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Events not being detected in Nethereum

I have a function in one contract that looks like this: //Events event RequestReceived(bytes s); event WorldCreated(bytes32 indexed worldName, address indexed sender, address result ); ...
Baaleos's user avatar
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Web3 - how to send transaction with some data and include Ether at the same time?

Using web3 0.20.3 I want to call function and send some Etherium at the same time. JavaScript Contract = web3.eth.contract(ABI); Instance ='0x162b74ea16da6ae9d7f7b349eaeab2fcadf4e835')...
Mars Robertson's user avatar
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Safely and simply withdraw all the balance of ETH from a wallet

I'll have a large of wallets, potentially, from which I'll be needing to withdraw ETH, and tokens, from time to time to the central, admin wallet. By a script, once a week. Instead of having to ...
Kyell's user avatar
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How do I get the Ethereum Object into my NextJS App?

this is my first post here. I have spent the requisite day+ on my own trying all I know with my limited abilities at present, but all to no avail. I come here seeking aid with the following issue then:...
BodiAugustus's user avatar
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Exchange deposits using smart contracts and externally owned accounts

While researching how different exchanges handle user deposits, I noticed a stark contrast between several prominent exchanges. Kraken: Exchanges like Kraken use newly generated deposit addresses (no ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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How to convert transaction's inputs to readable values?

I've got the following transaction's input: { name: 'trade', types: [ 'address', 'uint256', 'address', 'uint256', 'uint256', 'uint256', ...
Erik's user avatar
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Watching the transaction of an external account using smart contract

Is their any way to execute a function of smart contract whenever a transaction to a predefined external account occurs? I mean if someone transfers some ethers to account A, a function of a smart ...
Aniket's user avatar
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I sent pepe from MetaMask to

I sent pepe coin from my MetaMask address to my eth address it’s showing as completed but the it’s not showing this on my balance or can’t see it. Yet on ethascan it’s showing as a token? ...
Jonny's user avatar
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Is it possible to distinguish users, who send tokens/eth on single address?

I know that the easiest way is to generate new address for every user and then withdraw token/eth from it, but this requires additional tx fee payment. Is there any way how I can determine users by ...
unicorns4re4live's user avatar
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Strange automatic transaction after receiving ether

I created 2 wallets from my geth node for test how send transactions works, and sent some gwei to the first one from binance. I wanted to transfer ether from the first wallet to the second. I checked ...
Minebot's user avatar
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Does Ethereum 2.0 support 100K TPS per shard or totally?

Hello recently i read that Ethereum 2.0 will handle 100K also i read that it will support 64 shards. Thus i think that the 100k TPS is an estimation for a total of 64 shards not 100k per shard because ...
Mixalis Navridis's user avatar
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Sending entire ether balance to another wallet

I found the same question but it was asked over 4 years ago but it doesn't seem to work anymore? How do I send the entire ether balance from one account to another account? const Web3 = require('web3')...
Little Ball's user avatar
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What does to way multi approval transaction?

I am going to running swap transactions. At first, we are going to running an approval transaction. And then we are going to running a swap transaction. These repeat. I made the transaction data. ...
Alex Weber's user avatar
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Tracking origin of a transaction

I´m new to ethereum and as far as I understand you only have one address for a given ethereum wallet. So how do you make sure from whom you received any ether? To explain my problem a bit. Using ...
Michael's user avatar
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Stuck ERC-20 Transaction - reversal did not work

I tried two days ago to send some BAT and ETH to my Coinbase account from my Klever Wallet (which, after this, I will never use again - they seem to be living in 2015 with the gwei fees they charged). ...
Danny's user avatar
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Transfer loan to other wallet

Say I have deposited to the y-pool at and staked the corresponding crv tokens at the gauge. Is it possible to transfer that "loan" to another wallet without unstaking?
K. N.'s user avatar
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Recover Lost Funds from Botched ETH Deposit Without Access to Private Keys?

