In this I have set modifier (msg.sender == sellerAddress) which is not valid. But in this scenario, I want to allow only and only sellerAddress to take ether from my contract. How can I allow only seller address to do this. As well as which kind of inputs I have to enter while executing contract?

contract ContractDemo {
    address public buyerAddress;
    address public sellerAddress;
    uint public price; //price or charge for delivering parcel

    modifier onlyBuyer() {
        require(msg.sender == buyerAddress);

    modifier onlySeller() {
        require(msg.sender == sellerAddress);

    constructor(address payable _sellerAddress) public payable {
        buyerAddress = msg.sender; 
        sellerAddress = _sellerAddress;
        price = msg.value;

    function deliveredParcel(address payable _seller) onlySeller public payable returns(bool) {
        require(msg.value == price);
        return true;
  • As per my understanding of your code, function deliveredParcel(address _buyer)onlySeller public payable returns( bool){ require(msg.value == price); _seller.transfer(msg.value); return true; } Can you explain your problem statement detail Commented Jan 8, 2019 at 10:25
  • The modifier is not working because some conditions are not possible to execute. Also inputs given by me is not correct, that is the exact problem.
    – Rudrika
    Commented Jan 8, 2019 at 11:07

1 Answer 1


Call the deliverParcel function using the seller address then the modifier will work fine. The function will be like

function deliveredParcel()onlySeller public payable returns( bool) {
    require(msg.value == price);
    return true;

OR Change the modifier to this

modifier onlySeller(address seller){
    require(seller == sellerAddress);

Respectively the function will look like this

function deliveredParcel(address payable _seller)onlySeller(_seller) public payable returns( bool) {
    require(msg.value == price);
    return true;
  • Thank you so much.... It worked for my contract. Using some modifications in modifier onlySeller(){}.
    – Rudrika
    Commented Jan 8, 2019 at 11:09

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