would like to know what ...
Gabriel Jaccard's user avatar
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What happens to the missing coins in this transaction? Copy paste this code into remix to reproduce my original bug. Thank you

pragma solidity ^0.4.24; contract TheCaseOfTHeMissingCoins{ string public name; string public symbol; uint8 public decimals = 18; address public owner; mapping (address => ...
mdso's user avatar
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RangeError: private key length is invalid (In New ETH Transaction pragmatically)

Followed this Ans Ans1 and Ans2 but no solution got. const web3 = new Web3(''); const account1 = '...
Vishal Dalve's user avatar
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How to find, whose ETH address it is? [closed]

Is it possible to get personal information of a person using his ETH wallet address? I did sell my ETH to one person, due to a technical glitch, multiple ETH transaction happened without my ...
moax's user avatar
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multiple transfer?

First of all, hello. we will write a token for a project we have developed. We are creating new tokens, we want to write a simple contract on remix ethereum. We will distribute a large portion of the ...
D.Ada's user avatar
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what is difference between "gas" "gas price" and "fee"?

Can we say that gas is the unit of transaction fee ? And gas price is the same transaction fee ? If so, why we do not use ether and wei instead of gas ?
Questioner's user avatar
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How does ether transfer processed [duplicate]

I want to understand deeply how ether transfer processed and how 21000 of gas determined. Is this a simple constant fee of the transfer transaction or ether transfer transaction is the some predefined ...
Dmytro Zarezenko's user avatar
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Using web3js apis for ethereum transactions

I want to use Web3.js APIs to create an Ethereum transaction from an address (not a smart contract) to another address using sendTransaction method (
Gagan's user avatar
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How to split funds in single send transaction

Scenario: Alice Account = 2 ETH Admin Account = 0 ETH Bob Account = 0 ETH Alice wants to send 1 ETH to Bob using my application. Application will charge 0.01 ETH as it's commission and will be ...
Gagan's user avatar
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How to send transaction to Infura node using Web3? [duplicate]

I want to send ETH from one account to another using Web3 interface and Infura node. I have tried like below, and I got error 405(). Error: Invalid JSON RPC response: "" I test it in Rinkeby test ...
Homee Likee's user avatar
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What happens if already processed transaction is submitted to the network again?

I have a script that sends transactions automatically using JSON RPC API call eth_sendRawTransaction to a node that has RPC enabled. My question is, what is going to happen if I send these ...
Nulik's user avatar
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Unable to send ether to account

I am trying to send ehter using this code web3.eth.accounts.wallet.add(privateKey); web3.eth.sendTransaction({ to:someAddress, from:onwer, value:amount*1, ...
Albert's user avatar
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ERC20 Transactions - how to pay for the gas?

So I have an ERC20 token, which I'm creating a wallet to send it from one address to the other. I understand that I have to pay for the gas in this transaction using Ether, but my question is: how is ...
sigmaxf's user avatar
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Ether transaction

I want email notification whenever any transaction happened in my ether wallet. Is it possible? Is opt verification possible for any type of outgoing transaction from my ether wallet?
rahul das's user avatar
4 votes
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Does an ethereum node save all transaction history?

I know that a full node keeps the record of a state tree, and in every block there's a list of transactions. My question is, does a full node have to keep all the tx lists? The state tree already ...
Anton Cheng's user avatar
8 votes
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What is the current size of the Ethereum State?

What is the current size of Ethereum's state in bytes? I am not asking about the size of the blockchain with blocks headers, transactions and receipts. I am looking for the size of all the structure ...
Nulik's user avatar
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How can I send ether or erc20 tokens right after incoming ether transaction? [duplicate]

maybe also how to develop a small application with the wanted functionality..... I hope someone give me useful answer. Thanks
makkafada's user avatar
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Do I absolutely have to do mining to make transactions done on testnet?

As I know, we don't have to mine to make transactions done in Bitcoin testnet, but in ethereum testnet, we need to mine to make them done. Are there any ways to make them done without mining?
ryunishida's user avatar
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Web3 - how to send transaction with some data and include Ether at the same time?

Using web3 0.20.3 I want to call function and send some Etherium at the same time. JavaScript Contract = web3.eth.contract(ABI); Instance ='0x162b74ea16da6ae9d7f7b349eaeab2fcadf4e835')...
Mars Robertson's user avatar
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Can anyone see transactions from a contract?