I'm using the wei approach (4 right-most zeros) as a marker to track user deposits on my site. In short, every user on the site is told to append a custom amount of "wei" to every deposit ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Maximum GAS price

When I launch an Ethereum transaction, I have to choose how much WEI I am able to pay for one GAS. This is a "bid" concept: If my transaction is very important and if I want to run it ...
Bob5421's user avatar
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What happens to the missing coins in this transaction? Copy paste this code into remix to reproduce my original bug. Thank you

pragma solidity ^0.4.24; contract TheCaseOfTHeMissingCoins{ string public name; string public symbol; uint8 public decimals = 18; address public owner; mapping (address => ...
mdso's user avatar
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How can I parse local Ethereum blockchain?

I need to parse live Ethereum blockchain to retrieve all transactions that belongs to particular smart contract's address. So my general question is how can I do it properly? My thought about it so ...
Erik's user avatar
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Smart Contract Transaction Receive on Blockchain Wallet

I received a transaction coming from a smart contract but Wallet does not allow to use funds coming from smart contract. I tried to import my private key on MyEtherWallet but the ...
Samy Hussein's user avatar
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Ether missing after Etherli transaction, Internal Transaction?

I'm new in this world and already have a problem with my ETH, hope someone can help me.. I used the wallet of but saw another wallet for my phone. So I did a transaction of 2ETH from Etherli ...
user10292's user avatar
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How to fix this? "This txn hash was found in our secondary node and should be picked up by our indexer in a short while." Guys, this transaction has been like this for 6 hours. It says "should be picked up by our indexer in a ...
Desintegration's user avatar
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Is it possible to know all transactions of buying or selling a certain coin within trading platforms like kucoin ...?

Is it possible to know all transactions of buying or selling a certain coin within trading platforms like kucoin ?
jon's user avatar
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How to send entire account balance to another address on Base

The below code is what I used to transfer entire account balance to other address on the ERC20 network and it works fine on it, but not on Base. Maybe it's because Base has different transaction fee ...
Zero's user avatar
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Replacement fee too low, Base Sepolia

This is the code I have for sending a transaction on Base Sepolia. I am using this to split the balance in my account into two halves and sending each half to an address one by one. export async ...
Zero's user avatar
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How to take the money from the bidder's wallet when the owner accept the bid

I am asking about the bidding system of nft in opensea. When the user participate in a bidding , the user enter a bid amount but the amount would not transfer at that time. The money will transfer ...
unni krishnan's user avatar
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Why I can't send ether through this code?

I have written the following code for testing. I can successfully send dummy ERC20 tokens by calling the createSwap function on contract A by whitelisting the contract addresses on goerli For test ...
noubidev's user avatar
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Why my test net transactions (created from dart using web3dart) are not getting through?

I have used web3dart to create a few ethereum transactions. All of them are getting stuck in pending. For example:
user123798's user avatar
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How to get and decode logs of all transactions of a block in web3?

How to get and decode logs of all transactions of a block in web3? My question is very similar to: Is there a way to get the logs for all transactions in a block? But the suggestions were given using ...
Alison Silva's user avatar
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Eth Blockchain API call - GET token price at a particular DateTime or block number

I'm trying to build a simple web app for personal use to track my dex trades (UniSwap only atm). I've been looking at some ETH APIs that are available; Etherscan API, Ethplorer API and Blockfi API. I'...
Timmy12321's user avatar
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Slight MEV ETH transaction

Thorswap integrates 0x as a liquidity provider on Ethereum. A user reports getting much less than anticipated on this transaction:
Oleg Petrov's user avatar
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Transfer fail, from Ledger-Nano-wallet to

I have sent ETH from Ledger Nano to BISONApp wallet. The transaction was confirmed. Unfortunately nothing arrived on the new wallet. Can anyone look inside the transaction history and tell why? I am ...
laborheld's user avatar
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identify past malicious transitions on blockchain?

Do you know any way to identify past malicious transitions on blockchain? Like if you see a large number of transactions going to a single address, or if you see transactions that seem to be moving ...
Nad3r Verse's user avatar
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Sometimes getting error Insufficient funs for gas * price + value?

I use Goerli testnet and I make the transaction compatible with EIP1559. I also use from etherscan gastracker api for getting desired low, average, and high values for maxFeePerGas. Issue is sometimes ...
mjdimn's user avatar
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why cant smart contract receive ether like externally owned account without a receive/fallback function?

why do smart contracts requires a receive function to accept ether? what prevents the smart contract from receiving ether like an externally owned account(EOA) directly without any functions? What was ...
Bobby Sebastian's user avatar
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Conversion from Wei to Ether gives different results

I'm trying to analyze the transaction of this contract, but sometimes when I try to convert from wei to ether value of tokens I got comma in different position than expected. This is how I proceed: 1)...
giacomomaraglino's user avatar
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Is it possible to write a smart contract that distributes the ETH from a NFT sale to several users whose share depends on the token amount they hold?

I'm new to solidity but I'm determined to learn. My question is, would it be possible to issue a custom token with a maximum supply of 100, which would act as shares? And then for the smart contract ...
SolidityDev285's user avatar
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.01 ETH bounty to whoever can help identify where I sent my ETH

Back in Feb I sent my ETH somewhere (to one of my wallets or an exchange) to update my hard wallet firmware. I'm normally ultra-careful and send test transactions but I may have been intoxicated when ...
Emer's user avatar
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Access control in ethereum

Can you let some nodes in ethereum network have only view access while others can to mine blocks and add them to blockchain? Can the miners be authorized nodes only?
Byakuya Kuchiki's user avatar
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Payable Function Solidity - What is the error: The transaction has been reverted to the initial state

'm trying to make a simple transaction between two parts (Supplier and Producer). First I make the contract deploy, then I defined the amount (that will be 1) and I make the transaction ->Amount ...
LuCast's user avatar
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Gather funds from multiple wallets

I have many separate wallets thats all holds less or equal amount of ETH than average transaction fee. Is there any way to collect those funds besides hoping a transaction with low fee will be ...
timhok's user avatar
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Geth send full account balance and automatically calculate gas price and costs

I'm struggling with transferring 1 ETH to an address using Geth console. I used all sorts of codes and examples I found online, but it all returns "insufficient funds for transfer" or some ...
Mark G's user avatar
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How are transactions classified that cause a smart contract to send ether to an EOA?

Let's say I send a transaction to smart contract which functions cause Ether to be send to another EOA. The Ether that the EOA receives must obliviously stem from a transaction. How would that ...
truongvu3's user avatar
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What's the difference between Binance ERC20 and Coinbase ERC20 ...?

As a newbie I made a mistake whilst transferring btc to from Binance and Coinbase. My mistake was I didn't check the receive address with Coinbase and it defaults to eth and I wanted to send btc to ...
Arif Malik's user avatar
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Reduce gas costs with longer block confirmation times (like in Bitcoin)

In Bitcoin, fees tend to decrease as you target longer block confirmation times. For example, a standard transaction with 1 input and 2 outputs has a fee of approx. $3.06 for confirmation within 6 ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Is minting gas through still efficient to reduce Ethereum gas costs?

A SE user suggested using to mint gas when fees are low in order to save on gas when fees are high. However, I'm wondering if there's any benefit of doing this today. According to ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Can a transaction hash be used to identify the sender of a payment?

A user suggested using a transaction hash as a way to track user deposits (especially for ECR20 tokens): The major issue arises when you start accepting erc-20 tokens as payment, in that case when ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Why is sending ETH from multiple accounts in a single transaction deemed a "security hole"?

A user on Ethereum SE posted the following As you noticed, there is no way to send a single from multiple addresses. There is always just one sender. For Ether transfers the Ether value is always ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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How to find out what happened with a contract transaction

I have a question regarding one transaction which happened at the 17th of January 2018: It should be ...
Peleke's user avatar
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