Can anyone see all outgoing Ether transactions from a contract? If no, is it possible somehow to make the transactions visible? (maybe, using events?)
porton's user avatar
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Transfer event for zero amount

Should I emit Transfer event, when zero amount of Ether or of a token is transferred? Variants of the answer: yes no both are OK
porton's user avatar
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How to send a token with Ether? (several variants)

I want to sell my token to users paying by Ether. Is it a good idea to require the user to pass his wallet (to receive) Ether as the EVM payload? Or is it needed to have my private key uploaded to ...
porton's user avatar
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understanding value on token transfer transaction

When a token transfer transaction has an ether price associated with it, is it fair to assume that that transaction used ether to buy the tokens? For example, this transacion triggered by account A ...
Diego's user avatar
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How to send ether to an account instead of creating a smart contract using ethers.js

I would like to send some ether to an account in ropsten testnet. I'm using the following code and the library However, instead of sending the ether to the to ...
Pol Alvarez Vecino's user avatar
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Are all eth-tokens the same with respect to speed and security?

If two tokens both are based on eth and serve the same use case, should we assume similar transaction processing speed and resistance to Byzantine faults like Sybil / 51% attacks? For example, ...
griggah's user avatar
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How to calculate exchange fee in ETH in transaction?

Let's say I have the following decoded transaction input data: [ "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "690000000000000000", "0xac709fcb44a43c35f0da4e3163b117a17f3770f5", "...
Erik's user avatar
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How to calculate number of ETH that got bought in transaction by trading?

Let's say I have the following decoded transaction input data: ‌[ "0xac709fcb44a43c35f0da4e3163b117a17f3770f5", "2500000000000000000000", "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", ...
Erik's user avatar
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Withdrawing ethereum from a smart contract (return to sender)

Let's say I have a decentralized application that allows people to buy some object at an arbitrary price. User 1 purchases the object for 1 eth. A few moments later, user 2 purchases the same item. ...
rustyshackleford's user avatar
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Can one smart contract purchase > ethereums total market cap?

Let's say I have a special diamond that's worth more than the total market cap of Ethereum. If I want to connect that diamond to the Ethereum blockchain (through a unique serial number) to verify its ...
armara's user avatar
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How to convert transaction's inputs to readable values?

I've got the following transaction's input: { name: 'trade', types: [ 'address', 'uint256', 'address', 'uint256', 'uint256', 'uint256', ...
Erik's user avatar
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How can I parse local Ethereum blockchain?

I need to parse live Ethereum blockchain to retrieve all transactions that belongs to particular smart contract's address. So my general question is how can I do it properly? My thought about it so ...
Erik's user avatar
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Why is the units of gasUsed in the transaction receipt 10^11 Wei?

I'm checking the balance of an account after a payable transaction in a Truffle test. Below is my code: // amount is the value supplied to the txn assert.equal(Number(String(currentBalance)), ...
nickjm's user avatar
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Smart Contract Transaction Receive on Blockchain Wallet

I received a transaction coming from a smart contract but Wallet does not allow to use funds coming from smart contract. I tried to import my private key on MyEtherWallet but the ...
Samy Hussein's user avatar
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Do not come coins for a long time [closed]

It took more than 18 hours of transfer ETH with exchange Binance on Stocks.Exchange. Although Etherscan confirms the success of the coins in your wallet. Support StocksExchenge not responding. Here's ...
Денис Селиверстов's user avatar
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How to call hash function in solidity to free a stuck smart contract?

I was selling an altcoin on Etherdelta using a sell order and 3 transactions went through however the ethereum did not show up in my wallet. I contacted support and they say that "your altcoin is ...
jimmy's user avatar
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What's to stop Ledger from sending to a hacker's address?

Why can't a hacker edit the Ledger Chrome app to display the address the user thinks he's sending to while actually sending to a different address? Suppose the scenario: Ledger employee wants a nice ...
Internet User's user avatar
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I want to setup an Ethereum Trading website. How should I handle the ETH network transaction fees (miner's fee)? [closed]

Let's say Person A wants to sell 1 ETH, and Person B wants to buy 1 ETH. They agreed upon a rate. But if I transfer 1 ETH from A to B, Person B will get less than 1 ETH because of gas. But if I ...
Sai Kiran's user avatar
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How can a transaction fail?

Given that a transaction has A high enough gas limit for the transaction to succeed A high enough gas price for it to be mined No contract calls that throws Is there any way that transaction can ...
karianneberg's user avatar